
Chapter 43 He Teng's Comrade3_1

Translator: 549690339

Lan Li had sharp observation skills, so he noticed that He Zhilan, He Teng's wife, had merely given him a polite nod and greeting when he first started conversing with He Teng. At other times, her attention was mostly drawn to his car parked by the roadside.

In her eyes, Lan Li saw familiar emotions of joy and yearning, mixed with something else that was hard to define.

Therefore, Lan Li came to the conclusion that He Teng's wife wasn't as well-behaved and personable as she appeared to be. Her eyes held too many desires that shouldn't be there. That was a dangerous signal, especially in the capital city where all the glittering distractions could easily bewitch people. Very few could maintain their initial purpose of attending Capital University.

Lan Li truly worried for He Teng. It didn't matter that his wife was a university student, it might even be safer if she wasn't attractive. Less attractive women might focus more on their studies and personal growth. But He Teng's wife was an exceptionally beautiful woman.

However, Lan Li didn't express his worries aloud. He simply kept his concern for his comrade to himself.

The military unit paid great attention to personal reputation. A soldier's career might be affected if their family life was not harmonious.

From what Lan Li knew, someone like He Teng would definitely be nurtured by the unit. It was inevitable that He Teng would be promoted sooner or later.

After having a brief chat with He Teng and asking about their respective leave times, they finished catching up. Firstly, He Teng needed to catch a train, and secondly, the girl waiting for Lan Li was growing impatient and wanted him to drive her.

Once He Teng's comrade had driven off and left the university, He Zhilan came back to herself, "Brother, he's your comrade?"

"Yeah." He Teng only gave a brief affirmation. He didn't satisfy He Zhilan's curiosity by talking about his comrade, didn't even mention his name, let alone anything else.

He Zhilan was a little disappointed, but her disappointment was quickly washed away by the unwillingness to part with He Teng as they arrived at the gate.

She sighed softly, how did they arrive at the gate so quickly?

"We're at the gate now, you should go back. Once I arrive at the barracks, I'll call you." He Teng looked down to see a hint of reluctance on He Zhilan's face. Her reluctance stirred up something indescribable in him, a mix of joy and pleasure. "If you have time, remember to write home, dad and Dongxue will be waiting. If you have enough time, you can write to me as well. Even though I don't have much time, whenever I can, I'll write back to you."

At He Teng's words, He Zhilan quickly lifted her previously bowed head, the reluctance was still on her face, but she smiled brightly.

Under the blazing sun, she had beads of sweat on the tip of her nose. Her soft hair strands stuck to her cheeks because of the sweat. Yet she raised her head, staring at him and giving him a beaming smile, her eyes glistening like calm waters.

Taken aback, He Teng raised his hand instinctively, wiping off the sweat from her nose, then placed her hair behind her delicate ears. The words slipped out of him, "Take good care of yourself."

He Zhilan nodded vigorously, her smooth black hair rustling against her shoulders and brushing against He Teng's arms, "You too!"