
Start across different worlds and secretly develop into a Lord.

Li Fan, who was teleported to a different world, obtained a Bond System. By fostering friendship with different races, he could accumulate bond points, thus continuously growing stronger. Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Sea Race, Dragon, Vampire, Giant... Each race would bring him racial talents. The Human's martial arts, the Orc's berserker state, the Elf's archery, the Dwarf's indestructible body, the Dragon's breath... Li Fan woke up in the Sinful Forest. From saving an Elf slave, befriending the Orc and Dwarf races, to the Human race to establish a territory, he farmed, sold salt and wine, purchased slaves, and recruited followers.

Eshita_Begum · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Extraction of Coarse Salt

"Tens of thousands of tons of salt!"

Li Fan was dumbfounded.

That's tens of thousands of tons of salt. A person only needs about 4 kilograms of salt a year.

Tens of thousands of tons of salt are enough to feed tens of millions of people for an entire year.

No matter how big the sin forest is, can there still be tens of millions of people?

This is an indescribably huge wealth, and Li Fan has a hunch that as long as he uses it well, this will be an opportunity for him to rise.

Not immersed in the joy of sudden wealth, Li Fan picked up a stone nearby and knocked out a few dark brown crystals from the salt mine.

These crystals weigh about ten pounds, which is enough for practicing.

Li Fan immediately left the area with the salt, and then walked towards a small river he knew.

When he came to the river, Li Fan first checked his surroundings.

After making sure no one was around, he exchanged 1 bond value for a book on filtering salt mines in the system mall.

Knowledge poured into his mind, and Li Fan already knew what to do in the next second.

The reason why salt mines cannot be eaten directly is that in addition to salt, salt mines also contain many impurities, such as nitrate, phosphorus and potassium.

It's okay if you eat salt, but if you eat impurities such as nitrate, phosphorus and potassium, diarrhea can only be considered mild. Once you eat too much, it's normal for your body to turn purple and die like that dwarf.

Therefore, the most important thing in extracting salt from salt mines is to filter out harmful substances.

The first step is to dissolve the salt mineral into the water.

Li Fan did not hesitate and directly exchanged 4 points of bond value for two stainless steel vats from the system.

He first smashed the salt mine with stones from the river, and then moved the dark brown powder into a large barrel.

Add water to the vat and stir continuously. When the new powder cannot be dissolved into the water, the dissolution step is completed.

The second step is filtering.

Li Fan exchanged a lot of cotton cloth from the system mall.

Use two large buckets and cotton cloth to continuously filter the solution back and forth.

The impurities in the solution are filtered out bit by bit, visible to the naked eye, and the color of the solution gradually becomes lighter.

When the solution in the barrel showed a light color, Li Fan knew that filtering with cotton cloth was of little use.

Cotton cloth can only filter some large particles of impurities. To really filter out harmful substances, you have to rely on charcoal.

Just like charcoal can filter out clean water.

Li Fan continued to spend 1 point of bond value in the system mall to exchange for a pile of charcoal.

He has spent 7 bond points for this filtering, but it is all worth it. As long as he successfully filters out the salt, he will be rewarded with thousands of bond points.

Li Fan was not afraid of the trouble and used charcoal to filter the solution in the bucket several times. In the end, what was left in the bucket was a light cyan liquid.

Li Fan dipped his hand into the liquid in the bucket and tasted it.

It's nice, salty but not bitter.

He succeeded. As long as these light cyan solutions are boiled dry, salt can be obtained.

Of course, the salt obtained by this method still contains some impurities, and can only be regarded as coarse salt. If you want to get the fine salt that Li Fan exchanged from the system, you need to purify the coarse salt.

Li Fan already knew the process of purifying coarse salt from the book exchanged by the system, but the process was too troublesome and lacked tools, so he could only forget about it for the time being.

Anyway, you can eat coarse salt.

The salt produced in the Magic Continent is not even as good as the coarse salt extracted by Li Fan.

At least Li Fan's coarse salt has no bitter taste.

Li Fan extracted all the remaining salt mines to produce coarse salt. Ten kilograms of salt mine finally produced three kilograms of coarse salt.

It was pretty much what Li Fan expected.

He returned to the salt mine under the cliff and knocked down nearly a hundred kilograms of dark brown salt.

After possessing Dou Qi, this weight is nothing to him.

Carrying a hundred pounds of salt ore on his back, he returned to the river.

In the same way, all salt mines are extracted into coarse salt.

Before dark, Li Fan got a total of 33 kilograms of coarse salt.


There is also a small bag full of 33 pounds of coarse salt.

Li Fan was wrapped tightly in animal skins, and then returned to Sinful Town with these coarse salts.

Early the next morning, he took the coarse salt to find Sister Dina.


After blowing the bone flute, Dina walked out from the shadow of the trees after a moment.

When she saw Li Fan, she asked in surprise: "Li Fan, why are you here today?"

Li Fan lifted the package in his hand and said, "I just got a batch of salt."

"Is there any more salt?" Dina was even more surprised now, and judging from the size of the package, the amount of salt this time was quite large.

Last time, Li Fan took three days to trade salt. Dina and Anna agreed that it would take time for Li Fan to bring salt into the sinful town.

But this time, Li Fan got a lot of salt again just one day later. Could it be that she and her sister had guessed wrong.

It's a good thing to have salt. Dina didn't think much about it and took Li Fan towards the cave.

In the cave, Anna is resting.

According to Dina, during this period, in addition to preparing for the two of them to survive the winter, Anna would also help the orcs on the grassland hunt for monsters to ensure that these 'weak' orcs could survive in the winter.

In addition, Anna also goes out from time to time, looking for other 'weak' orcs around.

The arrival of winter is an extremely serious matter for the orcs.

Every time there are many 'weak' orcs who don't make it to the next spring.

Anna must be very tired these days.

After hearing this, Li Fan was too embarrassed to wake Anna up, and waited quietly with Dina.

At this time, Li Fan discovered that there was a huge corpse of a monster in the cave.

Li Fan looked at it for a long time and felt that it seemed to be the body of a cow.

The reason why I'm not sure is because this cow is so big, probably weighing several thousand kilograms. Its body is full of exaggerated muscle lines, and it actually has two straight horns on its head.

There is no doubt that this is a monster.

Dina noticed Li Fan's gaze and said: "This is a Level 2 Thunder Bull. It can release thunder and lightning attacks. It is also the most powerful among Level 2 monsters. My sister also spent some effort to kill it." Death is our food ration for the next few days."


Li Fan looked at Lei Mang Beef and immediately thought of all kinds of beef dishes on earth. Unfortunately, the most common beef on earth costs dozens of yuan per kilogram. At that time, Li Fan, who had just graduated, could only afford beef noodles. Well, it's braised beef noodles, the kind of braised beef noodles that sell hundreds of millions of copies a year but can't use up a cow.

After that, he vowed that when he got rich, he would eat the highest quality beef to his heart's content.

Unfortunately, he had a car accident and traveled across time soon after.

Thinking about it this way, the other person died and the money was not spent yet.

Li Fan hurriedly shook his head and put aside this unpleasant memory, and continued to look at Lei Mang Niu, thinking that the beef from this other world should not be bad, right?

Especially since this is Warcraft meat, it is rich in energy and protein, at least 10 times that of ordinary beef. It should be good to make a steak.

Li Fan couldn't help but swallowed.

Dina took a look at this useless scene. She covered her mouth and snickered, while pointing at the Lei Mang cow, "You can take it if you want to eat it. My sister and I can't eat much anyway. In a few days Throw it away even if it's broken."

Orcs have no way of preserving meat. In normal times, they just eat and hunt as much as they can.

This is why they need to hunt frequently.

In the winter when food is scarce, they will hunt a lot before winter. When winter comes, there will be natural refrigerators everywhere. If you throw them on the ground, they will freeze hard the next day. As long as you prepare enough food, you can Can support them until next spring.