
Start of an Hectic Journey. (DC X Marvel AU) *Dropped*

MC/Jun's soul was transmigrated into a body of a young boy who died with his family in a car accident. From that onward he started his journey to find out who he really is. -------- Neither I own the cover nor the character apart of MC. And as for grammar.... It's kind of just fine, so you are being warned.

Lordofcheap304 · Others
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22 Chs

Getting Caught Up And Scheming

Third-Person POV

"AHAHAHAHA THAT ALL YOU GOT!" Jonathan asked and crack up like a madman.

His laugh was full of excitement and delight, yet his health was deteriorating.

As his first fight ended without much effort, he thought to level up and make things a little hard for himself. As a result, he challenges random goons who are either gang members or work individuals.

He also discovered that the north region, unlike the east, west, south, or center, does not have a fixed gang, which means that the north struggles for power, and bloodshed and killing are common.

Police, politicians are corrupt to the soul and are brought up by gangs here on money; hence gangs can do anything without fearing any consequence either from the government, police, or justice.

Even though they occasionally take actions that are as good as politicians' promises.

Last but not least, a few small but influential families have gathered here for a temporary truce. "It's going." He muttered under his breath, thinking and thinking.

Jonathan fought a lot and lost track after 15 fights. He was gasping for breath due to exhaustion, blood all over his clothes while he was resting on a large pile of bodies; he was bleeding from his nose, broken ribs, left elbow, and fingers.

'It was a wonderful experience for starters.' He thought, narrowing his eyes as his vision was getting blurry.

The more he fought, the less his limitation to fight he felt, but eventually his body gave up on him in the end.

His face was swollen, his eyes were red and blue, and his knuckles were all bloody; in short, he was a complete mess, yet he remained alive. He knew he couldn't fight because he had muttered all his power, stamina, and mental strength.

"Sir, I caught this kid monster, killed 2, and knocked out 18….should I kill him here. He might prove to be a thr-" While holding a handgun, a tall man in his 30s asked his boss for permission.

His tone filled with worry annoyed his boss because he saw hiding behind the tree half of the kid fighting and knew something dangerous but didn't speak.

"NO! Idiot, I will make an example out of him." His boss replied in annoyance, seeing this as an opportunity to show his rebelling daughter a lesson. Recently, they are going against him and demanding equal rights in the family business.

"If you are not feeling well, you can take holiday…." Boss advised upon noticing his loyal right-hand man was sweating and trembling for no apparent reason. "No sir, I am fine. So, what should we do…." Uncertain what his boss will order directly.

"Simple tase him and bring him into the mansion." He casually ordered, then walked away, leaving him alone with Jonathan, who didn't respond in any way and didn't have the power to move an inch.

However, he saw his face and appearance.

"OK, sir." He replied loudly enough, so his boss could hear it from a little far, and tased Jonathan.

"HAHAHAHAAAA." 'According to the plan.' He laughed out loud with excitement and had a last thought before passing out temporarily.

JoJo PoV





"Oi Oi Brat, wake up." I was sleeping when I heard a loud, unpleasant noise that woke me up.

"Is he dead already?" A girl asked, barely staring at me, but I remained unresponsive.

"..." No one said anything until a thug with a gun took the initiative to make me talk, so he hit me in the face with his rifle. "*cough." I grunted in pain and coughed up blood.'

"Motherfucker!!" Grunt cursed, wiping the blood from his face.

"He looks dead to me?" A boy said with trepidation and observed from a distance.

"...." I didn't say anything and opened my eyes a little to see that there were people between 20-25. Though things were still blurry for me. Steel chains bound my hands and legs, and next to me was 5-6 dead bodies bound in the same way.

*sniff *sniff

When I noticed a white-haired girl whimpering on the far left and an assault rifle next to her, I realized what had happened here.

"So let's start with a-" The same person who ordered me to be tased stood next to me while speaking, but his speech was cut off by me.


A/N: After planning a lot I took the decision in which direction I need to take the story.

Also, I wanted to make a small point.

Jonathan fought unarmed, rookie fighters/ gangsters which means he was talented yet was got beaten his ass hence not too strong hope you understood the point.

Forgot to say he likewise used his powers.
