

"Get the hell out of my house young man! I'm pissed off!" My Dad furiously shouting at me.

"Zach! Enough already." My mom was trying to calm him down but he's still glaring at me.

"Fine." I give up. "I'm going out. I'll be back tomorrow." I said as if we were not fighting.

My dad scoffs. "And you have the guts to say that to me, huh?"

I get my backpack and left not paying attention to what is he saying. All the time, after I go to school and get back home my father always scolding me. About what? About my responsibilities in this house, he keeps saying to me that I'm not a child anymore and be matured, Ha, funny.

"Zeus! Come here!" One of my friends gets my attention when I enter the bar.

"Hey man." I greeted him. "Hey, guys." And the others.

"Ohh, who's this pretty girl–

"Don't try to, Zeus. Her brothers gonna kill me." My friend stopped me from flirting with the girl beside me. And I raised my hands, giving up.

We started the party by drinking beer, flirting with each other, and talking about some random stuff. Then suddenly we played a game.

"Truth or Dare!" My friend Nicholas drink straight the bottle of beer and put it in the center of the table. "Whoever pointed at this bottle of beer, will have to choose whether truth or dare... Okay, I'll spin it first."

When Nicholas spins the bottle the girl beside me is the one who has pointed at it. She got shocked and giggle before choosing the truth, which is Nicholas will ask her a random question and she'll say us the truth.

"Hmm... Truth, well who is your type of guy here? Are there any of us? Or just here inside the bar?"

The girl's name, Ria slowly turns at me and gives me a shy smile. All of my friend's gasps and shake their heads.

"No Ria, you look the type of a girl that is serious in relationships, so if you'll date someone, not him." Nicholas pointed me. "Seriously not him. He is the God of Playboys." All of my friends laugh including Ria but she doesn't seem to care about it.

The game continues to play, and Ria's the one who's spinning the bottle. And then suddenly the bottle pointed at me.

"Ohhh..." All of my guy's friends bow down at me making me shake my head and laugh a little.

"Well, truth or dare?" Ria asked.

"Ok, well I'm a very tough man—

" Who cares!" Nicholas shouted and all of us laugh.

"I'll choose dare."

"Ohhh— wait, Ria can I choose what he'll dare with?" Ria was still hesitant but still, she gives to Nicholas the chance then.

Nicholas was rubbing his hands and shaking like he's readying his self for a fight.

"Okay, since your the 'God of Playboys', I dare you to... Make fall in love with one of the twins in our class." He snaps in the air and claps.

My forehead creased. "Twins? Ohh, you mean The nerds, Eva twins?" I asked.

"Wait what?! The twins? Oh shit hahaha!"

"The twins were weird bro..."

With wide eyes open and nodding, Nicholas says 'YEAH!'.

"If you lose this game you have to give me your motorbike and precious Serena... But if you win I'll give you my apartment with the title that names to you." Nicholas says arrogantly.

"Who are these Eva twins?" Rita asked in curiosity.

"The Eva twins were very strange, they act differently around us. But they kinda cute twins,"

I looked down at my beer thinking of the dare. Hmmm, well my father kicks me out of his precious palace. Well, let's give this a try it's easy.

I smirk. "Deal." All of our friends looking shocked at me.

"Seriously, bro?"

"Oh my God you got to be kidding me you'll give to him your precious Serena?" Serena is my second beautiful white sports car that my mother bought and a gift to me on my 18th birthday.

"Who says I'll lose?" I arrogantly say.

"We'll see..." Nicholas smirk.