
Starting a Monster Ranch with a Wyvern Egg

On my way toward my new territory, I get a mysterious egg from a mysterious old woman. At a later date, I found out that the egg is an Ice Wyvern egg. Knowing that I needed a lot of things to raise the wyvern, I started to look for a way to get those things. But this is a remote place of the kingdom... What should I do? Note: This is mostly a relaxed novel with territory building here and there.

Mouri · Fantasy
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18 Chs

017 - Another egg

"Do you think he is really an envoy from Tinia kingdom? In the first place, have you ever heard of Tinia kingdom?"

Right now, I am at the office with Claude and Silvia. I explain to both of them about Zael and his situation. Meanwhile, Zael is taking a bath before taking dinner with me and Silvia later.

Silvia answered, "This is the first time I heard about Tinia… But it is not weird if some kingdom is alive up in the north. In the long history of our kingdom, there is no contact to the kingdom on the north of the northern mountain."

"I agree with what miss Silvia said. We can't disprove the existence of the Tinia kingdom. It is better to believe the kingdom did exist," said Claude. "Then about if that man is an envoy or not, we can't do anything about that. Just let the king decide what to do if he is really an envoy. All we can do is to receive him and guide him to the royal capital."

I nodded at Claude's explanation, "Then, what we do right now is perfect?"

"I think so," said Claude.

"Oh right, as Zael will move tomorrow morning. Should we give him something? Food for the journey?" I asked.

"I think dried food is not bad… We still have some, right?" answered Silvia.

I turned my head to Claude, and he answered, "I agree, dried meat is not a bad idea. And yes, there should be some in the storage, I will arrange this with Ema later."

"I leave that to you, Claude." I then asked one more question. "Also as Zael will go to Baron Adrius, we can entrust some kind of gift with Zael. What should we gift Baron Adrius? We get a good horse the last time."

I think about many items produced in this place. Dried meat, products from milk, wool, horned rabbit… I don't think Baron Adrius will need those items. I am pretty sure, there are items like that in his territory.

I also think what if we return the horses that Baron Adrius gifted to us?

"That is not good, it will be seen as if we rejected the gift," remarked Claude.

"Then, looks like we don't have a thing to be gifted."

Silvia and Claude nodded, agreeing with me.

I made a mental note to look for things to be presented. Sorry Baron Adrius, you will need a little longer before I gift you back.

* * *

It is dinner time now. I invited Zael to eat together as I wanted to hear his story.

"So, how were you able to pass the northern mountain, what is its name again? Barren mountain?" I asked, starting the conversation.

"Berran mountain range. It was hard. I don't know how many times I almost died." Zael paused. "In our written history, there are numerous times our kingdom has tried to send an envoy. We thought that it was because the Forleik kingdom didn't reply. But looks like it was because no one could pass the Berran mountain.

"I am lucky to have survived that place.

"Berran mountain range is more dangerous than what we all expected. We have known since a long time ago that Wyverns are living in the mountain range. But the danger is not only wyverns. The Berran mountain range is very cold and it is too rocky. There is no flat land that "

"How many days did you need to pass that mountain?" Silvia that is sitting beside me asked.

Zael put his hand on his chin and think, "I don't really remember… Two weeks?"

"Two weeks!?" I am surprised to hear his answer.

"Well… I am not sure myself. Maybe it takes more than that."

"What about food and water?" I asked. Two weeks is not a short time. And to bring supplies for two weeks is not a simple matter. Food is one thing, but water for two weeks is a huge amount.

"For water, I use this tool."

Zael put some kind of metal cup from his bag.

"This is a magical cup that can melt ice and snow. You put ice or snow from the mountain in this cup and it will become water in a few seconds. It is not the best water but it can sustain me for some time.

"For food, I hunted some animal along the way."

"What kind of animal are there on the mountain?"

"Deer, rabbit… Animals like that."

Zael paused and looked in the room. There is Icy sleeping at the edge of the room.

"Oh right, looking at your Ice wyvern, I remember something. I eat some wyvern egg along the way.

"At that time, I found an Ice wyvern nest with three eggs inside. There is no sign of their mother, so I decided to steal those eggs.

"I have eaten two of the eggs. I still have one in my dimension bag."

Zael put one big bluish-white egg on the table.

Earlier today, when I get home, Zael get very surprised to see a tame Ice Wyvern. He can't believe what he sees and asked me about how to tame an Ice Wyvern. I didn't tell him all the stories and just say to hatch the egg and to slowly build trust with the wyvern.

"I don't think I need this egg anymore. I saved this egg in case I need some meal on my journey. But looks like the road is easy from here, so do you want this egg?" asked Zael.

What is with Wyvern egg that I can get two of them in less than a year… Of course, if Zael really means it, I will accept the egg. I want to see if the wyvern hatched from a wild egg will behave the same as Icy.

"Are you really sure? I can accept that, but I don't think I have something to exchange."

"Feel free to take this then… You have given me enough information on how to reach the king's city. It is enough to get exchanged with this egg."

I feel bad for exchanging information with wyvern egg. "Well, if you are okay, then I will take it."

I tell Claude after this to add the dried food to be given to Zael tomorrow.

* * *

In the morning, Zael continued his journey to the capital. I give him two horses for his journey. I hope he will be able to reach the royal capital and finish his task there.

Now we are back to our usual life, with an addition of a new Ice Wyvern egg.