
Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Fortunately, he is a magician himself, and he also has the ability to trade across borders. Then he had to develop his own viscount, and the traded Dali Pills could increase his power? ! The exercises traded from the martial arts world can actually make the knights under his command greatly reduce the time to awaken the fighting spirit? ! And what’s the deal with a dragon? After many years… The people in the territory sighed: “Thanks to the Lord for saving us, who are living in dire straits, let us know what is truly alive.” “Religion? Serious people who believe in that stuff must believe in the science propaganda by the Lord!” Every businessman who came to the territory could not help but sigh: “This is the greatest city I have ever seen, no one.” “Lord Claire, your reputation is known to everyone from the orc kingdom in the extreme west to the mermaid kingdom in the sunrise!”

Mrchampions · Fantasy
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140 Chs


Claire didn't let go and pulled it lightly. After being pinched, the Shuiyun Beast fell back into Claire's arms with a coquettish look on its face.

After being teased, the three finally set their sights on Rona, and the meaning is self-evident: it's your turn.

After Luona hesitated for a while, she also tried to stretch out her hand in the direction of the water cloud beast, and said softly, "Come here."

The water cloud beast glanced at Claire, hesitated for a while, and then slowly floated over.

The corners of Regan's mouth couldn't help but grin, thinking that Rona would also be drenched by the other party like him, but what he didn't expect was that the water cloud beast rubbed Rona's hand and ran back to Claire's shoulders.

"Ah?" The three people who were treated differently received a critical blow in their hearts.

Tecklin and Reagan are even more difficult to accept. Is it difficult for this little thing to really look at its beauty? Then Isaac didn't fall for anything, did he?

Isaac explained, "Well, but because she's a half-elf, it's normal for it to be kind to her."

It can only be explained like this, and the three of them can feel better in their hearts.

"It seems that I thought too much before. This little guy is born with a good impression of you, and it is impossible to recognize us as the master." Rona said, even if she has the ability of the elves to be compatible with all things, the other party is only rubbing She just touched her hand and quickly returned to Claire's side.

Claire touched the water cloud beast on his shoulder, and was a little surprised. When he first traded it, he still used the mental connection method to connect a few times, but he didn't care much about it later. The guy remembered himself then.

Claire performed the spiritual connection method again, and made a spiritual connection with the water cloud beast lying on his shoulders. As soon as the two spiritual worlds were connected, Claire felt the cheering mood from the water cloud beast, and to himself. love and trust.

Afterwards, Claire also passed on her friendliness. The water cloud beast, who received Claire's emotions, cheered again and circled around Claire excitedly.

Isaac came over again, quickly poked the water cloud beast with his hand, and asked, "What kind of beast is this? I've never seen this type of beast before."

The water cloud beast showed a "you hate" expression at Isaac who poked it, and then flew back to Claire's shoulder and continued to lie on it.

"The world is full of wonders, this little guy should be considered a monster of the water system." Claire explained.

Isaac nodded as well. He didn't delve into it. He is not an expert in this field. As for the strange appearance of a cloud, there is nothing strange about it. Don't you think slimes are also like jelly? And there are countless planes that the mage has not yet explored, and this may be a creature from another plane.

After a few people played with Shuiyun Beast for a while, the Shuiyun Beast had always been clinging to Claire, and after getting acquainted with them, they were only willing to let the other party poke him.

Afterwards, Claire asked Regan to settle all the craftsmen and others he brought from the capital, and he took Tecklin and Isaac to stroll around Nafhu City.

Seeing the people who greeted Claire when they passed by, both Tecklin and Isaac were amazed. They didn't expect to have such an experience as a lord.

After walking around for a while, Claire took the two to the salt factory and let them watch the salt-making machines in action.

Teklin couldn't help but want to take out a hammer and smash them into a new one, but Isaac's reaction was completely different. At first, he couldn't understand the operation mechanism of these machines, and then he turned around a few times. Afterwards, slap straight on the thigh and applaud.

"How did you come up with your things? I haven't thought that the formation method can still be used in this way, but it is not perfect."

Claire raised her eyebrows and said, "It's a little imperfect, but when you come, we can revise and improve it together."

"My sledgehammer is already hungry and thirsty. Your forging craftsmanship is too poor. It's not at the same level as those things in your mind."

Claire smiled and didn't feel anything. When he made these machines, he thought it would be good to use them, but he didn't expect so many. Moreover, he specialized in surgery, and he didn't swing a hammer, so there was no need to talk to Techlin. Than what forging process.

There was a hint of excitement in Isaac's tone, "What are you doing now?"

Taiklin took out the heavy hammer from his waist, "I can do it! As long as you prepare the materials for me, I can make whatever you want!"

Seeing that both of them were full of energy, Claire turned to the employees and shouted, "Today is a paid holiday, everyone go back!"

"Wow! Long live the Viscount!"

"Yeah! Wow wow wow!"

After all the employees in the salt factory were almost gone, Taiklin couldn't help but swung his arms and prepared for a big fight. Isaac also took out his crystal pen and the rest of the tools. Immediately started, but looked at Claire.

Claire smiled slightly and rolled up her sleeves: "Then let's get started! Don't sleep until you finish it!"

"A real man can do it for seven days and seven nights!" Taikling raised his hammer and shouted.

Claire said to those machines: "We dismantled them first, and I will let Reagan send the required materials."

For the convenience of moving, Claire made it detachable, so it was quick to take it apart, and it was taken down in no time.

Then Claire explained to Isaac the principle of operation, and Reagan also brought over all the guys who were eating in Tecklin, and started to burn the furnace.

After Claire and Isaac felt the heat, they got up and sat in a farther and cooler place. Even the water cloud beast stayed far away and ran outside the factory.

After the general idea was finalized, Teklin began to make the original metal plates into more delicate machine parts according to the needs of Claire and Isaac.

Isaac is also in constant discussion with Claire.

"I think if a mithril pattern is added here, the magic power will be transmitted faster, and the salt will be transported faster."

"That's not fast, it's already flying, and the salt in the back has been transported before it is connected to the salt on the conveyor belt." Claire persuaded the other side bitterly.

"Then let's remodel the furnace and add sun gold. In this way, the seawater that enters it can be turned into coarse salt and transported out in less than a second, and it can also follow."

"We're making salt machines, not magic objects. We don't need to add such expensive materials." Claire continued to persuade.

Isaac still couldn't change his habit of using extravagant materials. He even dared to say something like Sun Gold. Even the magician might not have a piece in his hand, and he might not be able to afford it if he sold it to Claire!

But with Claire balancing on the side, UU was reading www. The cost of uukanshu.com is finally controlled at a level that is not exaggerated.

With the passage of time, the new salt-making machine has gradually taken shape. Isaac has begun to prepare inscriptions and formations. Claire was not good at this before, so he only made a simple fire. The magic circle heats the furnace, and other things are only up to the qualified line that can be used.

The formations and inscriptions transformed by Isaac were engraved on the key positions of the salt-making machine, so that the efficiency of the machine has been greatly improved, at least five times that of the previous ones, and the labor steps that can be saved are also Saved.

Later, Claire took two people to remodel the machine for making MSG, and also created two more assembly lines. As for the increased output, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell it. The previous contract with Sophia was originally. Make more MSG for the other party to sell.

Those workers don't have to worry about losing their jobs when they come back from a day's vacation. Although many steps of the machine have been omitted from labor, it is estimated that the increase in production will require more manpower, and Reagan has to find more workers from outside.

It was busy until dawn, and the renovation work was not completed. Then Claire took the two back to the Viscount Mansion. The two chose a guest room and fell asleep.

Claire also returned to his room. He was not as tired as the two of them. Taiklin hammered iron all night, and Isaac drew the formation and inscriptions overnight.

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