
demon tiger body refining technique

Su changsheng feel his strength that grows from seventh layer body tempering realm to third layer of origin core realm that Is quantitive and qualitative

He feels like he can destroy heaven and earth but it is only illusion cause only is sudden strength increasing

Su changsheng think he needs to control his strength otherwise it only cause only problem and see that his foundation is solid or not by Crossing many layers and realm

Su changsheng feel change of origin core in his there Chaos green Lotus Dharma and immortal King stepping on nine heavens dharma and in his spirit sea there only chaos qi

Su changsheng does not have chaos attributes exercise but he only try physical technique for now until next signs in future

Su changsheng remember his family top physical technique demon tiger body refining technique top rank mysterious technique

Su changsheng feel his understanding has increased i don't know how much in a instant he got glimpse of technique that before its deficulty he only practice only human rank technique and in few minutes he understood this technique and he begins to practice for entire night

In morning, su changsheng not only feels refreshing instead tired by practice whole night but several times stronger got stronger by practicing demon tiger body refining technique