
stars in the night sky...!

three girls from different countries met at a research university, they are in their journey solving all the mysteries in their way to success is this a coincidence or their fate...? Ashley and her friends become dedicated researchers at a prestigious university, on the verge of a groundbreaking discovery. Their lives take an unexpected turn when they meet Jae, a mysterious and charming newcomer. As they work tirelessly, pulling all-nighters and facing numerous challenges, friendships strengthen, and romance blooms. their journey is filled with surprises and heartfelt moments. Together, they realize that their greatest discoveries lie not just in their research, but in the deep connections they form with one another.

_mettle_ · Fantasy
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19 Chs

New room...

After finishing tidying up, Jae started to make himself a makeshift bed on the floor using some blankets and pillows. Ashley notices him with a puzzled expression on her face.

Ashley: "Jae, what are you doing?"

Jae looked up, surprised by her question.

Jae: "Oh, I was just going to sleep on the floor."

Ashley was confused as people usually share the same bed

Ashley: "But there's plenty of space on the bed. Why don't you sleep here?"

Jae hesitates, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

Jae: "I don't want to intrude. It's your bed, after all."

Ashley was surprised listening to that and gives him a reassuring smile.

Ashley: "It's okay, really. People usually share beds when they're staying in the same room. Besides, the floor isn't very comfortable."

Jae: "Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Ashley chuckled softly, patting the empty space beside her on the bed.

Ashley: "Trust me, I'd rather have you sleep on the bed than on the floor. It's not a big deal."

Reluctantly, Jae nodded, his cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

Jae: "Okay, if you're sure."

With that settled, Jae climbed into bed, trying to find a comfortable position. Despite the initial awkwardness, Ashley couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence.

As they lay side by side on the bed, Ashley couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. she turns towards jae,

Ashley: "Hey, are you okay?"

Jae looked at her, confused.

Jae: "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Ashley: "It's just... despite being a prince, you're sacrificing a lot to help us. You're here, in a university dorm room, sleeping on the same bed as us. It just doesn't seem fair."

Jae's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes as he listened to her words.

Jae: "Ashley, it's not about fairness. I want to help you, all of you. You're my friends, and I care about you. Besides, I've been by myself following strictly to royal customs but look where i am right now, it made me realize that it doesn't matter anymore."

Ashley: "I know, Jae. And we appreciate everything you're doing for us. It's just... I wish there was something we could offer you in return."

Jae turned his head towards her and looked his gaze upon her

Jae: "Being here with you, working towards a common goal, that's enough for me. We're a team, Ashley, and I'm happy to be a part of it."

Their eyes locked

Jae: "by the way"

Ashley:" yeah?" 

Jae: "when veronica said that i was your boyfriend why did the director give us a separate room, its not like i hate it in fact i like i like it but i don't understand"

Ashley's cheeks flushed slightly at Jae's question, caught off guard by his inquiry.

Ashley: "Well, I think the director must have misunderstood. Veronica was just trying to cover for us, to avoid suspicion."

"Maybe he thought it would be more appropriate for us to have some privacy."

Jae chuckled softly, the tension easing between them.

Jae: "Well, I don't mind sharing a room with you. It's actually quite nice."

Ashley's expression shifted slightly, a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

Ashley: "Well, it's not like you don't have options. Being a prince, you could have intimate relationships with anyone you wanted."

Jae was in confusion, sensing a deeper meaning behind Ashley's words.

Jae: "I... I've never been in love, Ashley. And I've never had any intimate relationships. I've always been focused on my duties as a prince."

Ashley realized that she was acting way out of her control

Ashley: "ah... I'm sorry, Jae. I didn't mean to imply anything. i was asking questions out of context ."

Jae: "Oh nah, really it's fine but yea what i said was true."

Ashley:" Mhm, you should sleep soon we have work tomorrow too"

Jae: "Ah yea! sure you too Ashley sleep well have a good sleep"

Ashley:" you too Jae"


Ashley woke up from her sleep. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she turned to Jae, who way beside her, still lost in peaceful slumber.

Ashley: "Jae, wake up. It's morning."

Jae groaned softly, his eyes fluttering open as he adjusted to the light. He blinked a few times before focusing on Ashley, a faint smile gracing his lips.

Jae: "Morning, Ashley. Did you sleep well?"

Ashley nodded, stretching her arms above her head to stretch.

Ashley: "Yeah, surprisingly well. How about you?"

Jae: "I slept better than I have in a while, actually."

There was a brief moment of silence as they both took in the comfort of the morning, the tranquility of the room enveloping them like a warm embrace.

Ashley: "Jae, about last night..."

Jae was curious as he turned to face her, waiting for her to continue.

Ashley: "I just wanted to say thank you. For everything. You didn't have to help us like you did, but you did it anyway."

Jae: "It was my pleasure, Ashley. I wanted to help however I could."

Ashley: "Well, I appreciate it. More than you know." she smiled genuinely.

Their conversation was interrupted by a soft knock at the door, signaling the start of a new day. 

Ashley: "yes?" answered to the knock on the door

Amara:" awake yet guys?"

Veronica: " how di u guys sleep?"

Jae: " we slept well what about you guys?" answered innocently.

Veronica: " that's not what I've expecte-" 

before she could complete her sentence she stopped at Ashley's death stare

Jae confused but Amara tries to cool down and change the topic

Amara:" why don't we take a break today?"

Veronica :" yea i agree, apparently there's a fest tonight food, games, fun, fireworks... sheesh what not"

Jae:" that sounds exciting? what's a fest though"

Ashley: " yea its a good idea we can show Jae too"

Amara:" yay! to fest we go..."

Jae: " isnt the fest at night? what can we do now"

All the girls share a smirk and all together shout ," SHOPPING!!!"

Jae was caught off guard and everyone chuckles