
Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Fortunately, he is a magician himself, and he also has the ability to trade across borders. Then he had to develop his own viscount, and the traded Dali Pills could increase his power? ! The exercises traded from the martial arts world can actually make the knights under his command greatly reduce the time to awaken the fighting spirit? ! And what’s the deal with a dragon? After many years… The people in the territory sighed: “Thanks to the Lord for saving us, who are living in dire straits, let us know what is truly alive.” “Religion? Serious people who believe in that stuff must believe in the science propaganda by the Lord!” Every businessman who came to the territory could not help but sigh: “This is the greatest city I have ever seen, no one.” “Lord Claire, your reputation is known to everyone from the orc kingdom in the extreme west to the mermaid kingdom in the sunrise!”

Mrchampions · Fantasy
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153 Chs

Metallurgical City

As soon as the street lamp thing was over, Claire pulled Isaac out of the Academy again.

But fortunately, it is still in the design stage of the airship, so Isaac doesn't have to stay in the Academy of Sciences himself, and Claire said that he would show him a new thing when he went there, so he was fooled. came out.

However, he stayed in the carriage along the way, unfolding the drawings and constantly scribbling and drawing on it. Every part of the magic airship was designed by him himself, not only that, but also the cooperation between the various parts had to be considered.

Along with them were thousands of people in Nafu City, most of whom were able-bodied adult men who had mined in the past. There are also talents that Claire has recruited from the Royal Capital and various nearby cities, most of which are blacksmiths and talents who are skilled in metallurgy recruited from the Royal Capital, as well as several urban construction planners.

Claire intends to build an industrial city based on mineral metallurgy among the four mines, which is why he is unwilling to give the four mines to the Lysis Chamber of Commerce for mining.

If you simply sell minerals, the money you get is only part of the raw materials, not much at all. And if you mine it yourself, not to mention that it can increase the employment population of Nafu City and increase the income of residents. Moreover, if iron ore, copper ore and other ores are processed into iron ingots and copper ingots, the difference between the price of the finished product and the price of the ore raw materials will be much larger.

That's what the Lysis Chamber of Commerce did in mining ore, processing raw materials into finished products and selling them at double the price.

However, Claire didn't plan to compete with the other party in this regard. As long as the other party had a large quantity and lowered the price a little, he would not be able to sell these finished iron ingots and copper ingots, and he could be beaten to death.

That's why he has a preferential policy of recruiting blacksmiths and craftsmen everywhere, sending some metallurgists and blacksmiths with average skills here, mainly responsible for the production of metal ingots, and some simple metal products, such as axes, hoes, etc. Daily necessities, and then sell these daily metal items to nearby cities and towns. Anyway, the blacksmiths there are recruited by themselves. If you want to buy these things, you have to buy them from yourself, and you are not afraid of not being able to sell them.

As for iron ingots, copper ingots, etc., they are transported to the Blacksmith Street in Nafhu City. The craftsmen there are like Gordon. They have an exclusive craftsmanship and can turn these metal ingots into weapons, or handicrafts. More powerful Ability to create magical weapons capable of enchanting inscriptions. After these things are made, the price is several times higher than that of metal ingots.

These benefits cannot be obtained by mining the minerals to the Lysis Chamber of Commerce, and the addition of this industrial pillar will have a lot of promoting effects on the development of Nafu City.

Moreover, this place is already profitable. Claire only needs to solve the housing problem. With a slight push, the town will develop naturally. There are enough consumers here, and there will definitely be businessmen who take advantage of it. Come, open restaurants and shops selling daily necessities here. Over time, the town will develop.

As the main city of Griffin, Nafu City will also become an economic center in the southern part of the kingdom.


Before coming back, Claire decided on the map where the new town would be established. It was not one of the four mines, but an average value and a plain with the most convenient transportation to the outside world. Everything produced inside has to be transported to the outside for processing and sales. If the transportation is inconvenient, it will have an impact.

Isaac, who was on the side, saw the location that Claire circled, and stopped his work.

Pointing to the position above with his finger, he said: "This place is indeed convenient for transportation, but it is not close to the four minerals. We don't have the space teleportation circle of the Lysis Chamber of Commerce..."

The transportation method used by the Lysis Chamber of Commerce is different from most of the common transportation methods. Other chambers of commerce use horse-drawn carriages to transport the low-end ones. The slightly richer ones can use giant monsters, and the large ones can be transported by water. Rare, there are so many monsters in the air that they are dead and their strength is tyrannical. If it is not necessary, general long-distance transportation will not be carried by air.

However, the transportation method owned by the Lysis Chamber of Commerce is a one-way space teleportation array developed by several wizard-level mages, which can directly transfer the mined ores to the city specializing in smelting metal ingots, although the consumption is not small. , but it can save a lot of money in terms of transportation costs.

There are two-way and one-way teleportation arrays. The two-way is like a space channel, and the price is relatively high. The one-way is much cheaper. If it is further subdivided, it can transmit living and dead objects. The space teleportation circle of the Lysis Chamber of Commerce transmits ore, that is, dead objects. If there are living objects in it, they will be torn into pieces by the space.

However, the advantage is that the cost is much cheaper than the one that can teleport creatures. The original Lysis Chamber of Commerce also used waterways and used giant monsters to transport, but the cost is shared, and the profit is pitiful. The magician of the college who specializes in the law of space came up with this set of teleportation circles at a high price. Since then, the Lysis Chamber of Commerce has gradually become a giant that monopolizes the mining industry in the entire kingdom.

If Claire wants to create a space teleportation circle like the other party, or even a low-end version of the teleportation circle, it is estimated that these four mines will be hollowed out, and even the cost will not be recovered.

"I know." Claire said softly, swiping her finger on the map, connecting to the four mines.

"This place is the closest to the four mines at the same time, and the traffic with the outside is quite convenient. It is the best place to build a town."

"What about the transportation problem? How do you transport the ore from the mine? If you want to use the airship or other magical objects I developed to transport it, the cost will be high, and the consumption of Warcraft crystal core and magic crystal It can smooth out your profits."

Isaac didn't even think about the impractical thing of transporting ore by horse-drawn cart, so much ore was transported by horse-drawn carriage? Then this town could be turned into a horse farm. There must be more horses than people.

"You Isaac still understand the word cost." Claire joked.

Isaac has always done things without considering the cost, otherwise he would not persuade Claire to make a magic bullet with a hundred thousand gold coins~www.mtlnovel.com~ And these days, he is trying to make the airship. The fabric cost the thousands of gold coins that Claire had allocated to him, and it would probably cost more to build the airship later.

Isaac scratched his head in embarrassment, "Researching this kind of thing requires money."

Claire smiled and didn't care about the money, and said, "Of course I have considered the issue of transportation, so didn't this call you over?"

Isaac's eyes lit up and excitedly said: "Is this the new thing you told me? Hurry up and show it to me."

"Don't worry." Claire took out a test tube from the space ring, poured some water into it, and then took out the stopper to stop the bottle.

Then, with a snap of his fingers, "Crack!"

A fireball the size of a ping-pong ball appeared in front of the two of them, and Claire used the hand of the mage again, holding the test tube bottle and extending it into the fireball.

Claire was able to control the temperature of the flame, preventing the fireball from melting the glass bottle.

Within a few seconds of the test tube touching the flame, the water inside boiled, and the crystal clear glass tube was filled with water mist, making it foggy.


A crisp sound sounded, and the cork jumped out like a bullet. Claire quickly grabbed the cork and brought it to Isaac.

Isaac was still a little puzzled, pointed to the cork and said, "Is this what you want to show me?"

Claire nodded: "Yes! This can solve the transportation problem!"