
Start across different worlds and secretly develop into a Lord.

Li Fan, who was teleported to a different world, obtained a Bond System. By fostering friendship with different races, he could accumulate bond points, thus continuously growing stronger. Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Sea Race, Dragon, Vampire, Giant... Each race would bring him racial talents. The Human's martial arts, the Orc's berserker state, the Elf's archery, the Dwarf's indestructible body, the Dragon's breath... Li Fan woke up in the Sinful Forest. From saving an Elf slave, befriending the Orc and Dwarf races, to the Human race to establish a territory, he farmed, sold salt and wine, purchased slaves, and recruited followers.

Eshita_Begum · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Space Ring

Anna looked at the salt in the animal skin bag. She could tell at a glance that the coarse salt was not as good as the fine salt Li Fan had given before.

I dipped some in my fingers and tasted it.

There is a difference in taste between the two, but not much.

"So, do you plan to trade this salt in the future?"

Facing Anna's question, Li Fan nodded without hesitation, and he had even thought of the excuse in advance.

"Yes, I will use this kind of salt to trade in the future. I can also provide fine salt, but it takes more time to get fine salt, and now you need a lot of salt, so I changed to this kind of salt. Coarse salt. The biggest difference between coarse salt and fine salt is that it is not purified, and there is not much difference in taste. The tomahawk steak we just ate was added with this kind of coarse salt."

Thinking of the delicious steak just now, Anna couldn't help secretly swallowing her saliva and said: "You are right, this kind of coarse salt is also a rare and good salt. It is several times better than the salt sold at the gathering place. I think they I will also agree to continue the transaction, so the price will be the same as before, 14 level 1 magic cores and 1 catty of salt, okay?"

"No" Li Fan immediately denied it.

Anna was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "That's right. The fine salt we used to sell to the Orc Empire can be estimated to be 50 first-level magic cores per kilogram. It's us who took advantage of you. This kind of coarse salt is also better than Other salts are much better, so the price should naturally go up. But you also know the current situation of the orcs. Most of the orcs on the grassland are called "weak" orcs, and most of them are even level 1 warriors. It's hard to get more magic cores if you don't have any combat power. If you can, at least let us owe some debt first, and I promise that we will repay you double the amount by next spring."

Li Fan understood that Anna had misunderstood.

For Li Fan, coarse salt is a cost-free business, but it is more time-consuming. If he continues to sell 14 level 1 magic cores per kilogram of such salt, it will make him feel like a vampire. He does not like this. a feeling.

Of course, he couldn't provide it for free, otherwise Anna would wonder if Li Fan had an ulterior motive.

Li Fan thought for a while and then said: "I don't plan to increase the price. Coarse salt is not as good as fine salt, so I decided to sell it to you at the price of 10 level 1 magic cores per kilogram."

Li Fan had thought a lot about this price in advance.

10 silver coins per catty, this is the normal price of salt in the Magic Continent. The orcs do not lose money, but Li Fan still makes money. Only with this mutually beneficial model can the transaction last for a long time, and the friendship between the two parties can also be restored this time. Deeper and deeper in another transaction.

But this answer obviously exceeded Anna's expectations, and she opened her mouth in surprise.

Whether it was fine salt before or coarse salt now, in Anna's opinion, if Li Fan was willing, he could sell it to the nobles among humans at a high price.

But he was willing to sell them to alien orcs at a low price.

It would be okay if Li Fan did this for a purpose, but Li Fan has always been sincere so far.

The only purpose may be what Li Fan mentioned before, that he likes foreign beauties.

Thinking of this, Anna couldn't help but blush slightly, and a thought flashed through her mind unconsciously, "Isn't it because of me that Li Fan did this?"

As soon as this idea came up, Anna felt her ears burning. She hurriedly shook her head to get rid of the strange thoughts from her mind.

Then Anna solemnly said to Li Fan: "Thank you Li Fan, from now on, you will be an eternal friend of us orcs."

Li Fan looked at Anna who was blushing and didn't think much. He smiled and replied: "I am happy to be friends with the orcs forever."

As these words were spoken, Li Fan could feel that Anna believed him more and more.

As for Dina, to be honest, this little girl is still too young. I guess she has never doubted Li Fan's character since he rescued Anna.

The reason why her favorability level only rose to 2 stars at this time was because of Anna's influence. Otherwise, her favorability level might have been raised to 3 stars.


On the hills of the grassland, Li Fan appeared again after a day, which aroused discussion among the orcs.

However, when the orcs heard that Li Fan was still here to trade salt, they immediately burst out enthusiastically.

When Li Fan took out the coarse salt and told the price, the orcs' enthusiasm for Li Fan reached its peak.

For these 'weak' orcs, fine salt is delicious, but low price is their real pursuit. Coarse salt is the best way to live, and in their eyes, coarse salt is also delicious.

The transaction proceeds smoothly.

This time, 35 orcs appeared who had never traded with Li Fan before, giving Li Fan 35 bond points.

At this point, almost all the orcs here have made transactions with Li Fan. In addition to improving their favorability, there is no way to continue to obtain bond points.

In addition, 35 orcs also provided Li Fan with 3.5% of the orc talents.

The system beep sounds as a result.

[Congratulations to the host orc talent for reaching over 10%, activating the orc talent for rapid recovery]

[Host: Li Fan]

[Realm: Level 1 Fighting Qi Apprentice]

[Power: 2*10]

[Physique: 1*10]

[Agility: 1*10]

[Spirit: 2*10]

[Talent: Elf talent 0.1%, Orc talent 13.2%]

[Talent Skills: Nature Affinity*0.1, Beast Transformation*3, Quick Recovery (Various Injury Recovery Speed*5)]

[Bond value: 112 points]

Obviously, [rapid healing] is a way to enhance the body's self-healing ability.

Li Fan still remembered that Anna was able to move normally the day after the snake venom was removed. If it were an ordinary person, she would have to lie down for a week.

This is undoubtedly the result of [rapid healing].

The effect of [Quick Healing] is definitely not as good as the first aid pills used by Li Fan to save the elves, but first aid pills are disposable items, while [Quick Healing] is a passive talent.

In Li Fan's opinion, the value of [Quick Healing] is much higher than the first aid pill with a bond value of 1,000 points.

If that elf had the talent of [Quick Healing], he might be able to secretly heal and find a chance to escape without first aid pills.

Li Fan understands the value of this talent skill very well, so he is very satisfied with it.


After the transaction was completed, Li Fan specially called Xiaoqing and Xiaobai over.

After asking for some beef from the orcs here, Li Fan fried several steaks on the spot.

The taste of the steak shocked Xiaobai Xiaoqing to no surprise.

Especially Xiao Qing, her big eyes were wide open, and she couldn't understand why the monster meat that she had long been tired of eating suddenly became so delicious in Li Fan's hands.

But Xiaobai didn't care about this. She just covered her head and ate bitterly. After all, if she said one more word, she would have to eat less.

In the end, the two little girls ate nearly 10 kilograms of steak in a daze.

After eating, I lay on the ground unable to move.

Although the two people's favorability has not increased to 2 stars, Li Fan feels that it is not far away from 2 stars. It is estimated that if they do it a dozen times, these two 'little wools' can grow into 'big wools'. Then It must be very interesting when you gather it together.


After that, Li Fan and Dina Anna left the grassland where the orcs were.

When he came, Li Fan only carried a bag of salt.

When he returned, there was a mountain-like package behind him.

After the 33 kilograms of coarse salt transaction was completed, Li Fan received a total of 100 level 1 magic cores and nearly 500 pieces of Warcraft skins.

At this time, Li Fan owned a total of more than 200 magic cores and 640 pieces of Warcraft skins.

With so many Warcraft skins, not only is it a problem how to sell them, but also where to put them.

Although the cave where Dina and Anna live can still accommodate them, the furs have a smell. How can they survive with such a large number of monster furs kept there?

Li Fan finally decided to take away all the World of Warcraft furs.

However, he did not directly enter Sin Town with the Warcraft skin, but stopped a few hundred meters away from Sin Town.

Li Fan glanced at the system panel at this time.

At this time, his bond value has reached 112 points.

Li Fan gritted his teeth and realized that it was enough to exchange for storage space.

The so-called storage space is actually a space ring.

The space ring can store and release everything except life. It is an extremely convenient prop and can be said to be the dream of every mercenary.

This kind of space ring is not a unique product of the system, but it is rare in quantity. According to Anna, only members of the noble family have them among the orcs. Anna would have had one when she became an adult, but unfortunately something happened to the Silver Wolf Clan before that.

Such a precious thing can be exchanged for only 100 bond points in the system mall, and the internal space is fully 1 cubic meter.

Li Fan's bond value was not much, so in order to exchange it for the Xuan-level fighting qi technique as soon as possible, he should not have exchanged it.

The problem is that whether it is a large amount of Warcraft furs or coarse salt extracted from salt mines, these are secrets that Li Fan does not want others to discover.

If you can have a space ring, you can avoid being discovered to a large extent.

Although he felt distressed about the 100 points of bond value, Li Fan finally chose to exchange it.