
Start by Becoming Strong with Multiverse System

--- Shigeo thought that he died after he get's crashed by a Truck, but he woke up in an unfamiliar body. 'Hmm? where am i? did i reincarnated?' After month's of finding job he get's accepted but every 3 month's he get's fired. One day he suddenly heard a mechanical voice in his head. [Do you wish to bound with the system?] 'huh?' [Y/N?] Shigeo: Yes! --------------------------------------------------- Cover not mine. just found it in google with a little edit. I do not own anything just my OC. --------------------------------------------------- First time writing so please don't expect perfect grammar and i will try to improve it so bear with it.

Zer0_Sense1 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

After Shigeo finishes his training he quickly felt that he is hungry because he didn't eat breakfast earlier because of the mission.

He quickly go to the kitchen and start a simple cooking. after a few minutes of cooking he eat the break fast or a lunch because he is late. after that he start washing the plates and the cooking materials.

Then he feel that he is a bit of smelly because he sweat when he was training so he decided to take a shower and he however was shocked because after he took of his top and look at his body.

Before, he only have 6 packs abs but now he has 8 pact abs and chiseled and compact muscles and not so much muscular but quiet lean and look strong and a sight to behold.

Shigeo then thought if he go to the beach right now naked on top he was sure that he will be sorrounded by girls and they will flirt with him.

Shigeo then looked at his face at the mirror and he was slightly shock not because only his body changed his face change too being more handsome, his face is only above average when he had no system before but now he can compare with the models in his past life or he surpass them in terms of looks and body.

After showering Shigeo looked at the time and decided to go out and buy food because when he check earlier the fridge it was only a matter of time before it might run out so he decided to go out and buy in supermarket.

After readying he started to head out and close the door in his house he started walking towards to the supermarket.

After a few minutes of walking Shigeo arrived in super market he walked in but suddenly he heard someone shout in the cashier area ''Give me the money!''

Shigeo then take a peek and want to know what is going on and he see a two big mascular man that have a black mask and holding a gun pointing at the cashier lady.

The man in black masked noticed Shigeo and walked towards him while pointing a gun in his head while saying ''Give me all your money''

Shigeo frowned and said ''I hate someone pointing a gun at me the same time threatening me'' he is confident and he didn't believed that he cannot take down these black masked men.

The man in black mask suddenly laughed and said ''Then what are you gonna do about it?'' the man in mask didn't really believe that this kid infront of him can do something and only acting tough.

Shigeo then see the second masked man in cashier area who is busy taking all of the money in the vault and look at the man infront of him and thinking something and didn't pay attention to the masked man infront of him.

The masked man infront of him notice that the brat didn't pay attention to him at all and he suddenly get piss off because he threatened this brat but only ignore him it is like he is feeling that the brat only treated him as an idiot.

''Give me all your money, NOW!'' the masked man infront of him shout in anger while Shigeo didn't pay attention to him

A hand suddenly want to grab his shoulder but Shigeo quickly grab it with his left hand and step forward while holding the wrist and the masked man who grit his teeth because of the pain, Shigeo who didn't manage to control his grip nearly broke the wrist of this guy and kick the thighs of the masked man with his right foot while steppping it trying to use it to go in mid air.

After he kicked the thigh of the masked man while in mid air Shigeo then do a round house kick in the face of the masked man and looked at the hand of the masked man that holding the gun and kick it.

The gun dropped in the floor but because of the gun obviously is not weightless the masked man in cashier area looked what is going on with his partner, he didn't believe what he saw, his partner got beaten by a kid but he calm himself down and tried to shoot Shigeo.

Shigeo then suddenly appeared infront of the masked man in cashier are and the masked man who has a surprised look in his eyes and a little bit fear because normal people cannot move that fast.

Shigeo punch the solar plexus of the masked man and because he didn't really control his strenght beacuse if he didnt't move fast and strong enough he might die in the hands of these two people while the masked man dropped on the ground and fainted.

But the other masked man who he fight first didn't faint and tried to slash him with knife.

Thankfully Shigeo quickly dodge but he didn't dodge it entirely and got a graze in his abdomen but he quickly use his breating to calm down the pain and looked at the man fiercely he subconciously used 'Aura Manipulation' but because he is stronger than the masked man, the masked man is shaking in fear and got pissed with his pants and faint.

Shigeo is frowned and asked system why is he shaking in fear and pissed his owned pants [Host, you use your Aura Manipulation subconciously and you use it in maximum level of your current limitation so he shook in fear while fainted]

Shigeo nodded in understanding that 'Aura Manipulation' get stronger on how you use it then he heard a siren sound outside and he think it might be troublesome to deal with the police so he decided to quickly leave this place.

Of course Shigeo didn't forget what he came for and he quickly look at the food and ingredients took it and pay in the cashier area and leave.

After getting back in his house and he open the TV after he put the food and ingredients in fridge. Shigeo then notice his bleeding stopped and see his wound is regenerating slightly.

''System, why is my body is healing faster?'' Shigeo didn't know having a 'regeneration' ability [Host, it is beacuse of the having a fast adaption and 'Instant Mastery' is leveling up your adaption so you quickly adapt in pain while slightly healing] Shigeo was amazed and didn't think that 'Instant Mastery' can level up his adaption.

He quickly take off his white t-shirt and clean his blood in his body and wound that healing slowly and bandaging it. after that he then wore a black t-shirt.

Shigeo then change the channel in the news and he was surprised to see the supermarket and the two black masked man appeared in news.

Shigeo see the reporter in TV is doing an interview with the cashier staff that he saw earlier ''I was thankful that there was someone who saved my supermarket and beat up these robbers because i don't really know what to do earlier and afraid to die so whoever you are i am really greatfull to you'' the supermarket cashier lady who is actually the owner said.

''Well do you remember his appearance?'' the reporter asked ''I only remember he has white silverish hair and he is super handsome at that time while beating these two robbers'' the supermarket owner while slightly blushing said.

Shigeo turned off the TV and smiled he didn't really actually beat those robbers to help her, he only really wanted to test his power at that time but he really didn't need to explain right?