
Starting in Ancient Era

After an untimely death, a soul got transmigrated with a cheat in ancient China. This chaotic time was riddled with bandits, tribal warriors, and feudal armies running rampant. The warring state periods seem never-ending with seven kingdoms sought for dominion. And he was there, stuck in this era trying to lead a peaceful life with a harem of beauties. -—- Disclaimer! This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental. -—- World: A Step into the Past(Kingdom) No NTR or Rape. Tag: [Reincarnation], [Kingdom Building], [Crafting], [Historical], [Harem], [R18], [Magic], [Overpowered]

amethystore · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Escape from Handan

Ch13. Escape from Handan

Xue Jun entered the mansion and immediately scrunched his face as he smell something very unpleasant. He shook that unpleasant face right away as two maids guided him to one of the courtyards. They led him to a bathroom and tried to open his clothes.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"We ..., we're sorry sir, but Lady Ya prefers if you clean yourself first before seeing her." one of the maids explained.

"I never actually agreed to all this ..., my men are all waiting for me. Tell me what is her business with me and I'll see to it If I can."

The maid exchanged glances with each other before one of them turned her head and asked, "Did good sir not know?"

"Know what?" Xue Jun stated a bit irritated. Even that soldier didn't say anything to him on his way here.

After sometimes hesitating, the maid enlightened him of his innocence.

"Urmm ..., Lady Ya has invited you Sir Xue Jun to spend the night with her. If my Sir performance satisfies the lady, maybe she will keep you as one of her lovers."

Xue Jun's brain short-circuited at this new information.

"The ... what?"

"Mister may not know this because you are not from Handan. Ever since Lady Ya's husband, Lord Zhao Kuo, died in the Battle of Changping nine years ago, Lady Ya has been hunting handsome men every day to become her intimate guests. You are such a lucky man, Mister. So please, let us bathe you and make you more presentable in front of the lady."

'The fuck is this? Isn't this basically what His Eminence said about something that is a man without honor, a gigolo? This is ..., this damned widow wants me to become her fuckboy?!' Xue Jun was enraged.

He clenched his teeth and now he understand why he felt incredibly agitated the first time he entered this place. This place is filled with traces of carnal indulgence, a place where men and women fucking and copulating like mindless beasts.

Xue Jun was an ex-bandits, and at that time he always let go of his anxiety and distress by engaging in the pleasure of the flesh. However, ever since he turned into a Blood Demon, he for somehow began to despise this act. It's not that he hates sex, it's the excessive and wanton act that disgusted him.

Well, his Lord's story also plays a role in instilling that mindset. Especially the story of Adam and Eve, the first ancestor of humans. Now, he thinks of sex as a ritual of the connection between two bodies and one soul. He saw it as a form of conformation and affirmation of the separate body that was once one complete piece.

And those who ruined these sacred rituals as a form of enjoyment. Indulging this act without considering or thinking of whoever the other party is, then he would consider those people lesser than animals.

'Fuck this shit, I'm out.' Xue Jun shook his head and there was no need to think about it anymore, he took back his robe and wear it back.

"Sir, wait ..., where are you going!"

"Sir, please, Lady Ya will not condone this. Please return immediately!"

"Nah, tell that woman that I'm not interested in doing this." Xue Jun walked out from the courtyard with a large stride.

He immediately go to the stable and mounted his horse. When he was about to pass the gate, the guards suddenly got alerted.

"Guards, stop that mister!" the maid shouted at the guardsmen.

"Stop right there!"

"Get down from the horse, now!"

The guards pointed their sharp iron polearm at him. Xue Jun was unfazed and just unsheathed his Stone Sword +10. While it was weird to wield a sword carved from a stone, he could feel the strength seeping into his bone. In all his life wielding various weapons, this stone sword is the hardest and sharpest of them all.

"Step aside ..." Xue Jun said while he assessed the situation.

If he continues raising this conflict, he might become a wanted person in Handan. It would be bad for his Lord's business, but he also has pride that refuses to let himself become a man without honor. In this internal battle between honor and responsibility, Xue Jun chooses to uphold his honor as a man rather than complete his responsibility as his Lord's subject.

"Haha ..., is that, am I seeing it wrong? Your sword, is that made of stone?"

"Hahaha ..., what the hell?! In my lifetime, this is the first time I get to see a stone sword!"

The guards who has finished encircling him all laughed seeing the bizarre sword. They never saw a sword made from a stone before. Stone as a material is hard, difficult to shape, and they're kinda fragile. It was not a good material for weapons of war. Even sword for practice uses wood as they're easier to shape and more ductile.

"Dismount now, merchant! Or else ..., we will skewer you along with your horse."

Xue Jun just rolled his eyes at that threat and started charging. He swung his hard stone sword to the spear shaft first, cutting it in one clean sweep. Xue Jun then pulled the rein and charged to escape the encirclement.

As he rides his horse, a bat can be seen flying from beneath his robe. The little night creatures flew over to the mansion, entered the highest lodging, and perched on a high ceiling.

"Get the horse and catch that man! I don't know who he is, but if Lady Ya wanted this man to be here, then he cannot go! Move now!"

The mansion guards started running to the stable and getting to their horses. Because of the commotion on the outside, Lady Ya who was sipping a newly brewed tea frowned and turned to the maid.

"So noisy, what's with the commotion? You there, go find out what happened!"

"Y-yes, Milady."

The maid hurriedly rushed out and called a nearby guard, she asked what has happened. The guard didn't know too, he just saw that the man took a horse from the stable and then walked out. A maid called after the guard and encircled him. But he escaped and that's it.

She then go to the courtyard where the guest would take a rest. She then asked for the maid who was responsible for taking care of that man. And after getting the information needed, she returned to the spacious room and reported back to Lady Ya.

"How dare he!? A mere merchant and yet he dares to refuse to spend the night with me! If it's not because I fancy his looks and these goods have intrigued me, how could I ever glance at someone so lowly in stature as him?!?"

Lady Ya got riled by the audacity of this merchant as she throw the expensive porcelain cup to the wall.

"Send all the men to chase after him! No matter what, I want him in my chamber tonight!" Zhao Ya commanded while still fuming inside.

In all her life, she has never for once met someone so disregarding and disrespectful as this. Not only this Xue Jun didn't want to meet her, but he did so after knowing the purpose of her invitation.

Not interested he says?! Is she not beautiful? She is the 'Jewel of Handan'! The prettiest woman in this city! How can someone dare to not spend the night with her when she asked for it? It will be his honor and blessing for all of his life to get her attention and receive such an invitation.

After taking a calm breath, Zhao Ya began to think of a devious plan to make this Xue Jun submit to her.

"Huhu ..., who knows, maybe you'll be my new toy after this." she chuckled as the blissful thought about the possible future filled her head.

That thought has been planted in her head and she started fantasizing about how to torture this audacious man. Her pussy got drenched wet at the thought, and she started fingering it. Waves of pleasure assaulted her as she let out a melodious moan, she grabbed her perky breast and played with her nipple. As time goes on, she felt unsatisfied with just three fingers, she grabbed a bronze toy to fill her cave and continue to masturbate.

Unaware that all this time, there's a little bat who has been observing and listening to her.


Xue Jun rode his horse and maneuvered towards the last spot where they split up. It hasn't been that long anyway, they still are there probably. After carefully riding the road as if not to crush or stepped a civilian, he finally reached the marketplace outskirt.

There, only around half a dozen men were guarding the carriage. Xue Jun then asked them.

"Where's the other?"

"Brother Huo Xing brought them to find some beauties ...,"

"And where the hell did they get the money?" Xue Jun asked.

"About that ..., someone named Li Shan a guard of Wu Mansion invited them to come. He will pay all the expenses, or so he said."

"Damn it."

Xue Jun then started thinking about how to proceed with this situation. At that moment, he received feedback from his summoned bat. After he finished reviewing the signal, he clicked his tongue in disgust and annoyance.

"We need to move! Out of this city! Now!"

"But brother Xue Jun, why? Didn't you say we would return the next day?" asked one of the men.

"No time to explain. We get out or the soldiers will be after our head! Let's go!"

They then hurriedly mounted the horse and carriage and then started to move. The group headed toward the brothel, although he didn't hear from the men where the rest are. He could still capture their smell lingering in the air. Following this trace, he then arrived at one establishment.

Xue Jun turned to Gao Zhuo and said to him, "Call the others. If I don't see them in a minute, that means there's no need for them to return back to Ramwell."

"Y-yes, brother Xue Jun."

A man named Gao Zhuo entered the establishment and shouted out the others' names one by one.

Meanwhile, Xue Jun closed his eyes and synchronized his senses with his summoned bat. He used the echolocation on the bat to get information about his surrounding. He found out that the soldiers were busily trying to find him, while some were heading this road.

"They're almost here. Let's go inside and get them out now!"

Xue Jun dismounted from the horse and entered the establishment, he then barged into the private rooms open one by one. The heavy incense and perfume blurred the blood thralls' scent in this place, so this is the only way.

When he opened the door, there were two possible reactions. If it was his own men, then he would be shocked but immediately understand what happened. He will hurriedly wear his clothes back and stood up even though he's in the middle of having good times with the prostitute. If it was the other guests, then they would cuss out and lashed out at them because Xue Jun and co. disturbed the good time that he had.

"Brother Jun, what has happened? Why are you in rush?" Huo Xing asked in a soft whisper.

"The Royal Guards are after me ..., we need to leave this city immediately." Xue Jun stated with a low voice.

"Royal Guards? What did you do? We never stole or rob the royalty, so this must be something of your doing. Brother Xue, what have you done?"

"Is that the first thing you're thinking about? Accusing me that it's all my fault! There's not much time left, the soldiers are chasing after me outside. We need to get the hell out away from this city! Now!" Xue Jun shouted.

"Urrghhh ..., let's go then, but I'll take this woman with me. And you can't stop me brother Jun!" Huo Xing grabbed the waist of a beautiful woman in red.

"Whatever, do as you please ..." Xue Jun sighed and let him take a woman.

Little did he know, that his sentence was like a heaven-sent downpour to the other. They started grabbing the prostitute that served them previously with or without their consent.

The women in Handan were vastly different from the other villages and towns. If they were hunted by some high-ranking people of this city, then so be it, but we'll take some of the women along the way. Their banditry thought pattern was still stuck in their very self, and it was hard to let go of it.

Xue Jun was already mounted his horse. He heard a galloping horse from a nearby alley.

"That's the one, hey you! Stop!"

Xue Jun looked coldly at them and said to one of his men.

"Give me your sword."

The man gave his stone sword to Xue Jun. Xue Jun grabbed the blade near the pommel and throw it away like a javelin.

A sword isn't the most aerodynamic weapon. It won't be effective as a throwing projectile. But the sheer weight of the stone sword made it possible to become a throwing weapon.

The stone sword flew towards the charging horseman. Before he could react, there was an incoming black shadow towards him. He could only feel a great impact on his chest as a stone sword pierced right through his heart.

The horse got panicked and stopped as his rider was one foot away to the ground. And then the horseman in the back crushed the suddenly stopped horse. It becomes a chain reaction as the other horsemen all fell down like a domino.

"Let's go now, quick!" Xue Jun stated to his men.

He glanced at Huo Xing and the others and was baffled seeing them having an unconscious girl in their arm, some even brought two with them.

'Sigh ..., whatever. I hope Young Lord won't be mad at me because of this.' he thought.

They strode the road and go toward the gate where they previously entered. Xue Jun periodically checked the area by synchronizing with his bat. By knowing where his chasers were he could avoid them and maneuver against them.

The others contributed as well to this escape. By using a bow and stone arrow, they shot down the soldiers from the distance. They also killed those who were stationed on top of the wall. They have incredible accuracy in marksmanship especially after becoming a Blood Thrall.

When they arrived at the gate, Xue Jun saw that same gatekeeper who rip his hard-earned money for some 'entrance tax'.

"You, stop right there! You are under arrest for cau-"

Xue Jun ignored Ming Ke the guard by grabbing his collar and banging it toward the closed gate. He did this repeatedly until the wooden gate with bronze lock broke. It was only the locking mechanism that was broken, but even with only that he could already open the gate.

"That's for trying to steal our money ..." he coldly said to the dying gatekeeper. Xue Jun grabbed the coin purse tied to his waist and then proceed with the escape.



They left the town with a mocking warcry. At this moment, they have become renowned in Handan city. Ramwell merchants, a mysterious traveling merchant who sells exquisite premium goods, also were all great warriors. Oh yeah, they were also good looking too.

This chapter's title reminds me of Skyrim's first main quest objective.

Unbound: Escape from Helgen.

amethystorecreators' thoughts