
Start across different worlds and secretly develop into a Lord.

Li Fan, who was teleported to a different world, obtained a Bond System. By fostering friendship with different races, he could accumulate bond points, thus continuously growing stronger. Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Sea Race, Dragon, Vampire, Giant... Each race would bring him racial talents. The Human's martial arts, the Orc's berserker state, the Elf's archery, the Dwarf's indestructible body, the Dragon's breath... Li Fan woke up in the Sinful Forest. From saving an Elf slave, befriending the Orc and Dwarf races, to the Human race to establish a territory, he farmed, sold salt and wine, purchased slaves, and recruited followers.

Eshita_Begum · Fantasy
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48 Chs

The Importance of Basic Attribute Points

His dream of becoming a magician was shattered, and Li Fan could only put all his hope in fighting spirit.

The staff of the Mercenary Guild also explained why they wanted to test the basic attributes.

In the magical continent, whether it is magic, blood, fighting spirit, or methods of tempering the body, all cultivation is closely related to the basic attributes of the practitioner.

For example, human fighting spirit is divided into 9 levels.

Each time he is promoted to level 1, the person's basic attributes will increase by 10 times.

Assume that a person's basic attribute points are

Strength: 1

Constitution: 1

Agility: 1

Spirit: 1

Then when he practices Dou Qi and becomes a Level 1 Dou Qi apprentice, his basic attributes will become.

Strength: 10

Constitution: 10

Agility: 10

Spirit: 10

It can be seen how much influence a person's basic attributes have on future growth.

Therefore, if a person's basic attributes are very high, as long as he grows up, he will become extremely powerful. The mercenary guild will naturally record such people and grant them some privileges, which is considered an investment.

On the contrary, if a person's basic attributes are too low, not only will he not receive privileges from the mercenary guild, but the mercenary guild will also charge a large amount of fees for completing commissioned tasks, and he may not even be able to purchase precious items such as salt. Can't even get the power.

Li Fan was a little nervous when he said this. His total attribute points were only 6. This attribute point was high or low among humans. If it was too low, he would not even be qualified to buy salt, which would be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Li Fan hurriedly asked the staff.

Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the staff's reply.

According to the staff, most of the total attribute points of a normal person are only 5 points.

If you have 6~7 attribute points, you can be said to have excellent qualifications.

If you have 8~9 attribute points, you can be called a genius.

And if you have 10 or more attribute points, you will be called a person chosen by God. As soon as such a person appears, you will be invited by the royal family. No matter how humble your previous status was, you can become a guest of the royal family in one step. , enjoying the rights of a great noble.

The sum of Li Fan's attribute points is 6, which means that Li Fan has excellent qualifications. Of course, the right to purchase salt is not a problem. He can even enjoy a 50% discount when purchasing items in the mercenary union.

After all, the value is only slightly higher than that of ordinary people, and the privileges enjoyed are also the lowest. The discount can only be said to be better than nothing.

Li Fan was still very happy after hearing this, because he suddenly remembered that his basic attribute points could be increased.

When the system was first turned on, Li Fan's four basic attributes were all 1, and the sum of all attributes was only 4 points, which was 1 point lower than ordinary people.

However, after forming friendship with the elves, his spirit increased by 1 point. After forming friendship with the orcs, his strength increased by another 1 point, so that he now has 6 points in all attributes.

As a guess, as long as he develops friendship with a new alien race, he will increase his basic attribute points by one point.

If this is really the case, let alone a genius, in the future his basic attribute points will even be able to beat all the Chosen Sons.

Thinking about Li Fan, he felt secretly happy. Is this the real way to open the plug-in in the system?


After that, Li Fan started the attribute test under the guidance of the staff.

I don't know if it was the system's fault, but Li Fan discovered that although he could only speak Chinese, he could not only communicate with these people from other worlds without any barriers, he could even understand the words of this world, and the Chinese characters he wrote were different. People from other worlds can also understand it without any doubts, as if what Li Fan writes is ordinary otherworld characters in the eyes of people from other worlds.

Li Fan is too lazy to care about this. Now he is more worried about the results of the attribute test. There is no bloody plot. The test results are exactly the same as the system panel.

"Excellent qualifications"

The staff looked at the test results and their expressions were extremely dull. Although excellent qualifications were rare, they were not uncommon, so naturally they would not cause any sensation.

Soon after, Li Fan successfully obtained his mercenary certificate.

Li Fan went directly to the trading area. After communicating with the staff in the trading area, he learned about the current salt price.

10 silver coins can buy 1 catty of salt.

The price is half what the two sisters Dina said.

It's not a surprise, 10 silver coins per kilogram of salt is the price in the gathering place. It's not surprising to Li Fan that the price doubled for someone like Dina Anna who can't enter the gathering place.

Li Fan calculated that if he buys salt, he can still enjoy a 9.5 discount.

In other words, you can buy one pound for only 9 silver coins and 50 copper coins.

After this calculation, Li Fan discovered that it was incredible.

As long as he buys a pound of salt, he can earn 10 silver coins and 50 copper coins when it is sold.

Darling, why are you chopping firewood now? It's impossible to chop firewood in this life.

But soon, Li Fan gave up the idea of ​​being a middleman because he discovered that the salt was subject to purchase restrictions.

Although his qualifications are excellent, because he has not yet practiced Dou Qi and lacks authority, he can only purchase 5 kilograms of salt in total a year.

This amount is only enough for Li Fan to eat himself. If he wants to use this little salt to enhance his friendship with foreigners, it is completely insufficient.

Seeing that the purchase of salt was restricted, Li Fan himself had enough money, so he decisively gave up buying salt, and kept the two magic cores he originally planned to sell.


Return to the stables.

That's right, it's still that stable. Li Fan, who has no money, can only afford to live in a stable with 1 copper coin per day.

Fortunately, few novices come to Sin Town, so there are very few people who can't afford hotels and can only live in stables. Li Fan can have the entire stable to himself.

At this time, there were only a few horses accompanying him, so it was quite quiet.

Seeing that there was no one around, Li Fan took out the two first-level magic cores.

"Are you going to absorb the magic core into the system? Damn it, capital is the same everywhere, and nobles from other worlds also have a monopoly on grudges."

Li Fan cursed angrily.

In the mercenary guild, Li Fan saw that he didn't know how long it would take to redeem the fighting qi skills from the system, so he couldn't help but ask the staff in the guild about practicing fighting qi.

This inquiry almost made Li Fan angry to death on the spot.

All humans can learn Dou Qi, but there are very few people who truly learn Dou Qi and become first-level Dou Qi apprentices.


Because if you want to become a Dou Qi apprentice, you must first have Dou Qi skills that you can learn!

However, in the human empire, almost all fighting skills are in the hands of nobles.

The nobles hold on to the fighting qi skills, and only family members will inherit them.

Therefore, there are often only two types of people who can learn Dou Qi Kung Fu.

One is a descendant of a noble family.

The other is a person who signs a contract with a noble and voluntarily becomes a servant, so that they can receive the skills rewarded by the noble.

Li Fan traveled through time in the flesh and had no background. Naturally, he couldn't have a cheap aristocratic father.

Therefore, if he wanted to obtain the fighting qi technique, he could only sign a contract with a noble other than the system mall.

However, the nobles are not kind-hearted people when they hear it. It is conceivable that even if you sign a contract, you will definitely get the worst technique.

Moreover, contracts on the Magical Continent are not just for fun. Once a contract is reached, it cannot be broken. It is a real contract that will be punished by the gods once it is broken.

Yes, the gods of the Magic Continent really exist.

Under such a binding contract, once you sign the contract, you will be a dog even if the nobles ask you to be a dog, or you will be a pig if they ask you to be a pig.

Fortunately, Li Fan has another option, he can purchase it through the system mall.

However, bond value has always been Li Fan's pain point.

Now, Li Fan couldn't wait any longer. He decided to try absorbing the magic core. He didn't know how much bond value this level of magic core could bring him?

"At least 2 or 3 o'clock, right?"

"System, absorb a first-level magic core."

Li Fan planned to try one first.

[Ding, start absorbing the first level magic core]


[Ding, absorption is complete. ]

In just three seconds, a first-level magic core was absorbed, and the original black magic core turned into gray dust. As soon as Li Fan raised his hand, it drifted away in the wind.

Then the system beep sounded again.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 0.1 bond value]

Li Fan stared blankly at the system prompt, and then let out a thundering roar for a long time.

"Are you serious about this 0.1? Isn't this a stupid system that can't kill you?"