
Starting as a Class Five Mutant

Syd Castell found himself transported to the Marvel universe, turning into a mutant held in a research facility. He was somewhat panicked... Luckily, at a critical moment, he awakened his mutant ability: 'Imitation,' allowing him to mimic the abilities of others! Imitation Targets: - Orochi (Titles: Sun God, Earth's Will) - Wanda (Titles: Scarlet Witch, Owner of Chaos Magic) ...Imitation Target → Sun God… … Professor X: "We must find him quickly and guide him in controlling his powers to prevent an irreversible catastrophe!" Magneto: "Are you my child???" Thor: "Brother?" Loki: "?" [This is face-slapping kind of fanfic, where the mc goes around gets stronger and slap the sh*t out of his enemies, and so on] [Raw: 美漫从五级变种人开始] www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · Anime & Comics
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196 Chs

Chapter 115

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Boom! Boom! Boom! As nearly a hundred laser beams were about to strike Syd and the crystal was about to engulf him completely, an astonishing scene unfolded under everyone's watchful eyes.

A red glow flashed on Syd's body, and then…

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The laser beams slicing through the air abruptly transformed upon nearing Syd. They changed from energy into matter, turning into multicolored streamers!

It was as if the Sentinel robots were celebrating Syd's birthday, continuously showering him with festive ribbons. Even the crystal covering his body turned into water, sliding off instantly.

The scene fell into a stunned silence.

"What just happened?"

"Is this real?"

Tony blinked hard, trying to clear his mind.

Otherwise, how could he have seen laser beams turning into party streamers? Sentinel robots spraying the kid with streamers? What kind of joke was this? And the crystal on the kid's body turning into water and falling off? Crystal equals water? At this moment, Tony felt like his scientific worldview was being challenged.

Then, his AI, J.A.R.V.I.S., chimed in, "Sir, if this isn't an illusion, then everything you're seeing is real."

"My data also indicates that the scene is accurate…"

Shit, so the unscientific event that just happened might actually be real? Tony's eyes widened in disbelief.

Even J.A.R.V.I.S. was confirming it, leaving Tony unsure of how to make sense of it.

Others shared similar expressions at that moment.

Steve glanced at Natasha and Coulson, clearly seeing the astonishment and shock in their eyes.

Obviously, they had all witnessed the same thing.

Professor Charles and Magneto were equally puzzled, unsure what to make of the situation.

Rational thinking told them such a scene was impossible, yet it had undeniably occurred.

"Could this White Knight have illusion-casting abilities, like the fake Messiah?"

The exaggerated event led them to suspect that what they saw was an illusion.

This thought crossed the minds of many viewers as well, given the precedent set by the fake 'Messiah.'

Among the Dabari Aliens

"This doesn't seem like an illusion," said Margaret, a platinum-blonde with an elegant aura, her expression growing serious as she watched from a distance.

Other Dabari aliens shared similar thoughts.

As a technologically advanced race, they could somewhat distinguish between reality and illusion.

If not an illusion, then what? The Dabari were filled with questions.

Meanwhile, Alessandro and Dr. Bolivar, who had been controlling the Sentinels, finally snapped out of their stupor.

They exchanged glances.

"It must be an illusion. Keep attacking him!" Dr. Bolivar said with a smile.

Alessandro nodded, immediately commanding the Sentinels to resume their assault.

But before they could act, Syd made his move.

Enveloped in red light, Syd felt a strange sensation. Instinctively, he opened his mouth and uttered a phrase.

From a Distance

"What did he say?"

"Anyone who can read lips, translate that!"

Given the earlier fantastical scene, many eyes were on Syd as he floated in the air. When he moved his lips, it was clear he was saying something, but due to the distance and his low voice, it wasn't audible.

Among the Crowd

Tony Stark asked J.A.R.V.I.S., "J.A.R.V.I.S., what did he just say?"

Almost immediately, Tony received an answer.

"Sir, if I'm correct, he said…"

"…Sentinel robots should not exist!"

Tony paused, confused. "J.A.R.V.I.S., are you sure? Did he really say Sentinel robots should not exist?"

As they conversed, Coulson, Steve, Natasha, and others nearby also heard and instantly reacted.

"Sentinel robots should not exist?"

That's what the White Knight said? Coulson and the others were perplexed.

Why would he say something like that out of the blue? Was it out of fear, a desperate utterance before death? Thinking this way, it made sense.

Perhaps the Sentinels' power had driven him to despair, leading to this final, hopeless statement.

Coulson and the others sighed inwardly.

Even though Sentinel robots shouldn't exist, what could they do? They couldn't stop them.

The Captain gripped his shield, resolving to help mutants if their situation became dire.

Though he couldn't stop what was happening now, he could still assist other mutants in the future.

Among the millions of viewers, some lip-readers quickly deciphered the phrase.

Sentinel robots should not exist? The viewers found it amusing.

"He's still in the fight and suddenly says something like that. Is he giving up?"

"Hahaha, maybe he's gone mad from despair. Why else would he say such nonsense?"


As the viewers laughed and anticipated the Sentinels' next attack, hoping to see the White Knight's demise, the unexpected happened.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Nearly a hundred yellow-red laser beams reappeared, aiming at the target.

At that moment, under the watchful eyes of Tony Stark and the millions of viewers, a sudden change occurred!

One by one, the Sentinels turned transparent, and in almost an instant, their entire forms vanished…

Not only the Sentinels, but even the nearly hundred laser beams disappeared, as if they had never existed.

It was as if they never existed in the first place…

(End of Chapter)