
Starting an Empire in DxD world

Somehow I got transmigrated to DxD world and become the older brother Hyoudou Issei. There are many powerful beings out there that can become my potential enemy. Since my brother will be a longinus user, my family will be targeted and that includes me as well. With that in mind, I need to get stronger and build my own force. With that in his mind, with his system, he decided to build his own empire in that world. ____________________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - ??? I'll decide if I want more later on. Release Schedule: 3-4 times/week

Zestia_Einsbern · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 12


I woke up from my deep slumber and saw that it was already morning.


I heard a sweet voice coming from my left side, then looked beside me.

"Suu... suu...."

There is a black haired girl sleeping very soundly next to me, I was confused at first but then I remembered about last night, where this girl, Sona Sitri wanted to stay the night here. I reached for my phone and look at the time, it still 5 AM in the morning. I get up from the bed slowly as I don't want to wake her up, and then continue with my workout routine. Since I woke up earlier than yesterday, I plam to start my workout with jogging around the neighborhood first for 30 minutes and since everyone is still asleep, no one knows that I went outside the house. Not long after I started jogging, Maiev shows up jogging beside me as well, then she reported to me about what she found from her patrol last night.

Maiev had seen a fight between two individuals and described their appearance to me. One of them has a pair of black feather wings behind which is a fallen angel and the other has a pair of bat like wings which is a devil. From their conversation, the devil is actually a stray devil that posses a sacred gear called Sword Birth. He killed a human and had obtained that sacred gear, but the problem here is the human that the stray devil had killed was actually the target of this fallen angel.

That is the reason of their fight yesterday. Since she can turn invisible, she watched their fight from the start to finish without getting noticed. In the end the stray devil won the fight but was heavily injured. Maiev felt that it was her chance to get that sacred gear so she used her 'blink' skill then teleported right behind the stray devil and killed him. With that in the end the sacred gear falls to Maiev hand and now she gave that to me.

What a good start for the day, getting a free sacred gear out of nowhere. I thanked her for this and took the sacred gear. This sacred gear, Sword Birth can take on the appearance of any sword that I can think of. From what I remembered, Sword Birth has the ability to create numerous Demon Swords of different attributes according to the will of the user which is me now.

It can also be used to create countless Demon Swords from any surface at a certain distance from the user that can also immobilize opponents. The sacred gear can also create multiples of the same sword and even pass them among others for them to wield.

I remembered this sacred gear because I thought it was cool in my past life so it left quite the impression on me. When I checked the time, 20 minutes has already passed, so I continued jogging around the neighborhood with Maiev this time for another 10 minutes.

After I finished jogging, I continued with my workout routine outside of the house as I can't use my room right now to do it and finished it at 6 AM. I went back to my house and Maiev said that she will standby in the area around the house.

After I finished all of my workout routine, I went back to my room. When I opened the door to my room, I looked at my bed to check on Sona and she was still sleeping there. I let her sleep more and went to the bathroom to showered my sweat off me.

When I finished showering, I got out from the bathroom with only my short pants on. Sona has already awake by then and when I step to my room, our gaze met.

Her face turned red immediately when she look at my bare body, and then look away from me, while I already used to people seeing my bare upper body so I didn't thought much about it.

"Why are you walking around naked?"(Sona)

"I just showered, and it's my room so there's no problem with that right?"(Tatsuya)

"But I'm right here now, aren't you embarrassed?"(Sona)

"No? Boys don't think much about it in the first place so I'm okay with it, and why should I get embarrassed by showing only my upper body to you? We are technically a couple now even though we haven't married yet. Are you perhaps... embarrassed? Even though you're the one who drag me to this situation, and even spent the night with me on the same bed? You are quite pure huh, Sona..."(Tatsuya) I said, teasing her.

After I said those words, her face turned bright red and her eyes glared at me. She stayed silent like that for a few seconds. I don't know why but I really want to tease her more, maybe this young body affected my judgment and also increase my impulse and recklessness.

I know that she is thinking about how to get even with me, knowing how competitive she was actually. I walked to her and put my face right in front of her and with a soft voice, I spoke to her...

"Why are you being silent, Won't you share about your current thoughts to me, Sona?"(Tatsuya)

"Step back a bit, you are to close, Tatsuya!"(Sona)

"What if I say no? What are you going to do then?"(Tatsuya)

She stayed silent and just stared at me with hey pair of violet eyes. At that moment, my impulse took over me and I went closer to her, put my right hand on her back and pull her closer to me.

It seems she didn't expect me to do something like that so she got surprised and didn't have any time to stop me. She started to yell at me to release her but I didn't heed her words. In the end Sona also stopped and stayed in my arms like that. We stared at each other without saying anything for a few minutes.

And without realizing, my head started to get closer to her till there is only an inch separating us. I looked at her eyes deeply and she also do the same to me. In the end my emotion took over my body and I went in for her lips and kissed her.

When I did that, her eyes opened wide and she tried to resist me by pounding me softly on my chest but that act only got me more aroused. In the end she relented and stopped hitting me, though she's not responding to my kiss. Her hands were clenched tightly on my chest.

I continue kissing her, moving my lips, sucking the lower then changing to her upper lips. Her lips that's not moving are now responding. She also started sucking my lips. I look at her face. Her eyes are still closed shut.

Sona closed her eyes and raised her chin, making it easier for me to kiss her. Sounds of kissing fill the entire room. All of our attention is on each other. I tasted her cherry colored lips, overlapping my lips on hers, I start sucking on it. The original normal kiss started to become more naughty as time passed.

After kissing for more than 10 minutes, I separate my lips from hers. That made her closed eyes open a bit and then she moved her look away from me out of embarrassment.

"Tatsuya... we need to stop this."(Sona) She whispered, but that voice of her sounds so sexy in my ear.

"Let's do it one more time Sona. This time, don't close your eyes and look at me properly."(Tatsuya)

She was quiet at first but then she nodded. I saw myself reflected on it and probably she saw herself reflected on my eyes. In my eyes, she looked so cute and sexy right now. Not wasting any more time, once again I overlap my lips on hers. This time she's responding to my kisses and her hands now moved to embrace me back.

When I feel her getting comfortable to our kiss, I plunge my tongue inside her and start to invade her mouth. That action made her body tensed. I feel my tongue hit her teeth but slowly, she's opening it allowing my tongue to seek hers.

It didn't take long to find her tongue. I immediately entangled it on mine. Sucking on it and tasting her saliva. At first, she just let me do what I want but gradually she also started sucking on my tongue. Sona is now fully accepting my kiss. Our first deep kiss. We continued on it until we ran out of breath.

When we separated. I can see a trail of saliva at the corner of her mouth. I can't resist myself so I lick it before she even notices. She was surprised but I didn't see any resistance. Sona seems also enjoyed our kiss. She's so flushed right now and maybe me too that we looked like drunks.

We just continue staring at each other.I keep my eyes on her but in the end Sona couldn't hold long. Embarrassed, she turned her head away from me.

"It taste so sweet Sona, I feel like I'm getting drunk on you. You are very addicting, Sona..."(Tatsuya) I whispered to her ears.