
Starting from Zero as a Banshee (Overlord Fanfic)

The Overlord world gets a new player in the form of a Banshee. Join her on her journey as she goes from a low level starting character and begins to level up with the aid of her system. Kofi Link to donate and join monthly for early chapter releases: https://ko-fi.com/dancematdan Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ehdpPFzrFF

dancematdan · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Racial Abilities

Walking along the road was very productive for Beatrix who had found that she was running into more dead bodies that had been buried by the side of the road or a little further away.

All she could think of was that there could have been some kind of battle that was fought there in the past, people regularly dumped the bodies there since it was a more secluded place or there could have been regular attacks on those that used that road.

Another possibility was that if it was a fantasy type of world then there was likely a risk of being attacked by some kind of animals or monsters.

Those theories that popped up in her mind had caused Beatrix to become far more careful as she continued down the road.

Her experience bar was filling up each time she had harvested a herb or had used her Death Song to let the souls of the dead depart the world for good.

Before she had been taken into the new world that she lived in, Beatrix was someone who had been living alone for a long time and had worked some part time jobs to get by in life.

What she got up to in her usual daily life was that she spent most of her time addicted to video games.

Due to a having a difficult time fitting into different groups during school and college, she had found that escaping into games was something that let her put aside her real world difficulties and she could actually connect to people online better than she could in person.

It was a life that was made up of work, family and whatever online game was most popular at the time until she got into the most recent trend and became addicted to it.

There were times when she would not move from her seat that was in front of her computer screen unless it was to do things that had a higher priority that would pull her away from the game for some time.

There were some nights where she got very little sleep or pulled all-nighters just so that she could progress further into the game that allowed her to get to the point where she could no longer need anything else for that character.

When people have lived that kind of lifestyle for a long time, it is easy for them to build up a natural resistance and cautiousness towards their surroundings and towards other people.

Beatrix may have had some basic social abilities to allow her to get by but she was still quite anxious around others and had worries about things that were outside of her comfort zone.

Being in a new world that was unfamiliar was not exactly a pleasant thing to be excited over for her but it let her be cautious in the way she approached her surroundings and surveyed around her.

The reality of the potential danger she was in was another clear indicator that Beatrix needed to be more alert.

Her Name Identification skill had been active most of the time to keep an eye out for other lifeforms nearby but only some small animals were identified by her.

The Name Identification skill was the type of skill that saw the name and some minor details about those that were within her field of vision like it was showing the minimum amount of their information in the form of their own status window.

According to her guesses system did not display the status of those around her unless she was in a group with them or she was in combat with them and even then, it may only show their health and energy bars.

There were still many things left unanswered so she was trying to figure them out as she was progressing forward.

One of the questions was related to the system and how it would help her grow or would restrict her based on her own choices.

If she chose a path that provided her with the mastery over a certain profession, martial art or spell with the help of the system then was it possible to still be able to learn something without the aid of the system.

If one path was chosen then would the system restrict her from being able to use certain items that did not match what that class was allowed to use.

A system could be an easy way for growth to be able to instantly be provided with new abilities without having to learn them herself but it could also provide certain restrictions too that could restrict her future potential.

There were things that needed to be thought over before level ten came along and she had started to choose her class and specialisations.

If she chose the path of spells then that could be her only specialty that she could possibly make use of but the system would have given her that without her needing to study anything.

There was no effort needed in gaining the different abilities related to each class so long as the levels needed were reached.

If there did exist some form of magic or martial arts skills in the world that she was in then it could be possible to make use of the things provided by the system and to learn other things with her own efforts.

If she was prepared to put in those efforts and had chosen a different path on the system then she was worried that the system would restrict her from doing so.

None of that mattered in the present since she only had a dagger and no skills related to magic or martial arts so she had to rely on her poor handling of a blade and her racial abilities to survive.

Her eyes looked off into the distance before turning to look behind herself where she had seen a small object getting closer and bigger. 'Something is coming.'

Her Clairaudience skill was very useful for improving her hearing and sensing anything approaching but it had an effect on picking up things related to the supernatural and spirits of the dead that others would not be able to perceive.

It had helped her pick up on the noise that came from further away then allowed her to look over before she had been on their radar so she could assess if there was any danger to herself.

She instinctively felt that something was ominous about it and had ran towards the nearby bushes to hide her presence within them.

By the time that a carriage had appeared within her view, it had passed by her and five names had been shown to her.

[Ben Gregory][Sid][Yona][Vincent][Ron]

From what she had seen, the names were mostly just first names without a surname besides there being one among them that was not. 'Since they came in a carriage then it is likely a fantasy based world and most people without a surname are usually commoners or slaves.

Sid, Yona, Vincent and Ron must either be the servants, slaves or retainers of the person called Ben Gregory who has a surname so he could be from some kind of wealthy or noble family.

What worries me the most was that many of their names were in a red font as if indicating that they are dying or something may happen very soon that will put their lives in danger. What I felt earlier was my Precognition telling me not to get involved and is being shown here too?'

The names allowed her to see the basic information related to them but not everyone was displayed in the same colour of font and the more ominous looking ones seemed to have some relation with their present or future state.

A Banshee was able to sense death and danger on a supernatural level so it could be used to avoid dangers on her own life but it could predict that some people were destined to die soon too.

If she got involved or was possibly caught up in those events then it was likely that her own life would be in danger too.

Once the carriage was out of her sight, Beatrix had continued forward until she had come across the carriage that had stopped further up the road where there was more trees and forested areas to conceal many things that happened there.

It could be a perfect place for an ambush but it could be another place where animals or monsters could come from to attack those using the road.

Beatrix had carefully hidden herself and did not get too close before she had used her Clairaudience to listen in.


"Why have we stopped?"

"One moment young master."

The man that was wearing armour and a sword at his waist had motioned for the young master to remain in the carriage as he had motioned to another person that was guarding the carriage too.

They both cautiously moved around their surroundings to check around them but then there was a sudden stabbing pain in the back of one of them as they let out a grunt. "Ugh.. you."

They turned around as they were falling to the ground and the life was slowly fading from their eyes which had shown their disbelief and the betrayal they felt. "Why?.."

The other man had shown a look of guilt as he said. "I had no choice.. they have my family."

His friend and colleague who had fought alongside him for many years was dead at his own hands.

After feeling guilty over his actions, he had sheathed his sword and left the body behind before walking back towards the carriage.

"Hey? Where is Ron?"

"He said he would be a moment."


The others got the implied meaning in his words and accepted them without suspecting anything but it was already too late.

He was in front of the man named Vincent and reached for the sword handle at his waist before turning it on him before he could put up his guard.

The woman that was previously driving the carriage at the front of it had been nearby and screamed. "Kyaa! Vincent! Vincent! Sid! What are you? No.. stop.. please!"

She tried to run away but it was already too late before the sword had pierced through her back.

The only person remaining was the person inside the carriage who was holding onto the door to keep it shut and was trembling inside. "Why.. why Sid.. why?! I treated you all so well so why would you betray me?"