
Starting Again

When real life divorce and loneliness becomes a fairy tale after a chance encounter with a movie star, Pearl’s life turns into a love triangle she wasn’t prepared for. Rock stardom and romance and getting a second chance at life and love means everything.

CarrieFree · Fantasy
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487 Chs

Chapter 122

"So, is everything a go for this video? The fellas are flying in tomorrow morning and I want to make sure we have a plan. The thought of Blake and Ian running around without structure scares me in this city." Pearl said, drinking a glass of wine by the fire outside.

"All good. I've got it all taken care of. My agent Hank will be here tomorrow along with my assistant, Andre and Matt and Fi. Fi is going to help with blocking and acting. She said she'd make a cameo, also." Rhys smiled. Pearl was thrilled. She loved Fi and knew it would be huge for her to be a part of it.

The guys arrived at LAX and Rhys had a car meet them at the airport, taking them to his house.

"This place is awesome." Blake said, as they walked around. Iris hugged Pearl and told her she had some good information for her later.

Rhys invited them out onto the patio and laid out the next three days, handing them a script and going over the details. "Matt, my director from Knights of Eden, is helping me on this. We have an entire day of in-studio time and a day to shoot at a place I rented, not far from here. It's a small castle in the middle of these Hollywood Hills. Every detail fits the Renaissance design look we are going for and John and talked about it, decided we would use that for the location instead of here. Matt should be here in about an hour with the crew for you to meet. Hair, makeup and costume fittings will be happening today as well as a script walk through. We are using the adjacent house for that. The team will be setting up some lighting and props at the castle house to make it look more autumn like. We shoot there tomorrow and the studio the next day." Pearl listened to Rhys talk and was proud of her husband. He was taking this video incredibly seriously and she had full confidence in him.

The script was incredible. It followed the beauty and beast theme and ended with Pearl turning Ian back into a man again, kissing him before the last autumn leaf fell against the backdrop of a harvest full moon. It was brilliant. The costumes were elegantly goth with full dresses and tuxes with long coats. Pearl loved her character. There would be shots of them filmed as a band, performing the song as well, on a soundstage set up in full fall colors and lighting, candles and the ambiance the song needed. Matt and Fi were already a huge help and Pearl really liked Hank and Andre.

"Girl, I'm no stylist but if you wear all that gorgeous hair up for this video, it will be a travesty" Andre said during the hair pre run. The stylist had pinned it up into a beautiful updo, but Andre was right. It needed to be down. "Thank you." Pearl told him.

"You're quite welcome. My little Holden is a married man now. I never thought I'd see the day." Andre said.

"Oh yeah? Why is that?" Pearl asked, helping take the pins out of her hair.

"Our boy wasn't much a fan of relationships. He acted as though they were...tedious or something. I remember when I told him that I was getting married to my partner, he looked at me like he was scared for me, told me I should think it through. He still came and cheered us on but I'll never forget that his initial reaction was to be worried about me." Andre said.

"Oh." Pearl said, a little shaken and Andre picked up on it.

"You changed that, honey. That's what I'm saying. You must be pretty special to do that." He said, giving her a smile and a hug. Pearl knew Rhys was a consummate bachelor before her and sometimes it made her question how she could have been the one to change him.

After the hair, makeup and costume fitting were finished, Pearl was still in full makeup and hair and had about an hour to get into her dress and shoes and out the door with Rhys for Amber Hallaway's party that night. They were cramming so much in to their trip, Pearl doubted they would have much time to even enjoy the city itself.

"Iris, come talk to me while I try to get this dress on." Pearl yelled outside as she walked back into the main house. Iris and Blake were having drinks by the pool.

"So, tell me what you have." Pearl asked as she took off her robe and started putting on her dress. She was wearing a black lace overlay mini sheath dress with long sleeves. It had a blue and pink floral design and the hem was short, barely passing her panty line. Rhys had picked it out and had it delivered before they arrived. "I don't think I'm going to be able to breathe in this tonight, but, who needs to breathe anyhow?" Pearl sucked everything in as she had Iris finish zipping it.

"It's true. All of it." Iris began. "I got these from her accountant after offering him the payment you suggested. I can't believe how quick these people jump when money is involved." Iris handed her several documents. "Ian said she is going to be there tonight, right?" She asked Pearl. Pearl nodded and looked through what Iris gave her.

"Whoa. I figured there was a reason for her acting the way she has but I had no idea it was this bad" Pearl said as she read through them.

Iris smiled and hugged her. "You're one of the good guys. I'm glad I work for you and I love my job. I just wanted you to know that. You look beautiful." She said.

"I'm glad to have you, too. You are my friend, and I trust you. Have fun tonight and keep Blake out of trouble. We need him to be ready tomorrow." Pearl told Iris as she left the room.

"Wow! You look incredible!" Rhys said as Pearl walked out into the living room, still working on her balance in the 5 inch heels she wasn't used to wearing. Rhys looked amazing, also. He had on a tailored suit with a vest and it made him look vintage and sexy. Ian was also there, dressed in nice pants and a button down, with gold and silver necklaces and rings, wearing a newsboy cap and a leather jacket. He was good friends with Amber's musician husband and had an invite every year to the party. He nodded at Pearl, sharing their secret, and headed to the door. There was a limo outside waiting for them and Rhys took Pearl's hand and asked her if she was ready to go.

"Absofuckinglutely." Pearl said, smiling.