
Chapter 87: The Marriage Certificate Is Revealed, Irrefutable Proof, Who Is Zhu Zhuqing's Fiancé?_1

Translator: 549690339

In the hall of Shrek Academy, Flander and several other middle-aged teachers were feeling a bit of a headache at this moment.

Flander, Zhao Wuji, Shao Xinshao, Li Yusong, and a few other teachers had all been sought after by Dai Mubai. As to why, Dai Mubai naturally wanted to ask them to judge on his behalf.

Every time he thought of his breathtaking fiancee, who was always cool towards him and wouldn't even let him touch her, yet was willing to share a bed with Xu Ran, he felt extremely irritated.

His fiancee, pure and untouched, whose beauty he had never enjoyed himself, and yet Xu Ran, that scoundrel, dared to take advantage of his absence from the Xingluo Empire to sneak in. It was truly shameless.

Zhu Zhuqing was his betrothed, but now Xu Ran was holding his fiancee in his arms, whispering sweet nothings, and they had even engaged in substantive relations. Such an act was against morality, and he didn't believe Flander and the others would shield Xu Ran in the face of such an event.

Even if Xu Ran was a peerless genius, having done such a thing, Flander would surely punish him severely.

"Dean, Vice Dean, and all teachers, you must stand up for me,"

"Xu Ran is a beast..."

"That's my fiancee."

Dai Mubai knelt on the ground, crying out his grievances, his heart filled with bitter anguish. He clutched at Flander's trousers with both hands, determined not to stand unless Flander helped him.

This time, he had been humiliated so terribly by Xu Ran that even his fiancee had been chased away by despicable means. If he couldn't get justice, he might as well be dead.

"Mubai, is that Zhu Zhuqing really your fiancee?" Flander asked in pain, unable to help himself. He was aware of the relationship between the Dai family and the Zhu Clan, but he always felt that there was more to this situation than met the eye.

Zhu Zhuqing, this girl, he had observed in the past few days, and Zhu Qing was not the kind of woman who liked to engage in affairs. And Xu Ran shouldn't be that kind of person, either.

"Dean, it's absolutely true. Zhu Zhuqing is my fiancee. Xu Ran shamelessly got together with my fiancee. I hope the Dean can expel Xu Ran. Xu Ran has a flawed character; even if the academy cultivated him and he becomes a strong warrior, he will only be a scourge," Dai Mubai said, his emotions running high.

Listening to Dai Mubai, the other many teachers looked at him, their heads aching terribly. They hadn't expected such an incident with Xu Ran.

Such a rare genius like Xu Ran would undoubtedly stand at the pinnacle of the entire Continent in the future.

Such a junior is a rarity in the world. With just a wave of Xu Ran's hand, countless women would flock to him and would even lie directly in his bed, waiting for his favor.

Such talent would have brought glory to their Shrek Academy. But now, with such an incident, what should they do? The school motto of Shrek Academy was clear: for such a grave mistake, expulsion was necessary. Did they really have to expel Xu Ran now?

The teachers were pained; Xu Ran was, after all, a once-in-a-millennium genius.

"If that's really the case, then we can only proceed according to the school rules," Flander said, equally heartbroken. Xu Ran was the student he had admitted to the school. He had great hopes for him and even granted him unique privileges such as not having to attend classes and being able to arrange his own schedule freely.

One could say that, in his eyes, Xu Ran alone was worth more than the sum of all other individuals in Shrek Academy. But now, since Xu Ran had taken someone else's fiancee, he had to give Dai Mubai an explanation.

How can a school stand if it can't be fair and just?

"Flander, this, this isn't quite proper," Zhao Wuji couldn't help but say. He valued talent. Xu Ran was not an ordinary genius, someone who could just be dismissed. But a monstrous genius like Xu Ran, who came only once in a thousand years, was irreplaceable once lost.

"Sigh," Flander shook his head. He was a man of great principles. Even if Xu Ran was a genius, if he did something he shouldn't have, Flander would still intervene.

"Dean, Vice Dean, and all teachers." Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing walked into the hall hand in hand, with Xu Ran wearing a black robe, looking gentle and refined, quite charming, and Zhu Qing in a black dress, pure and absolutely stunning. The two walking together looked like a match made in heaven, causing the teachers to feel somewhat reluctant.

Ignoring the marriage arrangement between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai, Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing truly made a perfect match. Zhu Zhuqing already possessed the beauty that could topple states while still a maiden, and Xu Ran was even more uniquely a young genius. A beauty paired with a genius – indeed, a perfect match.

What a pity.

Flander sighed. Today, regardless of whether his words would hurt Xu Ran, or whether they would anger Xu Ran enough to make him withdraw from the school, Flander had to speak them.

"Xu Ran, Zhu Zhuqing, for the two of you to still have the audacity to walk hand in hand. Do you have no regard for your teachers at all? And what about me, what do you take me for?" Seeing Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing holding hands intimately, Dai Mubai was instantly furious, his eyes red as he roared.

Even at this point, they dared to be so blatantly together.


"So noisy."

Xu Ran slapped him directly, and a blood-red handprint immediately appeared on Dai Mubai's cheek.

Throbbing pain surged from Dai Mubai's cheek. The pain was one thing; the deep humiliation was what truly pierced his heart.

This damn Xu Ran, stealing his woman and continuously laying into him.

And now a direct slap to the face.

To hit someone is one thing, but to slap the face strikes at the very basic issue of dignity.

"Dean Flender, look at him. Xu Ran even dares to hit me in front of you," Dai Mubai clutched at Flender's trousers, crying out. At this moment, his heart felt incredibly desolate as if the whole world had abandoned him.

Fortunately, he was in the right this time around, and no matter what, Xu Ran would be punished.

However, the next second, when Dai Mubai heard Xu Ran's words, he was completely dumbfounded and then was so angry he found himself at a loss for words.

"Dean. I accuse Dai Mubai of harassing my fiancée Zhu Zhuqing. Dai Mubai has always been of poor character; he even lusted after Xiaowu last time, and was beaten up by me, hoping that would teach him a lesson. However, I didn't expect that now he would dare to make a move on my fiancée."

"What's more, I didn't anticipate Dai Mubai would have the audacity to play the thief crying 'stop thief', declaring my fiancée to be his fiancée. Such behavior is despicable," Xu Ran stated plainly.

"Xu Ran, you slander me. You spout such shameless lies with wide-open eyes, does your conscience not pain you?"

At Xu Ran's shameless words, Dai Mubai immediately flew into a rage. The betrothal between him and Zhu Zhuqing was an age-old tradition spanning a thousand years. Zhu Zhuqing was his, Dai Mubai's, fiancée – was there any dispute about that?

"This?" Flender and several teachers were also stunned at this moment. That's true, just because Dai Mubai says Zhu Zhuqing is his fiancée, does that make it a fact? Dai Mubai didn't present any evidence.

But, Xu Ran?

All eyes in the hall turned towards Xu Ran.

And Xu Ran, without any hint of panic, took a marriage certificate out of his chest and handed it to Flender.

"Dean, this is the marriage certificate between Zhu Qing and me. The certificate is here, which can prove our relationship."