
46: What?!


I woke up late in the morning, when I looked at my clock it read just after eleven am.

"Guess I'll get up now." I mumbled to myself after looking over to find Drake was already up and gone someplace. I got up, got dressed, brushed my hair and headed downstairs to try and find some people. Before getting fully into the living room Kat walked out, jumping slightly from me unexpectedly being right in front of her.

"Oh hey, I was just about to come get you. Skye, Dylan and Lily are here." She said, slightly excited. We both walked into the living room, Jason, Drake, and of course Skye, Lily and Dylan, were all in here sitting on the big ass couch.

"Hey guys, Dylan glad to see you're better finally. What are you guys doing here?" I asked as I sat down next to my sister, Kat sat next to Jason obviously.

"Well, Lily wanted to play with Willow cause I uh.. made her skip school today.. and Dylan wanted to show off his fricken arm..... thing." Skye answered, rolling her eyes at the end part before staring off in the distance trying to think of the word she wanted, causing Dylan to chuckle and tell her it was sling.

"Willow.... who's at school?" I questioned with a raised brow.

My sister rolled her eyes again and admitted, "Aight I lied about that part, but I did make Lily skip school today." We all snorted and chuckled, carrying on with random conversation.

We all sat talking for a while and the conversation ended up on Drake's mom.

"So, how come we haven't heard anything about your guys' mom?" My sister asked Kat and Drake.

Their gazes fell to the floor as silence settled in the room until Drake answered, "She uh.. Got attacked by a shifter in the form of a lion and something was weird with her wolf so she couldn't shift and fight back.." Skye's face turned to that one everyone makes when they very clearly made the situation awkward.

"Sorry...." She murmured, looking down at her hands.

"It's alright, was an understandable question." My mate replied, giving a reassuring smile since he considers her a friend/sister.

After a bit more chatting we decided to get up and go have lunch, but as we stood Dylan froze in a weird way and stated, "someone wants to talk to you" then glanced over at Drake and his sister. We all shared confused looks with each other then looked back to Dylan to explain what the heck he's talking about. Suddenly his eyes glowed pure white light as he looked towards the ceiling slightly. We all took a few steps back out of being weirded out. "Yes, I can tell them for you." He continued talking to the ceiling.

"Who in the shit are you talking to?" Kat asked.

"Your mom." Both Kat and Drake looked like their hearts stopped, Drake obviously I could feel that he felt like his stopped. "She says she's so extremely proud of both of you and can't believe how much you've each grown both physically and personality wise. She wants to thank all of you for raising Willow to be happy no matter what life throws either at her or you guys." Kat held a hand over her mouth, tears forming in her eyes. Drake had some glossy looking eyes too but I doubt he'll cry in front of anyone here aside from me. "She's also so sorry she couldn't physically be here to raise you like a proper mother. And—"

"Tell her that's fucking nonsense. She's always been a proper mom. She gave her life so her child could live." Drake growled defensively.

Dylan gave a small smile and replied, "You told her yourself Drake, you made her smile. She's happy to have made such a strong, smart man that's going to be a great Alpha and King," he paused and added, "and of course a beautiful young woman who can take care of herself and fights for what's right. She wishes she could have been here in person to witness you both find your mates and see the happiness you have of having them at your side no matter what." Kat started crying and Drake looked like he was going to fall apart. "She also wants to thank you personally Kelsey, for making sure Willow isn't sad about her passing away and reassuring her that they will meet again." I sharply inhaled and looked up at the ceiling with everyone else.

"You made the cutest little girl on the planet, who I love like my own sister." I said to her, I mean I hope so. Don't wanna be talking to the ceiling like an idiot.

"She has to go now, but she'll always be with you and protecting you. She says she loves you both very, very much." Dylan said for her.

Kat sniffed and said with Drake to the ceiling as well, "Love you too mom.." Dylan's eyes stopped glowing and went back to normal, he then looked between Drake and Kat and smiled. We were all confused then the siblings stiffened in surprise, slightly pained joy coming to their eyes. After a few long seconds they snapped out of whatever they were in and smiled at each other.

I stood and blinked for a bit then asked, "What in the fuck even just happened? And how did you do that man?"

Dylan shyly smiled and awkwardly answered, "I uh.. Am kind of an angel. Well.. not kind of, I am. So yeah.." All of us but Skye stared at him in pure shock and disbelief.

"Angel's aren't real though, they're just myth." Jason piped up, making Skye and Dylan snort at the same time.

"Just like werewolves and shapeshifters are a myth?" He countered. Jason looked at a loss for words.

"Well if they aren't myth, prove it." Kat said simply.

"Ight. Let's go outside." Dylan responded, so we all walked outside and waited for his proof. Though I already believed just from a dead person communicating through him. He turned to face all of us and gave a slight smirk, asking, "Ready?" We nodded in response and after a few seconds giant, and I mean GIANT, white, almost sparkling angel wings grew from his back. Pretty sure all our jaws hung open in awe.

"I wanna touch them.." I murmured, almost in a trance but not actually approaching him at all.

He tucked his wings in and awkwardly said, "I'd rather you didn't. Angel wings are uh, very sensitive." I noticed Skye struggling to not make a face as her cheeks slowly turned red. Weird.. I probably don't want to know though.

"So this is what you meant by they were your wings in Skye's drawing?" Lily asked Dylan who nodded in reply.

"What drawing?" I asked curiously.

"Before coming to find you I ended up drawing a few different little symbol type things. Like some triple spirals for shapeshifter, a wolf paw print, a set of wings, and a rainbow eye. Guess now after this whole ordeal that's happened it all makes sense now." Skye answered. We discussed this for a bit longer then headed back inside for lunch since we got a little side tracked the first time.

As we walked Dylan caught up to me and said, "She smiled at what you said about Willow being like your sister by the way." That made me feel good, I'm glad Drake's mom likes me. Just wish I could have met her... I smiled as he fell back in step with Skye, holding her hand. We reached the dining hall and sat down. One of the servant people came out and smiled as he greeted us then asked what we'd like for lunch. The seven of us agreed on mac and cheese and the servant went back into the kitchen to get it started and help the chef prepare it.

"What is with you guys and being so great at keeping secrets?" Jason asked mostly Skye and Dylan.

My sister snorted and replied, "Lying runs in my family. If you didn't fuckin know. Plus it's kind of our fricken job so. Fuckin have to be amazing at keeping secrets."

"Wait, you're a spy too?" Jason questioned further.

Skye stared blankly at him for a second then stated deadpan, "We rob banks." Everyone got confused but she looked at me and stated then asked, "Bonnie and Clyde reference. Have you used the device in front of them and told them where you got it?" I nodded so she looked back at Jason and said, "You're a fucking zounderkite." Dylan laughed while the rest of us slightly chuckled at Jason's face, but I still have no clue what zounderkite means.

"Don't worry babe I didn't piece it together either." Kat comforted her mate.

"Is this house just full of only zounderkites or...?" Skye asked Drake.

He opened his mouth to reply but she added, "I mean no offence Jason, you're not a stupid asstard like some particular twat heads that think girls are objects. Zounderkite means idiot by the way." We all chuckled, I'm assuming this is her trying to be friends.

"Yeah don't be offended, she still calls me fucking stupid." Dylan piped up to Jason, kind of proving my mental theory right.

"She says I make her very angry quite often, obviously in various different words I'm not going to say but yeah that's just our Skye for you." Lily added.

Jason smiled in understanding and said to my sister, "Well in that case, you're a bitch."

She glared at him and stated, "Do you WANT to die?" When he slowly got a look of fear she added smirking, "I know I'm a bitch calm the fuck down dude, jesus." We all just chuckled AGAIN then lunch was served so we dug in.