
Start making Honkai Impact III, my boss is Da Bronya.

Su Mu, who just graduated from college, suddenly traveled to the world of Honkai Impact III. It's just that this world is completely different from what he expected. Otto, the president of the Schicksal Foundation, announced his entry into the idol industry to contribute to his granddaughter's career. Anti-Entropy Entertainments newly released Homu movie has become the No. 1 box office hit worldwide. World Snake Security Company has launched a new funeral service. The highest standard service will have six gray snakes carrying the coffin. In response, the weak, pitiful and helpless Su Mu could only hug his big duck tightly. If you want to leave your own traces in this world, then start by making games! Honkai Impact III, Genshin Impact, Pokémon, Legend of Sword and Fairy, Resident Evil, Elden's Ring ... That day, Su Mu looked at the game list dominated by a certain yellow-skinned rabbit and secretly swore. One day, he will break the world's obsession with yellow-skinned rabbits and let them know that beautiful girls are the right ones! This is a MTL, I will try to touch up a little. Like names gender etc. OG: 开局制作崩坏三,我的老板是鸭鸭

Mobius_5trip · Video Games
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145 Chs

Chapter 074 Honkai Impact Three's new main line, is Bronya going to be knifed? !

After another week, Su Mu once again started the preview live broadcast of the version of Honkai Impact III, which created a wave of popularity for Honkai Impact III.

As for the content of this updated version, in addition to the main plot, what the audience is most looking forward to is the event plot and several Valkyrie skins.

At the same time, Chronicle has also updated the Moon Shadow chapter, and the richness of the game can be said to be maxed out.

So after the Honkai Impact III version was updated, Sirin and Senti immediately started the live broadcast of Honkai Impact III.

" Hello brothers, today's Honkai Impact 3 update, let's quickly play the main plot of Chapter 10 of Honkai Impact 3! "

Sirin didn't drag-on, so after saying hello to the barrage, she couldn't wait to enter the main plot.

[Miss Blowfish moves so fast. Every time a new storyline starts in Honkai Impact, she is the first to start the live broadcast. ]

[After all, Ms. Blowfish really likes the game Honkai Impact III. She used to play other games live, but now that she has Honkai Impact III, she basically only plays this game during live broadcasts. ]

[Hurry up and enter the main plot. I really want to know what will happen to Kiana after the last lesson. It would be better if there is news about Teacher Himeko! ]

The viewers in the live broadcast room are also looking forward to how the main plot will unfold this time. Of course, what they are most concerned about is the situation of Kiana and Himeko.

As Sirin enters the main line of the game, the game screen also appears.

The beginning this time is still an animated CG .

[ " With the awakening of the Herrscher of the Void, the world fell into a great crisis. In just four months, the survivors fled everywhere, seeking shelter. " ]

[The screen turned, and a steel jungle city with flashing neon lights appeared in front of everyone. ]

[ " Tianqiong City, the technological city built by humans in China, has become their refuge. " ]

[ " Two weeks ago, someone witnessed the Herrscher of the Void appearing here. In order to find her whereabouts, Schicksal and Anti-Entropy started acting at the same time. " ]

[At the end of the screen, Rita is frozen in Shadow Iron Armor. ]

" So, the timeline of the main plot this time is four months after the end of the last lesson? "

After watching the opening CG animation , Mei touched her chin thoughtfully.

" In other words, Kiana has been hiding for four months after escaping from the Schicksal Headquarters. "

" It's strange. It's okay if the Schicksal people can't find Kiana, but why can't Anti-Entropy find Kiana? Didn't Kiana get in touch with Theresa and the others? "

Sirin was a little confused.

"... I think it's me in the game who is deliberately avoiding my aunt and the others. "

Kiana sighed. Even Sirin didn't think about this problem at the first time, but she understood it directly.

Because she knew her own character very well, if something like this happened to her, she would definitely not dare to face Theresa and the others again.

This is not only because of guilt, but also because of the fear that she will become the Herrscher of the Void again and hurt them like she killed Himeko-sensei.

" Hide .... oh,I understand. "

After being reminded by Kiana, Sirin immediately figured out the key.

[Guigui, the appearance of the Herrscher of the Void actually caused a great eruption in the world. Is this the value of the Herrscher? But why not Wendy? ]

[Isn't it? Are you going to whip Wendy to death? Can you be a human being? ]

[Hey, poor Chongchong1, she is afraid that the Herrscher of the Void will take over her body again, so she doesn't dare to meet Theresa and the others, right? ]

[Yeah, although I don't know what happened in the past four months, for Kiana, I can already imagine how much pressure and pain she endured during this time. ]

[Damn Schicksal, haven't you let Kiana go yet? After reading the chapter of Saint Kallen, I had some affection for Otto. Now that I think about it, the Otto before and the Otto now are two different people. I still hope that this Otto can die soon! ]

After seeing the CG animation at the beginning of this paragraph, the audience in the live broadcast room also felt sad for Kiana.

Although Kiana's experience was not mentioned in the entire cg , everyone felt sad and uncomfortable just thinking about her hiding from Schicksal and Anti-Entropy, wandering around for four months.

" I hope the anti-entropy people can find Kiana soon. "

Sirin sighed and continued to play the game.

Because of the support of intelligence, Rita hurriedly met the person who provided Kiana information before Theresa and others. That person was called Gray Snake, and his organization was an underground intelligence organization called World Snake.

After a conversation, Rita killed the gray snake neatly, then deliberately left some hands and feet before leaving.

When Theresa and the others arrived, all they found was the body of the gray snake.

But based on the things left behind by the Gray Snake's body, they found the Gray Snake's stronghold and discovered a little girl whose whole body had been mechanically modified, and this little girl had news about Kiana.

But at the same time, Rita also arrived. In order to cover the evacuation of Teresa and others, Mei could only stop Rita.

When Theresa and the others were retreating, they were also attacked by a group of troops similar to anti-entropy mechas, but fortunately, they finally returned to the temporary base.

But just when they were about to find Kiana's information from the humanoid machine, a large number of mecha troops attacked them again, and Rita also appeared at the right time, using the highest authority device to completely format the humanoid machine.

This interrupted Theresa and the others' clues to finding Kiana.

" Damn it, why are these guys from Schicksal so annoying! "

Kiana said angrily.

Seeing that Theresa and the others were about to find the news about Kiana, in the end they were tricked by Rita, which really scared people to death.

[So angry! Just a little bit different! Where did these mecha troops come from? It's so similar to the anti-entropy mecha. ]

[If it's not against entropy or Schicksal, then it can only be from the World Snake. After all, there is only the World Snake force now. ]

[Why do I feel that this World Snake is not a pure intelligence organization? And that gray snake, is he really dead? Looking at him dressed in all black and wearing a mask, he doesn't look like a character who will die immediately upon appearance. ]

" I also feel that this world snake is not that simple. When this gray snake appeared, it almost had the words "I am a special character" written on its face. It is definitely impossible to die like this. "

Seeing the discussion on the barrage, Sirin also expressed her agreement.

" However, although this Rita seemed to be ruthless, she did not kill the little girl in the end, but only formatted her information reserve, which is not bad. "

Mei said.

" But even so, it won't change her behavior of doing bad things for Otto. "

Kiana said angrily.

" But that's also because of Otto's order. After all, she is a Schicksal S- class Valkyrie, so she naturally has no right to refuse. "

Sirin knocked on the table and looked thoughtful.

" Looking at this pace, Schicksal and Anti-Entropy are about to cause a storm in Tianqiong City. "

[It's a pity that I still can't see Kiana. I really want to see Chongchong now. ]

[Yes, if she knew that Theresa and the others were working so hard to find her, Chongchong might have come out to meet them. ]

[By the way, can Chongchong use the power of Herrscher of the Void now? According to Otto's plan, if Chongchong regains her body, she should also be eligible to use the power of Herrscher of the Void, right? ]

[But the question is, will Kiana use the power of the Herrscher of the Void? That was the culprit who killed Himeko-sensei! ]

Sirin was constantly speculating on the unfolding plot, but in Senti's live broadcast room, it was another scene.

Because she did not play the main plot first, but was more interested in the event plot.

" Old antique, look, this is a brand new version of you. She is really good-looking! "

Senti clicked into the event plot interface and saw Yun Mo Danxin's2 beautiful and ancient figure on the event page at a glance, and he suddenly became excited.

" Yes, this outfit is indeed beautiful. "

Fu Hua pushed up her glasses and looked at Yun Mo Danxin on the interface. Even she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Fu Hua is originally from China, and the image of the character Yunmo Danxin perfectly demonstrates the grace and temperament of a Chinese immortal.

People will be deeply attracted just by taking one look at it.

[Let me go, is this also Fu Hua? ]

[Obviously they have the same face and body, but it feels like Fu Hua in this Yun Mo Danxin state is very different from her usual Fu Hua! ]

[Indeed, if the usual Fu Hua is like a serious and old-fashioned elder, then this Fu Hua is undoubtedly the real Red Kite Immortal! ]

The audience also expressed their opinions excitedly.

There is no doubt that Yunmo Danxin is definitely eye-catching enough in terms of appearance.

There is nothing wrong with using words like fairy spirit and otherworldly to describe her.

[By the way, does the Fu Hua in this event plot have anything to do with the Fu Hua in the main plot? ]

[It seems to be okay, old thief Su Mu said that the plot of the event can be seen as what happened in a parallel world, which is not the same world as the Honkai Impact Three Worlds we are experiencing now. ]

" Hey, you don't know this, right? Su Mu told me that although the Fu Hua in the event plot has nothing to do with the Fu Hua in the main world, her appearance and experience are actually what Fu Hua experienced up to a certain time period. , the experiences are also somewhat similar. "

Seeing the discussion on the barrage, Senti said proudly.

This feeling of knowing the inside story only when no one else knows about it is really great.

[Damn, if the anchor has any other inside information, please tell me immediately! ]

After hearing that Senti actually had inside information, and that they heard it from the old thief Su Mu, the audience immediately started asking questions.

" Hey, do you want to know? Why don't you give me a gift quickly? "

Senti smiled evilly and took the opportunity to ask for a gift.

[I go! Anchor, you are too shameless! ]

[Brother, are you new here? The main thing the anchor is doing is asking for money, just get used to it. ]

Although they were dumbfounded by Senti's move, the audience still bought the gifts honestly.

After receiving the gift, Senti immediately burst into laughter. She didn't show off and said directly to the audience,

" Actually, I don't know much. Su Mu told me that the world view of Honkai Impact III is very big. It's not just the main plot world we see now, but there are also many parallel worlds. In the quantum sea, it seems to be... It's called World Bubble. "

" Then the event plot takes place in these world bubbles, and these world bubbles are closely related to the world of Honkai Impact III, so we can see many familiar people in the event plot, such as Kiana, Mei, and even Himeko-sensei and the others. "

After hearing what Senti said, the audience immediately understood.

[So that's it, this setting is so interesting! ]

[In that case, wouldn't we be able to see those characters we are familiar with playing another identity in other worlds? ]

" That's right, and if you play this event story, you can also get the skins of Himeko and Herrscher of the Void for free. In addition, you can get the Twilight Witch skin of Bronya after signing in for seven days. All the skins in this update, All available for free. "

Senti opened the event store, which contained some materials. The first one was the skin of Himeko's Red Knight, Splendid Spring Glow, and the second one was the Winter Empress of Herrscher of the Void.

[I go! These two skins are actually available for free? ]

[I thought I had to spend money to buy it or cash it out! I have prepared three hundred yuan and several thousand crystals for this! MiHoYo is too conscientious! ]

[MiHoYo is real, I cried to death! ]

The audience was very moved. You must know that dressing-up DLC like this costs money in other games, but in Honkai Impact III, you can get it for free. It's so shameless!

In fact, it's not that Su Mu doesn't want to use skins to pay for it, he just thinks that since this is the first time that he has released skins, he might as well give some benefits to the players.

After all, he is not one of those money-hungry business planners from Honkai Impact III, and he will not try his best to steal money from players' pockets.

" Then let's play with the plot of this event. "

After everything that needed to be said was said, Senti rubbed her hands and clicked into the event plot with great anticipation.

On the other side, Sirin has also entered the next stage of the main plot.

That is the original chapter 2 , the snake comes from the darkness.

Theresa and her team returned to Hyperion with the formatted humanoid machine. Einstein tried to restore the formatted memory of the humanoid machine, but a communication suddenly came from Cocolia.

She told everyone that Schicksal is also searching for the Desire Gem now. Instead of continuing to be led by Schicksal here, it is better to move the Desire Gem with her to ensure that Otto's plan is not completely successful.

During the communication period, Hyperion was suddenly invaded by Gray Snake's information, trying to control Hyperion.

Einstein and the others responded quickly, first letting Theresa and the others go to the deck to deal with the incoming enemies, while she and Bronya were preparing to take back control of Hyperion from the Gray Snake.

" The Gray Snake is indeed not dead! "

Everyone was not surprised to see the appearance of Gray Snake, because they had already guessed that this mysterious guy would not die so easily.

But what they didn't expect was that this person would take away all control of Hyperion even if he didn't take action!

And that was in front of genius scientists like Einstein and Tesla.

" What is the origin of this world snake? Why do you think it is more difficult to deal with them than Schicksal? "

Kiana said in disbelief.

" Regardless of the origin of the World Snake, it seems that from the very beginning, this was a plan against the Anti-Entropy and the principal of the school. "

Mei frowned and said,

" The Gray Snake used Kiana's news to deceive the principal and others in order to take away something from Hyperion. In fact, whether there is Schicksal at work or not in the middle, I am afraid the final result will not change. "

[Dear me, why did this plot suddenly become so exciting again! First, Cocolia asked them to help protect the Desire Gem, and then the Gray Snake invaded Hyperion ... Teresa and the others were in too much trouble, right? ]

[I went ... I also said that I hope they can find Kiana soon, but now they can't even protect themselves ... ]

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also shocked by this sudden change of plot.

Originally, they thought that Schicksal and Anti-Entropy would show off their special powers and fight in Tianqiong City to find Kiana.

Now, before they could meet Schicksal, Anti-Entropy's hometown was stolen by the World Snake.

This is truly something no one could have imagined.

" Brothers, don't worry, I believe Einstein and the others can definitely deal with the Gray Snake. "

Sirin said as she continued the game.

In order to regain control of Hyperion, Bronya connected her nerves with Hyperion's data space, trying to find the loopholes of the Gray Snake.

However, in the data space, she faced the Gray Snake, and the Gray Snake allowed her to see many memories.

For example, the burned St. Freya, Wendy in New Zealand, Bronya's hometown of Siberia ...

Gray Snake wants to use these memories to awaken Bronya's pain and make her overwhelmed by her own memories.

When Bronya was about to collapse, Yu Duchen3 left by Fu Hua appeared in time and helped Bronya eliminate this illusion.

Bronya, who continued to move forward in the data space, discovered a record.

A record of some kind of experiment conducted by Einstein and the leader of anti-entropy, Welt Yang.

But their experiment failed and they encountered some unknown danger. Welt had no choice but to use the Star of Eden to break the passage of the Quantum Sea, but he stayed inside.

When Bronya's consciousness returned to reality, she discovered that the gray snake had left.

Bronya told Einstein that what Gray Snake was looking for was the experimental record of Anti-Entropy.

And now, Bronya is also eager to know what the anti-entropy research in the Quantum Sea discovered a year ago.

Einstein said that she was willing to tell them about the experiment, but first, they had to go to the place where Cocolia was located, which was the city left by the previous civilization - Abyss City.

[It turns out that what Gray Snake is looking for is the experimental records of Einstein and Welt Yang on the Quantum Sea, but why are they looking for this? ]

[Could it be related to the unknown existence Welt Yang met? ]

[Ah, I'm a little dizzy. Kiana's problem hasn't been solved yet, and now a new problem has arisen ... If I were the protagonist, my head would probably explode by now. ]

" Don't worry, brothers, it's obvious that the main plot will be divided into two parts. "

Sirin sees it thoroughly. Firstly, she is smarter, and secondly, because she has studied the Honkai plot very deeply. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a Honkai scholar. So seeing the plot unfolding like this, She understood immediately.

" Two parts? "

Kiana asked doubtfully.

" Well, if nothing unexpected happens, the first part should still be about Kiana's story, while the second part is about Bronya, Seele, and the Quantum Sea. "

Sirin nodded and said,

" In the Cyan Sea chapter, Bronya promised Seele to find her, so she was so excited when she heard that Einstein had conducted experiments on the Quantum Sea. "

" If my inference is correct, we will see Seele soon in the next plot. "

[Great! You can see Hill in the main plot! ]

[Hey, brother, are you a cloud player? Why is Seele's name typed wrong? ]

[By the way, I suddenly had a hunch. Isn't it going to kill Bronya this time? For example, let Bronya sacrifice and then rescue Seele or something ... ]

[Fuck! Brother, don't be so talkative! ]

[No, think about it, with the character of the old thief Su Mu, would he not be able to do such a thing? ]

The audience in the live broadcast room was chatting well at first, but as they were chatting, they suddenly started to get confused and began to discuss whether Bronya would be stabbed.

If it were before, they would naturally not have such thoughts.

But after experiencing the last lesson and knowing Su Mu's bad character, similar thoughts like this appeared unconsciously.

" Hey, hey, are you thinking too much? Bronya is the protagonist, and Su Mu's favorite character is Bronya. How could he be willing to kill her? "

Seeing that the discussion on the barrage was becoming more and more outrageous, Sirin couldn't help but complain.

[But we never thought before that he would kill Himeko-sensei ... Isn't Himeko-sensei also a member of the protagonist group? ]

".... Then maybe it's Seele? "

Kiana also guessed,

" For example, when Bronya was about to rescue Seele, she encountered some danger. Then Seele pushed Bronya out of the quantum sea and gave her the power of her stigmata, letting her take her with her. Live well for her share, and then turn this imperfect world into ..."

".... Kiana, did you watch too much in the last lesson? "

Mei suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

This girl really went crazy watching the last lesson, and now everything she looks at feels like a knife.