

Being so much in castle was really wearing me down as I Had no one to talk to and reading books all the time is no fun. So I decided To see if i could get some money from RoR and go for a short trip some where for a week or 2.

I Went to the 7th floor and decided to ask the painting for any lost money in the castle, when i opened the door, i found trunks and pouches present in the room.

I took a pouch looking inside it was bigger on the inside than outside so i collected the money in it. After about an hour i was done with the money. Another hour of counting revealed that it was 2458 galleons 9258 sickles and i got tired counting knuts at 10000 so i thought i will just exchange for galleons at gringots.

With my money problem solved momentarily.

After that i went to dumbeldores office to inform him as he was my magical gardian. At first he refused to send me anywhere, after some insistance he told me he had a friend from norway who could come and show me around norway. His name was Mr. Arne Dovason, who was previously a student of dumbeldore and now taught Battle magic at


Dombeldore floo called him , "Arne how are you doing my boy,"

"Not much of a boy now am i professor" souded a gruff voice.

After situation was explained i was told to pack for a week and behave myself as to not bother Mr. Arne much. I was thankful and quickly got my suitcase and poch which basically had everything i would need. I was really excited for the week to come.