
Stars in the Water (Dimensions Series: Book One)

Have you ever looked up at the sky and get lost in thought because of its beauty? Have you ever wondered what your life would be like in a different lifetime, under a different constellation? Did you ever stop to wonder that maybe the sky you're under is the sea below someone else's feet? Lyrmie had always adored the stars ever since she could remember. Even if she did adore many things, her life was not exactly one of them. Little did she know that all the hell she's been through would soon lead her to discover hope; just in an intergalactic way. And in a different universe. Will she finally be able to live the life she knew she always deserved or will this new world be worse than the last one she's endured?

jessicamerlin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"The best dreams happen when you're awake."

- Cherie Gilderbloom


Euno still hadn't woken up. There were loud crashes and bangs everywhere. Smoke reached the skies and have blocked out the sun. It soon got dark and foggy. All I could see was grey smog. I heard screams coming from a distance. I wanted to stand up and check if Kane was alright but I was too terrified and remembered he told me to stay put. I shook Euno, trying to wake him up because I was panicking.

"Euno! Wake up, dude! You need to wake up!", I yelled as I kept shaking him. He was breathing but still hadn't gained consciousness. I continued to wake him up until his eyes started to open. He blinked a few times until he sat upright.

He coughed a little and looked at the sky. "What the hell happened? Where are we?" I helped him stand and answered, "We're on Zerk. When we arrived a fire ball almost crushed us. Kane went back to the castle to check what was going on."

He winced when he got on his feet. I immediately stopped him from straining himself too much especially since this is the first time he has went through a portal. I passed out too on my first time. The noise continued to grow louder and louder until it was deafening. Covering my ears with my hands, I shouted over to Euno, trying to tell him to wait for Kane to come back instead. He couldn't stay put and so he slowly stood up again and tried to see what was happening. I groaned in annoyance and followed after him because I didn't want him to get hurt.

With me following behind Euno, we ran towards the direction of the huge fire that almost reached the sky. My eyes widened in horror as we approached the castle that was on fire. I watched as the people who worked in the castle got burned alive. I wanted to help them but by the time I got to them, it would've been too late.

Kane was nowhere to be seen and it made me feel more uneasy. We tried to get through the smog but couldn't seem to get any closer to the castle. I cried out to Kane hoping that he might hear me but there was no reply. As Euno and I got closer to the castle, there were people wearing black outfits and their whole body was covered. They carried many weapons including small to medium-sized guns. They kept shooting at the people in the castle who tried to escape. I saw Miss Ilo run out of the building and I called out to her.


She turned her head towards my direction and smiled in relief. She ran as fast as she could. Suddenly, a man had his gun pointed towards Miss Ilo and I jolted towards her. I covered her with my back and I felt the bullet pierce my shoulder. Miss Ilo held onto me and tried to carry me to safety. The man was walking towards us and was about to shoot us both.

As he advanced closer to where Miss Ilo and I were, a figure was soaring through the air and landed in front of my back, blocking the man from my sight. I could tell that it was a female because of her perfect hour-glass figure. She drew out her guns and shot the man down. I was starting to feel lightheaded. My vision began to blur. I saw people run towards me and scream my name but I couldn't hear them. My eyes felt tired and soon after, my surroundings went black.


"Will she be alright? Are you even a licensed doctor?"

"Don't worry. She'll be alright."

I kept hearing these voices but couldn't seem to wake myself up. I wanted to move but I couldn't feel any part of my body. I was starting to panic when I heard a door open and footsteps draw closer beside me.

"When the hell is she going to wake up?!", the first voice asked in a very loud tone.

Another person sigh and replied, "We're not sure. She probably just needs a little more time to rest."

"She can't rest any longer. If we don't move out of this place soon, Joseph will find out where we are and destroy this place too. We need to keep Lyrmie safe until she learns a few magic of her own. She can't always rely on us."

The two voices continued arguing until the door opened again.

" Guys, you need to see this. Quick!", the third voice said in a very panicked tone.

I wanted to know what was going on but I couldn't. After many attempts to open my eyes, I gave up and just lay there quiet and lost in my thoughts. "I'll just wait until I'm out of a coma."


The hallway was dark. There were only a few lights that worked and if they were on, they were flickering. I walked closer to the door on the other side of the hall. I tried to reach out to it, but I couldn't seem to do so. The closer I went, the farther the door felt like from where I was standing.

I called out for help to get me out of here. No one heard me. My cries for help only echoed throughout the hallway. I continued to advance towards the door. I started running and instantly felt breathless. I paused for a moment to catch my breath. I held onto my chest the doorknob twisted and the door swung open revealing a man whose face I couldn't see clearly.

"Hey!", I shouted.

He did not reply. I looked down at my feet and saw that ground was starting to crack in the middle like how it does when there was an earthquake. I started shaking and almost lost my balance. When I looked back up to look at the man once again, he was nowhere to be seen.

Where was he? Where did he go?


i instantly opened my eyes and jolted off my bed as I heard someone shout my name. My eyes adjusted to the light and I could see weird tools surrounding me. I woke up in an unfamiliar place and scanned my surroundings. My eyes scanned the whole room until they landed on a pair of hazelnut eyes. The woman's eyes were mesmerising. I couldn't help but look amazed. Her eye color was just so gorgeous! She was looking at me with concern and had a tray with food in her hands. I smiled at the sight of bacon and eggs with milk and some pasta.

"How're you feeling, Lyrmie?", the woman asked as she placed the food on a small table and over my legs. I was having breakfast in bed and this couldn't be any cooler.

I started digging in until I devoured all the pasta. I wiped my mouth with a tissue paper. As I looked back at the woman beside me, she sat down on a chair next to the bed I was sitting on. She looked at me and asked, "Do you remember anything before you woke up?"

As she asked me that, everything that happened after Euno, Kane and I arrived on Zerk replayed in my mind. I nodded in response.

She pulled her lips into a thin line and looked away for a moment. She sighed and continued to say, "Lyrmie, everyone in the castle is dead. Our uncle's henchmen killed them all."

I furrowed my eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean 'our'?"

"We're sisters, Lyrmie. I'm Nolsa Lin, your older sister."


jessicamerlincreators' thoughts