
Starting in Douluo Dalu with Xianxia System

Starting in Douluo Dalu

TrueDragonSS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Meeting Meng Yiran

Gu Xiao remained seated as he waited for his order to arrive.

Meanwhile, some people were whispering to each other a few tables away.

"Uncle Chen, did you find anything unusual?" a middle-aged man suddenly asked.

"Hmm... I don't know if I can consider this unusual, but that man over there made me curious!" The man named Chen replied.

"Oh, someone who made Uncle Chen curious, can't be an ordinary person!" The man said after listening.

"Fengzhi, that man is only Level 30, but the order he made exceeds 20,000 Gold Coins, I overheard it while scanning the entire area with my Spirit Power, don't you think that's unusual?"

The man named Chen suddenly said, these two men are Ning Fengzhi, leader of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, the man beside him is Chen Xin, one of the two guardians of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, a Level 96 Super-Douluo, also known and respected as Sword Douluo!

"It's really unusual for a Level 30 Soul Master to carry such an amount of money, and only spend it on food... Maybe he's from some big family and is out training!"

Ning Fengzhi then said, it wouldn't be strange if Gu Xiao was from a large family.

"Maybe so, I think I thought too much!" Sword Douluo said next, but he still stared at Gu Xiao with doubt in his eyes.

While this was happening, Gu Xiao was in complete ignorance, he couldn't even imagine such a thing, if he knew that he was noticed by a Super-Douluo just for paying for an expensive meal, he would cry blood.

Gu Xiao started to observe the surroundings, it was very convenient that all the groups of these Clans and Sects present had an identification flag on their tables.

Looking carefully, Gu Xiao spotted well-known sects such as Blazing Academy, Godwind Academy, Skywater Academy, Blue Sunshine Academy, Cryptid Academy among others, he also noticed the presence of the two major sects, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, he didn't even think about them completely averting his gaze... Unfortunately Sword Douluo noticed this action.

Gu Xiao just thought about the other options, he wanted to join a smaller and discreet sect, after all they became enemies in the future, Gu Xiao preferred a sect where he could set up his base and persuade them to follow him in the future.

'Skywater Academy is not an option, firstly because it is an academy exclusively for women and secondly they only recruit the Water and Ice elements, Godwind Academy is also not a viable option for me, even though I have the Wind element...

Blazing Academy is no problem, but it's still an academy that stands out a bit, as for Blue Sunshine Academy, by no means!

I think my best option is the Cryptid Academy... It's not a very big academy, it's discreet, they are also called Alien Academy because they recruit people with strange Martial Souls.

I think it's a good idea to join them, Cryptid Academy is not a soft persimmon, it's run by a Soul Douluo, even the great Clans and Sects respect them... It's decided!'

"Distinguished customer... Here are your orders!"

Gu Xiao was lost in thought, when suddenly the attendant's melodious voice woke him up.

"Yes thanks!"

Gu Xiao quickly regained his composure, after thanking he began to eat and drink, there were 11 dishes in all, all made up of Millennial Soul Beast meat, there were also six bottles of fruit wine.

Gu Xiao was very hungry, he started devouring his meal without reservation... This clearly caught everyone's attention, a rich man who has no manners, most people thought.

Some time later, Gu Xiao finally realized that he was the center of attention, he then immediately corrected his behavior, this sure surprised everyone watching him.

It didn't take long for Gu Xiao to finish his meal, he first went to the reception and paid the bill, he also tipped 300 coins to the woman who served him.

Then Gu Xiao walked over to the table that belonged to the Cryptid Academy group.

There were three people sitting at the table, a man in his mid-30s, a woman who appeared to be the same age, and a younger woman, perhaps between 15 and 17 years old, she had short blue hair, eyebrows and eyes also blue, her face was beautiful beyond measure.

Gu Xiao wondered who the younger woman might be, considering that it was six years before she bumped into Shrek Academy in Star Dou Great Forest, she was currently at Level 20, the other two were both at Level 45.

"This friend... How can we help you?"

Before Gu Xiao could look away from the younger girl, the man asked.

"Oh, sorry... Hello, my name is Yun Xiao, I would like to join your Cryptid Academy!"

Gu Xiao replied, he didn't mince words, he just said it directly, after all that was his intention, he didn't speak loudly, but everyone in the restaurant could hear.

"Fengzhi, what do you think? Should I just kidnap this man?"

Sword Douluo whispered to Ning Fengzhi, he considered several things since he noticed an anomaly in Gu Xiao earlier.

"Uncle Chen, there's no need, he's already decided who to join, what's the point of trying to force him? Besides, we don't even know his origins, we don't need to create enemies!"

Ning Fengzhi replied, Ning Fengzhi may just be an auxiliary Soul Master, but his brain works much better than most Title Douluo.

"Humph, I'll keep an eye on him, if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, we can just rip our faces off!"

Sword Douluo snorted, if anyone knew that the respected and famous Sword Douluo said such phrases... They would probably wonder about life.

Ning Fengzhi beside, could only sigh in helplessness, he is the clan leader, but his guardian doesn't listen to him much.

While this was happening... At the Cryptid Academy table, both three people were surprised, for a while they were lost.

"If you want to join us, it's not impossible!"

Suddenly the younger woman uttered a few words, this woke the other two.

"Hm, let me hear about it!" Gu Xiao said next.

"You need to tell us your level, your age, your Martial Soul and lastly... Why did you choose us?"

The girl said, she sounded very direct and obstinate.

"That can't be done here, besides I'd rather get my third Spirit Ring before showing them... In that case, could you guys just give me something I can show you when your Cryptid Academy?"

Gu Xiao said, he couldn't expose his Martial Soul or his Spirit Ring right now, if others saw that his Spirit Ring is nearly 10,000 years old, he would become the target of all forces!

"You decide young miss!" x2

After hearing what Gu Xiao said, the three of them first looked at each other, as if they were waiting for them to express their opinions, after a few moments, they both said it at the same time.

"I knew... Well I'm Meng Yiran, granddaughter of the dean of Cryptid Academy, that's my token, our academy is located on the outskirts of Suotuo City, when you come to us, just show the token and they'll let you in !"

Meng Yiran said, there was a little dissatisfaction in her voice, her seniors left the decision for her to make.

"In that case, I really appreciate it, I'll retire now, see you soon!"

Gu Xiao just took the token and left, he left the restaurant quickly, and headed to the Luminous Hotel.