
The Ziwei immortal Emperor is here

Translator: 549690339

"Right! It was like this!

Remember the corners of these people's mouths. They killed your beloved. Kill them all. "

The inner demon continued to fan the flames in Zhu Jiahong's body.

After knowing that Qing Yan had committed suicide, Zhu Jiahong completely lost his mind, and a large amount of demonic Qi was released from his body.

The inner demon laughed. His scheme had succeeded.

Now was the best time for the inner demon to take over Zhu Jiahong's body.

However, the next moment ...

Just as the inner demon was about to take action, a terrifying force suddenly emerged from Zhu Jiahong's body and instantly wrapped around the inner demon, suppressing it.

"Damn the bloodline of the immortal Emperor!" The inner demon shouted angrily.

At this moment, Zhu Jiahong had already turned black.

Tai Pan's divine body was instantly activated, and the raging flames transformed into countless fire dragons that annihilated everything in the surroundings.