

sorry if my grammar is wrong.english not my main language ------------------------------------------ infront of zen were colosal size life being,zen has scan it before but cant stop from scaning it again _____________________ AKINO TITLE:FALLEN GUARDIAN(???) CLASS:??? STAGE:??? TYPE:??? *AFTER BEING DEMOTED FOR HIS JOB AS A DIVINE GATE GUARDIAN,HE,AKINO RETURN TO HIS HOME LAND,BUT WENT HE ARIVE,WHAT HE SEE IS DESERT,THERE IS NO HOME FOR HIM ANYMORE,HE MEET THE KING,THE ROYAL FOUNDER,DIVINE YUAN GOD,BUT HE BEING KICKED BY THE EMPEROR FROM THE IMPERIAL PALACE,FROM THEN HE USE ALL HIS STRENGHT TO MASSACRE THE IMPERIAL AFTER ONE HUNDRED TRILION YEAR,EACH YEARS PAST,HE BECOME MORE AND MORE STRONGER THAN DIVINE YUAN GOD,YUAN GOD USE HIS LIFE FORCE TO WEAKENED AKINO AND DIED AFTER THAT,FROM THEN ALL 9 SECT,3 EMPIRE AND IMPERIAL FAMILY MUST USE ALL STRENGHT TO KILL AKINO* __________________ "akino,what happen to your home land to make you become like this?"zen ask the colosas size akino akino look at zen as he heard what zen asking him"the imperial massacre my home land becouse their greed,they thought i leave my treasure in my home land,when they dont found anything they start killing everyone,i try to return to lower realm to help my family but,they wont let me go,so i comited a crime that enough for me to being kicked by them,but......i am to late"say akino with sorrowfull voice "but"akino start talking again "i already wipe up them the upper realm,unfortunately my injured are to severed,i try to wipe the imperial family to but icant because that yuan god,but now,my strenght has fully healed,i can kill every life being in this world"say akino "fuck!,he wipe up the upper realm??,inst their are all stronger than class 1??"zen thought while whipe cold sweat on his head *DING* *NEW INFORMATION FOR HOST* ____________________ NEW STAGE CLASS 1 CLASS ??? LOW ??? MID ??? HIGH ??? PEAK ??? EXTREME ??? ????? ______________________ "so many?but now i just class ................ *this is one of vol 2 chap...so dont think it weird if you dont see it at vol 1*

MR_Aim_and_Shoot · Fantasy
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54 Chs


"arrgh,that hurt!!"say zen while he opening his eye,he look around him but none of them is fimiliar"where is this?"zen were lie down on the bed

someone opened the door"kid,you are awake!!thank godness,i swear i almost throw your out there"say the man akwardly

"huh?"zen dont know what happen but"sir,how long do i fainted?"ask zen to the men

"oh,that were long as hell,full two week"say the man

"oo,(system scan this man)"






"where is this place?"ask zen again to the man

"kid,i dont know how you came here but,this is one of the fu**king planet in the world,DEATH PLANET"

"death planet?"

"yes,death planet,this planet has many strong undead monster,and the hell with this planet,no technology can being used in this planet at all,unless we has class 3 or above exspert we cant get out from this planet"

"(hmm,i has systemso sooner or later i will get out from this planet)but sir,isnt class 5 and class 4 can breath at space why they dont get out from this planet?"

"kid,just call me asmera,sure class 5-4 can breath in the space but this planet were guarded by the undead"


"yes,this is all because that maniac undead,he make rank in this planet"


"rank is to determinded your posiion in this planet,the lowest rank is undead captain,their are class 5 undead,after that is undead general,class 4 undead and undead king is class 3 undead,for the highest rank is undead emperor class 2.even the strongest human in this planet only class 3 how can we defeat the undead and get out from this planet?"

"class 2??,how can that be??"

"human has own shelter,and we has 3 leader,first leader is XASA,he is the strongest human in this planet with the strenght of high stage class 3,but now he are missing,there ae people say that he has being killed by the undead emperor beacuse he strenght but there are people say he is going to has breack trought to class 2 so he went hidding to brecktrought.and the other 2 leader is....HOSA and CHONG,CHONG is our sect leader the golden sect he has power to change people ability to use life force energy,just like me"

"ooo,(this is troublesome)"

"kid let go you need to get,token to prove you are one of us in this planet"


after that zen and asmera walk toward the golden sect hall