
Start of an Uzumaki Clan - Multiverse

A person with no prior accomplishments has been given the opportunity to do everything their heart desires. With certain benefits, a soul was reborn in the AU Naruto universe as Naruto Uzumaki. Previous World: Naruto Current world: Harry Potter Next World: Naruto ---------------------------------- Readers Disclaimer: I have changed my writing style around the 30th chapter, so if you didn't like how I wrote the first few chapters, please be patient. This is my first book. English is not my first language. Some things may not be according to canon so take it as you will. MC will be ruthless and will do many things in the future to get power, but he will love his close ones. ============================= Disclaimer: For those people who think MC is a good guy. This story will mention many gruesome and dark scenes, such as the mention of r*pe(only mention) and killing. MC will be a person who won't care about anyone other than his close ones. MC, of course, is not a beta male here. Wish fulfillment. ============================ --- The image cover is not mine. If you are the artist, please let me know if you don't want me to use it, and I will take it down. ================= Please ignore if you found any grammatical mistakes, and let me know any spelling errors. I am dyslexic, and I write these chapters late at night, so I am exhausted when editing them. Trying to raise money to get myself an editor, so here is my P@treon if you want to support me :) ----> https://www.patreon.com/crazy_penguin

Crazy_Penguin · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Who wants suck and save??

The next day, Naruto decides to relax by working on some paperwork. Previously his clones used to do all his paperwork, and sometimes Hinata or Haku helped him.

Naruto put the pen down and looked at Haku, standing next to him.

" Haku, sit down. It's been a long time since we had a long chat alone." Naruto said.

Haku looked at Naruto and blushed. She never spoke to him unless he himself called her to talk to her.

Haku has been feeling really happy after coming here following Naruto. She now has friends to talk to and rely on. After coming to Konoha, she didn't get much time to talk to Naruto or interact with him other than with his clones. Naruto clones always maintained their distance from the girls, so she didn't really have a one-to-one chat with him.

After Naruto saw Haku sat down in front of him and said, " So Haku, are you having any difficulties adjusting? I am sorry for not keeping up with you. I have been busy dealing with clan affairs and training."

Haku smiled, shook her head, and said, "It's okay, Naruto-kun. I know how busy you have been. I am not having any problems; everyone is nice to me and has been very friendly. I have been spending time reading the scrolls you gave me about {Ice Release}. So it's not really lonely living at your house."

While Haku didn't call him -sama, she still respected him and always made sure to stay respectful while talking.

Naruto smiled. He has given her some scrolls consisting of some new ways to use {Ice release} from some Anime or TV shows he had watched. They also consist of basic science and math to help her create her own new Jutsu. He has also gathered some Jutsus from Mist village while traveling.

"It's good that you are not having any problems." After that, Naruto and Haku spent some time talking to each other.

They were interrupted by an Anbu delivering a scroll from the Hokage when they were talking. Naruto then opened the scroll and read the contents.

It says that Tsunade wanted to meet him, and it's urgent. Naruto sighed and summoned a {Wood Clone} and told Haku that he might go on an urgent mission and that she should go back.

Haku only came here since Naruto came in person rather than his clones, so after excusing herself, she returned.

Naruto disappeared and reappeared outside the office. Naruto knocked one and went inside.

When he came inside, he saw two people discussing with Tsunade. Then, Naruto recognized one person who looked very anxious and was biting her nails, looking at Tsunade.

The person next to her has sandy blonde hair and fair skin. From the side, he looks almost feminine. He is wearing the traditional uniform of the Sunagakure-nin.

The girl who looked anxious was Temari, and the other person next to her arguing with Tsunade was Yashamru, the right-hand man of the Fourth Kazekage and uncle of three of Rasa's children.

---------- > Before Naruto came (At Tsunade)

Tsunade is barely controlling her anger, listing to the two Suna-nin. They were the ones who invaded Konoha, which cost the village a lot of money and manpower to fix all the damaged buildings.

Luckily there weren't many casualties since Naruto saved many civilians and killed a lot of Suna ninjas.

" Hokage-sama, please, we really need Naruto-san. Only he can bring Garra back."

Tsunade furiously slapped the table and said, " How dare you come here. YOUR village invaded my village, and now you are asking for help? Where is our compensation?"

Yashamaru kept his mouth shut since they were at fault here. He knew that Orochimaru betrayed the Fourth Kazekage. He never liked Orochimaru; he always smelled of snakes and deceit.

Yashamaru didn't support the plan to invade Konoha, but Rasa never listened to him. He got too greedy and was killed by letting his guard down.

Temari, who was listening to the conversation, felt helpless. After Naruto helped Garra, their relationship improved tremendously. Garra now mellowed down; he was always bloodthirsty before, but now he helps the village and cares about them.

She heard many times from her brother that he looks up to Naruto. So Naruto became his role model and always strives to gain acknowledgment from Naruto.

"Tsunade-sama Garra was going to sign a peace treaty and send compensation to Konoha, but our village also suffers from low supplies. Garra always looks up to Naruto-san… so, please…I will be willing to sacrifice anything." Temari is willing to sacrifice anything to save her brother.

Tsunade sighed and said, " Well… I called Naruto here. He is a clan head and the head of the Medical Department (and Root commander); he is pretty busy. I will need to ask him, and if he doesn't accept…sorry, I can't do anything other than send a Jonin team to help you."

Their conversation was cut short by Naruto's knock.

Everyone looked toward the door anticipating for Naruto to come. However, Yashamaru and Temari were not expecting a deadly handsome who reached 6 feet.

After coming back from their trip, Naruto has lost his childish face. He now looked imitating while also mysterious and handsome. Temari, who saw Naruto, couldn't help but blush.

Naruto walked to the table and said, " Yes, Hokage-sama."

Tsunade looked at Naruto and smiled. She observed Temari's reaction and felt proud. Then, quickly turning serious, she updated Naruto on what had happened to Garra and their negotiation.

Naruto thought, ' Oh, that tsundere Garra thinks of me as his role model? I guess after I infected Shukaku with my Gold Strands, he was also infected. So now he admires me, probably his way of showing loyalty.'

Naruto's face didn't change. He looked like he was calmy thinking. Finally, after a few seconds, he opened his mouth and said

" I am sorry, I have responsibilities here. I am genuinely sorry about Garra, so I accept sending a team to help you. Your village attacked us; you have not sent any sort of compensation, yet you are asking for help? You should be lucky that we didn't declare war on you."

Naruto waited for some time to let it sink in and said, " I promise you that if there were a war, I would lead the war against the injustice that has happened to our village."

Naruto, of course, is bullsh*itting; he doesn't care about anything other than his people.

Temari, who couldn't hold her tears, cried out. Then, she stood up and bowed her head.

" Please, Naruto-sama, I am willing to do anything…*Sniff*."

Naruto acted like he was conflicted; he rubbed his forehead and said, " *sigh* Fine, but I have some conditions."

Temari smiled, wiped her tears, and nodded like a hen. Yashamaru, who was listening to their conversation, didn't come in between since he didn't have any way to convince Naruto.

Naruto then walked toward Tsunade, wrote something in a scroll, and gave it to her. Tsunade read the contents, added some things, and gave it back to Naruto.

After reading the scroll, Naruto said, " Our first condition is an alliance."

Both Temari and Yashamaru nodded; they didn't say anything since they thought there would be more conditions.

Naruto continued, " We want complete knowledge on {Puppet technique}, 2 S-Rank Jutsu, and finally a certified person to teach at our academy."

Naruto listed things like a 5-year discount on all the products Konoha will buy.

After discussing it for some time, Yashamaru finally accepted. Therefore, the alliance favors Konoha since the conditions were that Suna should help if Konoha is attacked while Konoha has an option to help if Suna is attacked.

Naruto said, " I will come with a team" He nodded to Tsunade and left.

Naruto, while walking, thought. ' Um…Who should I bring with me?'

After thinking for a while, he decided that he would bring Kakashi and Gai to fight Kisame and Itachi like the cannon. While also bringing Karin and Haku rather than Sakura.

Unlike the cannon when Suna sent a message eagle, Tsundae either probably rejected it, or somehow it couldn't arrive, so they came in person to request help.

Naruto knows that they are already late compared to the cannon, so they probably already started the One-Tail extraction process.

--------------- > At the Akatsuki Cave

"It's been three days since we started the extraction process, and it looks like we are almost there," Sasori said.

" I know…I knew that Suna probably sent a message bird, so I left my own bird to kill it so we could buy some time…Why doesn't Killua come? From our source, if Konoha sent Naruto, it would become troublesome… Come to think of it, I haven't seen Killua at all in the last two previous meetings." Deidara said.

He then turned to Itachi, who was next to him, and said, " You fought Naruto, right? So how was it?"

Itachi, who long turned loyal, said, " Horrible…I was beaten pretty horribly, and he didn't even go all out, and that to years before…now he should be able to deal with all of us combined."

Kisame, who was next to him, nodded. Deidara shook his head while Sasori scoffed, thinking he could easily deal with Naruto.

The hologram Black Zetsu then informed, "An enemy is coming…He is a formidable one, and his name is Might Guy with his team."

The hologram of Pain asked who Might Guy was, and Itachi replied, " A Leaf Jonin who uses Taijutsu. He is mighty and known for using {Eight Inner Gate}, so don't underestimate him."

Kisame supported him by calling Guy a powerful freak and volunteered to fight him.

"Another guest," Black Zetsu informed.

Pain looked toward Deidara and questioned him, causing a lot of noise. Then Sasori countered, saying that before, he informed that Deidara jutsu is not suited for stealth missions. Then both Sasori and Deidara started arguing, pointing at each other for causing this problem but were quickly stopped by Pain.

While Pain was deciding who to send, Hidan volunteered but was stopped by the following sentence Black Zetsu said.

"Another LEAF Shinobi"

Pain then chose Itachi, who nodded his head.

Itachi and Kisame are using a unique Jutsu called {Impersonation Jutsu}. Pain allocates a portion of an individual's chakra to a living sacrifice, which causes the living sacrifice to become a perfect individual copy, complete with a perfect imitation of the original Kekkai Genkai, their special weapon and their knowledge/Justus. One of the biggest cons is that it is limited to how much chakra the original chakra they are given, and it's very chakra taxing.

Pain then used {Shapeshifting Jutsu} to turn the living sacrifice into each respective individual.

Both Kisame and Itachi closed their eyes to get ready for the battle. After some time, hologram Itachi opened his eyes. Pain, who saw that Itachi opened his eyes way sooner and was surprised.

He voiced his thoughts and said, " Itachi, what happened? I expected you to hold them longer?"

Itachi, who opened his eyes, said, "They are a four-man squad with Kakashi Hatake, a girl who uses {Ice release}, an unknown Uzumkai girl, and finally Chiyo, the Suna's advisor."

Sasori mumbled, " Grandma Chiyo.."

" I can handle Kakashi and Chiyo by myself, but the other two individuals are almost a Kage level."

This caused Akatsuki members to widen their eyes.

As Itachi finished, Gaara's One-tail chakra was sucked out and fell to the ground dead.

"We were Finished-*BOOM*." The pain was interrupted by a rock-shattering sound.

" Someone destroyed the barrier itself without removing it.. so all the traps we prepared for people who removed the barrier seals are all wasted," Sasori said.

Pain then said, " We are leaving…Sasori…Deidara deals with them."

The huge rock entrance shattered into multiple pieces. After the smoke was cleared, four people were standing at the place where the rock was destroyed.

As Deidara who about to summon a {Clay bird}, he was kicked and flew back, crashing into a rock.

Naruto saw that Deidara was going to summon a {Clay bird} and take Garra's body and run away as he did in the cannon. So Naruto rushed towards Deidara and kicked him.

Sasori saw Deidara sent flying and thought, ' His speed is as fast as Killua.'

Sasori then jumped away from Gaara's corpse, sensing danger. Fortunately, he was right after he jumped, Naruto appeared and took Gaara's body, and handed it to Chiyo.

" I am sorry, we are too late. Unfortunately, he has already passed away." Naruto consoled Chiyo.

Chiyo looked towards Sasori with a complicated gaze and then looked at Garra's body and said

"It's not too late; I can save him. So I will leave since I will take some time and proper procedure to bring him back from the dead."

Naruto was not surprised since he knew Chiyo saved Gaara the same way in the cannon. So he actually came after sensing Garra's death to see Chiyo performing the technique.

" Haku and Karin deal with the human puppet while I deal with the blonde one," Naruto ordered them while Chiyo left. He already sent a clone in secret to watch Chiyo perform {Kisho Tensei}. It's a technique that transfers one life force to another, and it can be used on both living and dead.

Naruto knows another similar technique: a Kekkai Genkai Ryuzetsu performs in "Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison." Which she named {Dragon Life Reincarnation}. She is the only known user to have that Kekkai Genkai.

Naruto then looked towards the husk of ten-tails and said, " So this is the husk of ten-tails?... Oii, you can come out…yes, you who is observing from underground." Then looked at the corner towards the ground.

Naruto already sensed Black Zetsu, who was underground spying. A person who was half black and white came from the ground. He then turned towards the place where Deidara was kicked.

" Retreat!! We got One-Tail chakra. I am not a fighter, so you can try if you think you can handle him. I am leaving." He only came here since it's their first Tailed beast extraction, and he wanted to make sure nothing wrong happened.

'{ZA WARUDO}' Time stopped. Naruto leisurely walked toward Zetsu and placed an {FTG} seal on the back of his neck, and returned to his previous place.

After Naruto canceled the ability, Zetsu went underground and ran away.

Deidara looked towards Naruto and yelled, " FAACK!! How can I deal with him??" Then summoned a {Clay bird} and flew away.

Naruto looked at flying Deidara, then looked at Haku and Karin and nodded his head. Naruto followed Deidara while Haku and Karin stayed to deal with Sasori.