
Starting from the one piece, hunting down the protagonist

The theme of "cruelty" runs through the entire story. This is a destiny game, with infinite cycles only for survival! Whether you're the son of destiny, a destiny antagonist, a reincarnator, or a time traveller, everyone has to endure! Also known as: I Am Destiny, End of Reincarnation, I Want to Become a God. Worlds(until now) 1: One Piece 2:Attack on Titan 3Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba ''''''''''"""""""☢️☢️☢️ WARNING☢️☢️☢️""""""''""""" Our main character is cruel, ruthless, and extremely inhuman, he can do anything for his benefit, he is a monster in human skin. You have been warned. Now don't you guys dare to say why he kills innocent people in reviews since I already told you that he is a monster in human skin. Now enjoy. All credit goes to the author, I am just translating it. Author:农夫一拳 (farmer punch)

translator_sama72 · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

War BGM: Victory

[Successfully hunted down the important supporting character Mikasa Ackerman in the Attack on Titan world. Depending on the situation, congratulations on gaining three dice rolls chances, and +1 luck value]

[Successfully hunted down the secondary character Levi Ackerman in the Attack on Titan world. Depending on the situation, congratulations on gaining one dice roll chance.]

Standing on a giant tree branch, Tang An opened the interface.

Frowning at the instructions above.

Killing Mikasa gives three chances and +1 luck, but Levi only has one chance?

Tang An really wants to ask this golden finger how it calculates important and secondary characters. Levi, humanity's strongest soldier, is considered a secondary character.

Is it based on screen time?

But Levi has a considerable amount of screen time too?

Whatever, he's been dissatisfied with this golden finger for a long time, and even if he asks, he might not get a clear answer.

Let's roll the dice!

The dice spin in the air, the model plane crosses three spaces, and the dazzling light disappears.

Tang An didn't use luck value.

[Special Effect Golden Armor Set.

Explanation: Made entirely of golden special effects, wearing it will autonomously enhance the host's qualities such as wisdom, martial prowess, domineering charm, tactical acumen, and imposing demeanor.

Note: The golden armor is just a special effects projection and does not possess physical defense, cold resistance, heat resistance, etc. You can wear it with a single click.]

Looking at the shiny golden armor on the screen, Tang An's blood boiled slightly.

Armor is like a BMW for men, naturally attractive.


A dazzling golden light appeared, and the golden helmet, earrings, arm guards, chest protector, goggles, and boots automatically assembled around Tang An as if they had a life of their own. The sound of armor colliding during the assembly couldn't stop the blood from boiling.

Tang An looked around after putting it on; it fit well, but unfortunately, there was no mirror.

No weight, no tactile sensation, no physical sensation; it really was just a special effect, only visual!

Walking a few steps on the giant tree branch, the sound of the armor colliding with golden leather couldn't help but make one eager to charge into battle.

At the same time, Tang An's temperament was completely renewed: wise and martial, domineering charm, tactical acumen, kingly demeanor...

"Fancy but not practical. Too bad it's all show."

Tang An was somewhat satisfied! If this set of armor wasn't just a special effect, it would be even better.

In appearance, Tang An seemed to be wearing a majestic suit of armor, but in reality, this armor was just a special effects projection, purely virtual!

No physical properties of the actual armor, just for show.

Perfect for showing off.

Especially in enhancing temperament.

With a snap of his fingers, the golden armor began to fall off and disappear back into the screen.

Tang An could change or remove it at any time.

Although the first item was somewhat lacking, overall, it was not bad.

This is a good sign.

Tang An started the second dice roll, still without using luck value.

The model plane crossed five spaces, and after the light disappeared, another item appeared before him.

[Personal Integrated Intelligent Speaker.

Explanation: Implantable and portable, can be used as a microphone or speaker. Any sound can be transmitted authentically anywhere without side effects...]

Thumbs down!

No explanation is needed.

Tang An's expression was not good.

Giving him a speaker without any music, its only use was as a microphone to amplify sounds.

"There are still two chances."

Tang An started the third dice roll, and the model plane crossed two spaces this time. Tang An used luck this time.

[War BGM Music: Victory

Explanation: Behind every successful man is a BGM that enhances his temperament. The grandeur and spirit expressed by 'Victory' can make countless people's blood boil, producing an impulse to pick up weapons and charge into battle. Its melody is uplifting, mournful, shocking, and passionate...

Note: While playing this BGM for 5 minutes and 20 seconds, your and your allies' strength will be doubled, with a cooldown of ten days.]

Seeing this item, Tang An remained silent for a few seconds, and then his face gradually became strange.

The War BGM Music 'Victory,' as described by the golden finger, was something Tang An had heard in his previous life.

Just as the golden finger introduced, this War BGM 'victory' had a grand and majestic aura, and its melody was uplifting, mournful, shocking, and passionate...

What Tang An paid the most attention to was the last sentence.

While playing this war BGM for 5 minutes and 20 seconds, his and his ally's strength will be doubled.

In other words, under this war BGM, his strength would be doubled.

Even if it's just a short 5 minutes and 20 seconds, and there's a ten-day cooldown, using it wisely could determine life and death.

In Tang An's view, the preciousness of this war BGM is comparable to the Shave and Moon steps.

Especially with that precious 5 minutes and 20 seconds.

Luck really didn't disappoint him.

Moreover, just after getting a speaker, he now gets a war BGM. I don't know if it's really good luck.

Golden armor, speaker, war BGM – they all seem to go together, no matter how you look at it.

"One last chance."

The dice jumped up and down, finally settling on the number six.

This is a very auspicious number.

The model plane crossed six spaces, and when the dazzling light disappeared, Tang An's initially happy expression suddenly froze, and then it became increasingly grim, turning pale.

[Constipation for 30 days

For 30 days, some specific movements will be difficult, with hardened and reduced feces, untreatable.]

Damn it.

Tang An instantly lost his enthusiasm.

He turned off the screen directly and took a deep breath with a gloomy face.

On the other side, the Armored Titan, carrying Bertholdt and Eren, was running rapidly on the plain. Behind them, Armin, Jean, and others were trailing far behind.

At this moment, Armin was still thinking about the female Titan just now.

Combining various signs, that female Titan is definitely not Annie.

Now he is very worried about Levi and Mikasa, especially since the female Titan can create weapons out of thin air, which cannot be explained.

On the other side, Connie, Sasha, and others on horseback were also filled with anxiety.


Bertholdt, standing on the Armored Titan's shoulder, looked at Armin and others in the distance. They could easily catch up, but they always hung far behind without taking action, as if waiting for something.

In addition, Levi and Mikasa are not present; they should be dealing with the female Titan.

Now Bertholdt is also suspecting whether the female Titan is Annie.

"You can't escape."

Eren's hand was still recovering, and he showed unhidden hatred on his face.

"Boom... Boom..."

Suddenly, the earth rumbles, and a dense sound of running appears in the eyes of the armored Titan

"Not good."

Bertholdt turns to look at the large number of mindless Titans rushing towards them, with the disappeared Erwin and other members of the Survey Corps at the forefront.

"Damn, did they deliberately attract mindless Titans to stop us?"

Looking from a high vantage point, they are already caught in a pincer attack.


The Armored Titan speaks, simultaneously covering Bertholdt, Eren, and the back of the neck with his left hand.

He needs to sprint with all his might; they cannot afford to stop here. Otherwise, facing the attacks of mindless Titans and the Survey Corps, they will have no chance of winning.

"All-out assault."

As the Armored Titan's speed increases, Erwin draws his blade and points it straight at the approaching Titan. Behind them, various mindless Titans greedily open their huge mouths, and the two sides collide.

At this moment, the Armored Titan is like a locomotive, and the mindless Titans coming head-on are either sent flying or crushed.