
Started in Nier what now?

Rune Magic, Crafting, Viking, and sexy robots? Sign me the fuck up! Now in Nier. So I looked for any Nier novels on this site and was unimpressed with the little there was available so I said fuck it writing a new one. This will be multiverse. The MC will fuck a lot. Dont know why fucking=Harems on this site. MC will not be getting married to the first person he fucks so sorry not sorry. Nier and other established titles, games, stories you recognize are not my own only the mc and AU's are. Neither do I own the Cover are so if you do and want me to take it down ask.

resistingsea · Video Games
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15 Chs

Anime Butts

'Shit' is the first word to pop into my head as I look down at the barely covered silicone skin of A2 and behind her, the Pod floating silently, probably scanning me talking to A2. "Suggestion: Contact YoRHa as soon as you can. Priority: Safety of Human Male." I am looking over the duo trying and failing to wrap my head around this dead world I am in.

Closing my eyes and releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Ok.. ok.. ok" taking a deep breath. Forcing myself trying to calm the thoughts racing through my mind. Snapping my eyes open "Ok first relax." Watching A2's shoulders lose the accumulated tension, I wave my hand "Good deep breaths....if you need them. Second, do not contact YoRHa under any circumstance." Watching A2 slump and let out a breath, her lips twitch. Letting her relax for a few seconds. She gave a shallow nod of her head. Giving a tired smile I look over at the pod. "Same goes for you Pod," I say with a tone of finality. Not even going to guess what is going on in their head. "Understood." Waving my hand for them to come in after I reached up and deactivated the traps I had set up I let them pass and re-trigger them as we enter my side hall.

"Statement: Human your blood pressure is raising." The peppy little box of bolts couldn't help and point out. Giving him my best glare "No shit, how would you feel to be one second in a nice soft bed surrounded by all my comforts and the next." Taking a deep breath "and the next you are in a forest naked as the day you are born. No clothes, no food, and no fucking clue where you are. Until a mostly naked android and her peppy floating box." Closing my eyes for a few seconds reigning in my breathing "you both somehow speak English." Silence reigns through the narrow cave as they follow me into my little hidey-hole.

'Well after my little outburst, I feel a little weight off of me.' Entering my carved-out side room decorated room. I sit down on a freshly carved wooden chair next to a small pile of rocks, bones, and hide. All sitting on a small side table. Sitting down on the fairly comfortable chair thinking over what I am going to do. Looking over to the side I look over my small bed covered in leaves still green, a roughly sewed animal hide blanket. With a stuffed hide pillow. Not very much but I made it all with my own hands and magic. A small feeling of pride swells in my chest. Losing myself in thought as silence lingers in the air. The only sound is small mechanical whirls and the dripping water from stalagmites in the outward hall.

A2 deiced to speak up for the first time in a few minutes "So... human?" She rolled the word off her tongue with a little shiver and I know why. The Pearl Harbor descent incident was nothing but a sham for YoRHa to test their new models of Androids and for them to destroy the 'Server'. Complete bullshit that dam Red girl is pussy footing around trying to 'evolve'. Then there are the two fuck boys Adam and Eve the sociopathic ass hats will ten out of ten times cut me up and see how I tick. Twelve models went, and all but one died. Leaving A2 to wonder a 'fugitive' so to speak. 'Wait wasn't the Anemone Resistance Leader there? She and A2 fought together somewhere, but where would they have fought'

Coming back to reality "What was that you said?" Her face twisted for a fraction of a second almost missing the bared teeth. Probably the programming reigning in her anger. Rubbing her face fighting the program against the need to strike me A2 looked back up with those light blue eyes slightly hidden by the bangs of her short silver hair. Realizing even though I am sitting she is still almost at eye level with me. "Are there any more of you, humans?" it came out soft, but the underlying need for me to express a positive is a little uncomfortable. Letting out a breath "No, as you know the moon or the earth there are no living humans.." She closed her eyes taking a few ragged breaths.

"Query: How do you know? You said living?" Looking back over at the silently hovering pod, thinking over a response. "Well, there is Emil, who was once a child. A copy of his soul is stuffed into the oval head of a machine. Forever twisted and stuck. He has feelings, but it would be a blessing if he has not gone mad." Emil now that was a scary fucker.

"Can you tell me what is going on with this world so far?" a whisper escaped my lips as I dig into my brain trying to remember anything about the series. Getting a few snippets from long-forgotten memories. The only reason I even looked into the series is I ran into a porn video about 2B and her thick ass.

As they speak I fight back a shudder, locked orbit, hoards of killer machines the size of skyscrapers, an army of sex bots fighting back. In the middle of the explanation, I chuckle until it turns into a full-blown belly laugh, stopping when it hurts. Wiping a tear from my eyes I look up feeling madness coming. I feel a fire inside my belly. Looking up at the shifting android and silent pod. "Ok, the world is fucked. I will probably die." A2 flinched as the pod stilled processing what was just said.

A2 rushed faster than I could react she grabbed my balled-up fist in her tiny hand. Feeling the soft cold skin grabbing me I look up into her sky-blue eyes. She opened her mouth a few times before closing it. Letting out a sigh "Please" came out as a whisper filled with defeat. "Do not self-harm." The amount of emotion in those five words halted my thought process. "The fuck are you talking about?" she gives me a slow blink tilting her head to the side. "Are you not going to harm yourself? If you are I am obligated to stop you." She gritted out the words I hear her jaw clench as she is nearby. I just open my mouth and laugh until it hurts.

"No you miss understood, I am not going to kill myself, Just make anything that tries have a hell of a fight." Thinking over my next course of action I think back to a few tests I could perform. Bringing my free hand to my chin I rest my cheek on my balled-up fist. Thinking over what I have can try two goals that come to mind; wards for machine life forms and golems for the offensive. Smiling to myself I remember that I am surrounded by two things; trees, and rock. I think back to any ideas that would help me out. It hits me like a truck. A boss-level entity in the game of Ark, the Forest Titan.

A/N: sorry about the delay been taking care of my mother's dogs, and my brother in laws mother's dogs so I have been taking care of five dogs. Three are less than six months two are old. So with all that going on on top of job hunting. And someone messaged me saying if I was going to write I should not realize I don't get paid for this I do this for free for myself and anyone willing to read what I write. So sorry, not sorry.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter thanks for reading.