
Starting in Tensura Never felt so Good!

Garou Fang, an 18-year-old orphan, dies and reincarnates into his anime counterpart in the world of Tensura. His first motive was to get strong beat some kids and clap some booty, in-hindsight become a SIGMA CHAD. Let's watch on a complete sadistic, crazy-ass monkey who has some fun in a world where power makes right. I have no clue what to write for a synopsis so yeah..... |The first few chapters aren't great, mainly because I haven't written anything in my life and secondly I didn't have enough information about any cannon elements...| (I only own my OC.............)

Daoof30Forced · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Battle Tendances!

[3rd P.O.V.]

~Desolate Planet~

Loud explosions were heard throughout the planet, as four beings capable of destroying planets were fighting one being as if their lives depended on it. The first to attack was Guy, she wanted to test her power against someone who she wouldn't have to hold back against. Rudra was strong, but compared to her going all out, it was far from adequate to hold her off.

Guy made up her mind deciding to use everything she has in one full-blown attack. One swing of her sword that she believes could at least wound her lover, sounds traumatizing but both of them complimented each other unbelievably well.

Unleashing {Ultimate Skill:Wrathful King Satanael} at 100%, adding her other ultimate she gained during those years sparring with Garou, her magicule count that was already equal to True Dragons skyrocketed causing the gravity of the planet to multiply dozens of times.

{Ultimate Skill:God of Swords, Futsunushi}, allows its user to perfectly wield a sword, in other words directly turning into a Sword God themselves. This skill when used somewhat negates {Ultimate Skill; Wrathful King Staniel}, a swordsman's mind is to be in a state of calmness at all times added that the skill itself ranked lower, God and King.

Guy used this skill as soon as Wrathful King Satanael reached 90% of its true potential, she was able to negate the side effect of the skill enough to keep her sanity. The planet's gravity returned to normal, only to increase substantially once again.

The angrier Guy gets the stronger she becomes, meaning every time she gets angry it gets negated for her to keep sanity but her power always rises. She stood in a way a Master Swordsman would, experienced and calm waiting for Garou to make a move as her maid's frills blew in the calm wind.

After seeing her partner going all out, Velzard used {Ultimate Skill:Patience Lord Gabriel}, the effect of this skill allows her to decelerate the momentum of anything, even the molecules in the atmosphere will come to a halt if used effectively.

She stood there freezing the water vapours in the atmosphere creating an icicle spear which she strengthened with Concept Fixation, a sub-skill of Patience Lord Michael.

Fighting her partner almost every day Velzard became used to using her human form more so than her True Dragon form. She, with the help of Garou and Guy's harsh spars, created a spear technique.

She hasn't reached enlightenment yet but she's without a doubt the best spear user in the world of Tensura right now. Pointing her ice spear forward she lowered her body's centre of gravity and went into a full sprint.

Planning to use everything in her arsenal she sprinted past Guy, whose face didn't flinch one bit. Velzard appeared in front of Garou, she used {Ultimate Skill:Envious King Leviathan} directly as her spear connected with Garou's chest, only for her spear to go directly through his afterimage.

Garou appeared in front of Rudra, slowly raising his hand, to the others it looked as if he did this simple movement in an instant, waving his hand in a motion similar to Escanor's 'Divine Sword'.Rudra, fully equipt with his Divine Sword Star, a golden armour of sorts and on the verge of using {Ultimate Skill:Justice King Michael}.

A blur phased in front of him, his God Tier Sword that he was guarding with and his Armor were cleanly sliced in half. As his armour began breaking into pieces blood trailed down as well. Garou disappeared as an enraged Velgrynd, destroying the spot he stood in making sure to attack away from Rudra.

Velgrynd, enraged, transformed into her Dragon form, utilizing her skills {Ultimate Skill:Charity King Raguel}, she aimed directly towards Garou, opened her mouth and fired an extremely concentrated light breath.

Garou, pointed his palm forward, [Combat God:Reverse Collision, Continent}, he took a forward stance, as the beam of light came into contact with his arm, it did a full 180 headings directly back to Velgryd. She was already on the move, trying the pounce on Garou.

Using her ultimate skill on herself she used Cardinal Acceleration, reaching speeds that were supposed to be impossible to evade when she appeared in front of the man she deemed as dangerous to her love.

As the fight raged on, it became apparent that the Group of Powerhouses had no chance of winning. Even Velzard's full-powered suspended world had little to no effect on Garou. Every attack no matter the kind, physical, magical or spiritual were all deflected by Garou.

Guy, during the entire confrontation, stood still, her power was steadily increasing. Other than Garou, who appeared behind her from time to time lewding his maid, increasing both her anger and lust, anger contributed to making her already World+ level of power reach the Solar System in a matter of hours.

Garou toying with the two True Dragons who were trying their utmost best were forgetting Rudra. They knew his wound wasn't fatal in any way, Velzard concluded it was to make her sister angry since she always hears Garou complaining to Guy about not having strong opponents to fight.

Refocusing on the matter at heart, she collects a fist directly to her jaw, her eyes lost their pupils for a fraction of a second but returned quickly.

Deflecting every attack coming his way directly back to their owners. Fighting for hours on end, the planet slowly was on its way to exploding on itself. That's when Guy made her move. Garou sensing Guy's move teleported Rudra back to the ice castle as he knew all hell was about to break loose.

Standing firm in front of an amalgamation of colours, Velzard firing ice spears the size of countries, Velgrynd opening her mouth from behind him letting out a roar powered by her ultimate skill and Guy swinging her rainbow-coloured sword...as she jumps her mini skirt raised showing her...naked lower lips...Ignoring her teasing Garou's back straightened, he adorned a serious facial expression, pointing his pinky finger out he spoke. "[Divine Sword:Pinky Promise]!]

Guy's sword and Garou's Pinky connected, dispersing both True Dragons' attacks, the planet finally exploded killing the two of them, as they dispersed into particles making their way back to the Tensura universe. Guy and Garou, still were in a stalemate, more or less Guy struggling to keep up with the power her opponent was dishing out, with his pinky might I add.

Guy seeing her attack having no effect pushed harder and harder, causing her already pissed off expression to turn worse. Even if she lost again she never liked losing, why did she become strong in the first place, not to fucking lose. With new determination she pushed forward, every ounce of demonic, magical no matter the energy she pushed it forward.

A thin layer of dark red armour-like substance covered her sword, lightning even erupted from her sword. All her attempts at victory, in the end, were futile. Forcing every once of her being into the attack she held on longer than expected.

Guy created a barrier with her magic as she lay on her chest tired beyond belief. Closing her eyes for a second, she sighed only to find herself in a different place entirely.

Her sword in hand she stood up recovering her magicules fairly quickly, though her physical aspects were still worn out...and about to be worse. Garou appeared in front of Guy grabbing her sword, storing it inside a dimensional storage unit he threw off his sandals and pushed her backwards on top of the King Sized bed.

He began taking off his shirt, only for his pants to be pulled down first. His 9-inch long dragon slapped Guy's face as if saying 'taste me', she took the head of the dragon kissing its lips only to be yeeted back in the middle of the bed. Garou jumps on top of Guy, beginning a quick makeout session, as Garou rewards his maid for her hard work, not leaving the soundproof room for 19 days, much to the dismay of Velzard.

Breh................I'm bored.

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