
starting a new in a fantasy world

1. **Introduction to Sam**: Sam is introduced as a young man living in a small apartment, repairing phones for a living. He reflects on modern technology and the impact of VR sets. 2. **Tragic Accident**: While watching the news about a tragic lightning accident, Sam himself is struck by lightning on his balcony. He experiences immense pain and then everything goes dark. 3. **Reflections in Darkness**: Sam finds himself in a blank, dark space where he reflects on his life, thinking about his family, especially his girlfriend Pooja, and regrets he had. 4. **Transition to Reincarnation**: Sam feels a pull towards a dim light and panics, fearing judgment or punishment. He feels sensations that confuse him until he realizes he's being born again. He perceives being wrapped in a white cloth and placed in the arms of a woman, suggesting he might have reincarnated. 5. **Uncertainty and New Beginning**: The story ends with Sam pondering if he has indeed reincarnated, leaving the question open. The narrative mixes themes of mortality, reflection on life choices, and the possibility of an afterlife or reincarnation. It explores Sam's emotional turmoil and his final moments before potentially transitioning to a new life.

red_skull225 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

chapter 12

It was nearly dusk when Steven returned from a long day at the farm, his boots caked with mud and his face streaked with sweat. Alex, his son, eagerly greeted him at the door and led him into the cozy hall where Lucy, and Beth were seated by the crackling fireplace. Steven, still in work attire and visibly perplexed by Alex's urgency, settled into an armchair with a tired sigh.

"Mom, Dad, Mum, today I brought something extraordinary that I can't wait to show you," Steven announced with a hint of excitement. He carefully placed a horned rabbit on a small table nearby, its fur a mix of brown and white, and then reached into a wicker basket hidden behind an old armchair. From it, he gingerly withdrew a sinuous green snake, its scales glistening under the soft glow of the room's lamps.

"A green mamba, nearly at D rank. Can you believe it?" Steven exclaimed, a proud grin spreading across his face as he observed the astonishment on the faces of Lucy, Beth, and steven. They had all heard tales of the dangerous creatures that roamed the outskirts of their village, but to see one up close was an entirely different experience.

Lucy, swallowing nervously, managed to find her voice. "A burning sparrow," she murmured, her eyes flickering between the snake and the horned rabbit.

The surprises continued as Alex, fueled by the reactions of his family, revealed a small clutch of eggs nestled carefully in a padded pouch. Initially, their appearance was unremarkable, resembling ordinary eggs, but Alex's next words sent a shiver of awe through the room.

"These are the eggs of the 'burning sparrow,'" Alex declared solemnly, his voice carrying a weight of reverence and excitement. The revelation left Lucy, Beth, and even Steven momentarily speechless, their minds racing with the implications of possessing such rare and valuable items.

After a minute of stunned silence, Steven composed himself and gently probed, "Tell us about your expedition, Alex."

Alex eagerly launched into a detailed account of his day, describing how he had ventured deeper into the forest than ever before, guided by a mixture of curiosity and determination. He spoke of tracking burning sparrow's nest hidden amidst the gnarled branches of a tree, Alex's voice filled with awe and wonder. He described the fight between green mamba and burning sparrow , how he finished the green mamba, retrieving the eggs from burning sparrow's nest, each one a precious treasure that represented a burning sparrow as a pet in future.

Listening intently, Steven nodded thoughtfully from time to time, his gaze alternating between Alex's animated face and the specimens that now lay before them. When Alex finally finished his tale, Steven spoke with a calm yet firm tone.

"Alex, you know that your encounter today was extremely dangerous," Steven began, his expression serious.

Alex nodded solemnly, his earlier enthusiasm tempered by the gravity of his father's words. "Yes, Dad," he replied quietly.

"And you understand the risks involved in placing yourself amidst the conflicts of these creatures," Steven continued, his voice gentle yet firm.

"Yes, Dad," Alex repeated, his eyes briefly meeting Lucy's and Beth's before returning to his father's steady gaze.

Feeling a surge of paternal pride mixed with concern, Steven rose from his chair and approached Alex, enveloping him in a comforting embrace. "I am so proud of you, Alex. Your bravery and resourcefulness are commendable," Steven said warmly, his hand resting reassuringly on Alex's shoulder. "But please, promise me you won't jeopardize your life like this again. These creatures are not mere trophies; they are dangerous and valuable beings. We are thrilled by your accomplishments, but we are also deeply concerned for your safety."

Lucy and Beth, moved by Steven's words, joined in the embrace, surrounding Alex with love and support. Together, they stood in a quiet moment of familial solidarity, the crackling of the fire and the soft glow of the lamps casting a warm, comforting light over them all.

After some time, they returned their attention to the specimens that Alex had brought. The room buzzed with discussion as they examined each creature and its significance. Steven explained the rarity and value of the burning sparrow eggs, emphasizing their ability to bond with their caretaker through a ritual involving a drop of their blood. The prospect of taming such magnificent creatures filled them with a mixture of excitement and reverence.

"Five silver coins each for these eggs? That seems exorbitant," Alex remarked incredulously, breaking the momentary silence that had settled over the room.

Steven nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Alex. But pets of this caliber are exceedingly rare. Their loyalty, when nurtured from infancy with our blood, can be unparalleled. And let's not forget their elemental abilities," he added, his voice tinged with awe.

Alex mulled over his father's words, realizing the responsibility that came with owning such creatures. "I understand, Dad," he said finally, his tone more subdued.

Together, they decided that Alex would keep four of the eggs for himself, with two earmarked for Ana and Sia. The remaining egg would be sold to help finance their endeavors and support their family.

As evening descended into night, they enjoyed a hearty dinner prepared by Lucy, the atmosphere in the hall filled with a mixture of anticipation and contentment. After the meal, they carefully hung the preserved specimens on hooks mounted along the walls, a testament to Alex's skills as a hunter and adventurer.

The following morning dawned crisp and clear, with sunlight filtering through the windows of their cozy home. Alex and Steven, armed with a sharp knife and a sense of purpose, set to work dissecting the creatures they had brought back from the forest. With practiced hands, they skinned the two horned rabbits and the flaming sparrow, separating the meat from the bones and setting aside the valuable parts for later use.

The green mamba's head was carefully severed, its venomous fangs removed and preserved for future study. Alex meticulously stripped the snake's skin from its body, marveling at its smooth texture and durability. Steven suggested fashioning a leather armor from the snake's skin, a protective garment that would serve Alex well in future expeditions into the wild.

As they worked, their conversation turned to the discovery of the crystal nestled within the green mamba's head. The crystal, no larger than a tooth, gleamed faintly in the morning light, its origins and properties a mystery to them both. Alex, sensing a mystical significance to the crystal, decided to keep it as a memento of his adventure, tucking it safely into a small pouch that hung from his belt.

By noon, they had completed their task of dissecting the creatures and preparing their valuable parts for further use. Steven suggested selling the remaining burning sparrow egg discreetly through the guild, a decision that would fetch them 6 silver coins to bolster their finances.

With the snake's skin carefully wrapped in a cloth, Alex and Steven made their way to the local smithy, a bustling workshop located on the outskirts of the village. As they approached, Alex spotted Brook's Uncle, a muscular man with a bald head, stepping out of the workshop to take a break.

"Hi, Brook. Is Aunt inside?" Alex called out as they approached.

"No, but Uncle just stepped out. You can talk to him," Brook replied with a friendly smile, gesturing towards his uncle.

Entering the smithy, Alex greeted Brook's Uncle warmly. "Hello, Uncle. My name is Alex, and this is my father. We've come today in need of armor," Alex explained politely, carefully unwrapping the snake's skin from the cloth and placing it reverently on the counter. "I would like a flexible armor crafted from this skin."

Brook's Uncle, an experienced craftsman with a keen eye for materials, examined the snake's skin thoughtfully. "This is excellent material," he remarked, running his fingers over the supple surface. "I can fashion a D rank armor from it, but I recommend incorporating a size-adjustable inscription. It will increase the cost, but it's a worthwhile investment for the future."

Alex nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of flexibility in his adventures. "How much would such an armor cost, Uncle?" he inquired, eager to finalize the details.

Brook's Uncle paused, considering the craftsmanship involved and their familial connection through Brook. "For you, Alex, and considering our friendship with Brook, I would estimate around 700 copper coins. It will also take approximately 5 days to complete," he replied, his tone reflecting both professionalism and warmth.

Satisfied with the arrangement, Alex and Steven thanked Brook's Uncle warmly before bidding him farewell. As they made their way back home, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the future. The armor would not only provide him with protection but also serve as a symbol of his growth as a hunter and adventurer.

Back in the comfort of their home, Lucy and Beth greeted them with a warm smile .Together, they settled into the evening, sharing stories and laughter as they reflected on the events of the past day and looked forward to the challenges and adventures that lay ahead.

As night fell once more, casting a peaceful blanket over their home, Alex felt a deep sense of gratitude for this life