
Starting from primitive world, building the strongest divine kingdom

Enzo ventured into the primitive era, chosen as a priest by the Crimson Star tribe and emerging as the leader, awakening numerous extraordinary abilities in the process. In order to enhance their way of life, extensive reforms became necessary. Mystical sorcery and modern technology advanced hand in hand. While other tribes still dwelled in caves, the Crimson Star tribe had already gained prominence, constructing sturdy brick houses. While other tribes were still using primitive wooden spears and stones, the Crimson Star tribe had forged ahead with iron tools. In the midst of other tribes worrying about food scarcity, the Crimson Star tribe was reaping bountiful harvests of various grains. Furthermore, they possessed an unparalleled army of totem warriors. In response, Enzo, embraced by the luscious temptress and leading the enigmatic cat maiden, earnestly expressed, "I truly only sought to improve our way of life. How did I inadvertently elevate the tribe into a divine realm?" ---------------------- Update Daily! 9 AM PST Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

Doubleyolkeggs · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Surrender of Plunderers

Outside the valley, Mog's expression darkened as he observed Enzo treating others.

Uncertain of how many people Enzo could heal, Mog knew this ability posed a significant threat.Plunderers of the Chew Bone Tribe lacked healers.Any injury meant reduced combat effectiveness.

Therefore, dealing with Enzo became Mog's priority.

Just as Mog prepared to strike, Clara and Tia swiftly intervened, repelling nearby enemies and rushing to Enzo's side, intercepting Mog's swinging blade as fast as possible.

However, Mog's crimson mist caused their arms to burn upon contact.

Clara and Tia retreated to Enzo and warned, "The red mist on him has a strong corrosive effect.Please be extra careful!"

Enzo nodded and proceeded to treat the two individuals,Tia and Clara.

Then he instructed, "Tia, Clara, handle the others of plunderers. Leave him to me."