
Starship Troopers Alien Domination-Survival

An immature person thinks that all their choices generate gains. A mature person knows that all choices have losses. Augusto Cury Azienda, was reborn in the future but he hides things he didn't expect to be true, could the past be a reflection of the future.

Towered · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 Nerd Wisdom.

Hey Azienda, how is it studying with these Neanderthals?

-Good evening Dr. Segum, always with an irreverent humor, I'm not going to lie, it was more than I expected, it was an eye opener.

I'm touched that the federation was right to force you to study with these ignorant people at least once.

Anyway, changing the subject, as you are already affiliated with the institute I am contacting you because we have encountered aggressor aliens and they are requesting a detailed analysis of hypotheses based on information from the specimens we have collected.

…. ... …..

I will send you the relevant files, write what you think of them, nothing too complex, remember to keep it a secret from other people.

Connection lost.

Fucking alien and

…. crap all in one day.

As soon as I received the data, with the images, yes bloody images…. It made my stomach turn, I saw 16000 people being killed in minutes, I'm not going to lie I vomited, it's one thing to know that it's CGI, it's another thing to know that they are real people being dismembered.

It took me hours to find the courage to review and revise these files, they didn't contain much information, all the analyzes made were too partial, somehow they treated these insects like garbage, and that they didn't pose a single threat to humanity, and what fools That's them, if they knew that this was just the tip of the swarm, maybe it would spread to the houses.

And the worst thing is that I don't know what to do, what should I do?, reality is not fiction, I can't direct the war and the worst part is I don't have time, human issues are much more complex than they seem .

I can scream in public, I can even prove and provoke everyone, but in the end I'm just an intelligent child in their eyes, it's not a lie what I said to Kal, I'm somehow messing with some lines of destiny, but it is almost impossible to touch the big red wool ball directly.

I ended up thinking about the development of the human race, I don't know if I'm happy or sad, from the point of view of unity, the federation did well during these years, it made the human race united and reached several milestones, but from a military point of view, humanity has stagnated since the year 2060 peace has its price, despite having developed space travel technology, weapons have not advanced much and what was innovated has not been tested in comprehensive combat, in addition these weapons were made to deal with humans, Zerg don't even dream.

Simply put, the first contact is going to be a real bloodbath, there's no way of knowing how many battles the Zerg have already fought on other planets and not to mention that this is an insect colony, it's probably one of the weakest, how do I know? Who knows, maybe instinct. This world seems to be an extension of reality, how many scenarios can be merged or unknown, perhaps it is more complex than that.

It's really tragic for humanity, the worst thing is that I'm on the boat and I can only contribute what I'm good at, it's not that I have any other option, this is not a question of conventional war that you can vote with your feet, this The great end is a species extinction event. There's no point in rambling, this ball of wool is too big for just one day, first I have to deal with this information I have to do a serious analysis, including my advantage of the initial plot, Let's help humanity first then I think about my future.

Not that I'm that altruistic, but when you sail together you have to do your part. As for the protagonists, who have time to remember them, I prefer a million living humans to this broken plot.

"I tried to convince myself and everyone with as much logical information as possible without committing myself and being called crazy, at most I will be laughed at for a while, but it's worth the risk"

A few hours later, around 10 am, Dr.Segum, his colleagues and the high strategic command received the Azienda analysis, it was not the first nor the last, there were several arriving and several others being discarded. It was probably another test for Azienda, but he wouldn't change anything even if he knew.

Analyze 568p9. Dr. Azienda. (affiliate).


Note: I read everyone's manuscripts from the pre-analysis carried out, I noticed that everyone underestimated this species, so I decided to contribute with a different theoretical vision.

As you can see, there are two basic possibilities, one is irrational beings, and the other is rational beings.

Having already seen the proposed basic documents, which most think are irrational, I will try to contribute with a view that we are dealing with a new civilization.

*Zerg Civilization.

When analyzing the material I noticed an interesting pattern regarding the first contact, in the material that the analysts sent they are detailing that only one species was found which I call the "Soldier insect" with the first contact being hostile.

But I disagree with this view, this is actually the second species we found. The first species was the Archaean cockroach, which has great resistance, adaptability and moves in space, the worst part is that it was found a few months before, I even had the honor of dissecting one. So taking this species into consideration I deduced that perhaps it is a civilization and it is a member of the same group, I called it a scout or spy if you prefer since its attributes seem to define it well, therefore it is responsible for collecting and transferring information.

I came to this conclusion due to the way the attack on the human complex was carried out, it was very quick and precise, which required a certain level of knowledge of the terrain and pre-defined strategy.

When thinking this way, I believe that this attack was just a test carried out to identify our level of threat. If I am right, we will receive systematic attacks on strategic points that we dominate along the way towards our planet.

The number of varieties or units of this breed is still unknown, and there may be more varieties for different purposes. Their type of technological evolution is different from ours, which makes it impossible to understand how technologically advanced they are.

But due to their structure and their familiarity with space, there is a great possibility of long-range attacks made by meteors or insect launches against planets remotely. (There is a lack of elements to prove this statement)

To conclude, if we assume that it is a civilization there may be two more possibilities.

One is a complete civilization. The second is a branch of this civilization.

I'm more likely to believe the second due to the way insects behave in colonies on Earth and taking into account the vastness of the universe it's very likely to be confirmed.

Therefore, we may be at the beginning of our first civilizing conflict, considering your stance in the first contact, I believe that any type of negotiation beneficial to both parties is impossible.


- Man, I'm dead, I hope it's enough, I couldn't bear to see my efforts go to waste.

Some time later.

+ Attention 34 missed messages.