
Starlight fantasy

This novel is about a daydreamer whose daydreams became real

Thedreamerstime · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Act 1 Brutal Invasion (2)

While daron is driving i hugged my brother tight in my arms calming him down and telling him that he is safe, some demons manage to catch up and grabbed the roof of the car so i ,my brother, and daron grabbed the guns and quickly jumped off of the car.

"We wont be able to outrun them but i can delay them for the both of you" Daron said in a serious tone and while panting


Daron : "But yo-"

Azel : "NO BUTS DUMBASS KEEP GARROTH(baby brother) BEHIND" i yelled

The demons starts charging towards us so we started shooting them in the eyes and heart hoping it would do something but the bullets just turns into ashes when it comes near them it was useless

"What the why it isnt it working it worked on the last demon"

Daron : "These demons must be a higher kind-"

I saw a damaged long umbrella on the ground near the broken walls so i swiftly run towards it and grabbed it, daron was barely holding them off so i jump in action and whacks the demons using the damaged umbrella hitting them as hard as i could,i looked at daron, he either has a dumbfounded or has a confused expression on his face.


A demon jumps on top of daron while i was yelling at him and quickly scratches him with its claws on his chest and face.

"AGHHH AHHHH"Daron screamed.

My brother quickly grabs a glass shard from a broken building and stabs the demon's back with it, the demon screamed in pain, Daron instantly kicks the demon off him, while i hit every demon the comes near me using the damaged umbrella,

"Shit iam getting tired..* i said while panting and sweating my arms started to hurt from using my full strength in every hit

My brother just stood still worried for me because he knows that he cant help since if he tries fighting the demons he would just die, Daron is also getting pretty tired

"Is this our end?"

"Please....where is the guy that will save us from this situation...like in the movies..."

More demons started appearing surrounding us and waiting for us to fall due to exhaustion my brother Garroth stood behind me while Daron was also behind me holding his bleeding wounds

The demons starts charging towards us quickly covered my brother using my body while daron is panting heavily while standing there with a weird expression on his face its like fear and Anger but it isnt?

I closed my eyes accepting my death while protecting my brother,i was waiting for my death but for a few seconds i wondered

"Wheres the pain?"

"Iam dead yet?"

I opened my eyes and see that the demons stopped atacking us and was looking in the skies i wondered why so i looked at the skie i was shocked to see that there was a meteor shower but it wasnt a regular one ,it is much more visible, illuminated and smaller.

one of the meteor shower falls down towards Daron and made him float in the air i was confused and amazed at the same time, the demons who were charging towards us shivered in fear and ran away like their lives depended on it, i was very confused.

Daron floated up in the air his eyes were glowing white after a few seconds his body also started glowing white it was beautiful and amazing i was stunned while my brother was also amazed we watched as Daron floats in the air after a few minutes he stopped glowing then falls to the ground i quickly came to him with my brother, i looked at Daron while he was unconscious and saw that some of his appreance changed.

His hair has a redish fade ,his left arm has now a simbol of a scale of justice

"Uhm Big Brother what happened to him"?

My brother asked concerned

"Honestly i dont know but we should probably go to an empty area and stay there.. iam sure more demons would appear after this"

My brother nodded and pointed towards a broken 8/12 store nearby which is a good choice since they might still have food and snacks

I carried Daron on my back and grabbed the damaged umbrella i used and went to the 8/12 store,the store's glass window was broken the machines was broken same for the door but luckily almost all the food supplies in the store werent damaged

We swifty went to the back of the store and locked the doors, we covered the windows using wallpapers newspapers tape and gorilla glue.

"Brother do you think he's okay?" My brother asked

"Yes since if he dosent get up now, iam gonna look at his browser history on his phone"

I grabbed darons phone,Daron quickly stood up and grabs his phone back

"WOAH WOAH YOU CANT DO THAT, THATS PRIVACY INVASION" He said while holding phone tight

"And i knew that tactic will work since those x,ai Chats are definitely embarrassing" i said while laughing at him

He blushes out of embarrasment and gpes to a corner deleting something

"What do we do now?" My brother asked

"Well...we cant really do anything now"

"Hey Daron do you feel anything weird?"

I said with a concerned tone

"Well my heart has been beating a lot faster i also feel a weird thing thats flowing through my body" he said while holding his phone tightly

My brother started to eat the snacks he find in the store, while resting for atleast 3 hours from the fighting,i managed to replenish some energy so i looked at the store and hoping to find first aid supplies kit.

I found four things that is helpful in our current situation right now, Alcohol,Tissue,Cotton and bandages

I went to daron and sanitized his wounds and bandaged his injuries while my brother gathers more food and puts it in the hiding place

"When are we gonna get out here?" My brother asked

"Well...until the demons find this place and invade it"


I quickly grabbed my damaged umbrella and pulled my brother behind me

"DARON?" I yelled

"Guys...I found something cool" he said with a smile on his face

Daron then summons an orb lighting the whole store in red which attracted the demons nearby.



He then gets out of the store and summons a sword, i was looking from the door i was so worried

He then starts fighting the demons with his sword,everytime he kills a demon the demon drops an orb which he can absorb to be stronger and skilled, after a few minutes he finishes the last demon approaching to the store.


Azel :"get your ass inside now"

Daron : "BUT-"

Azel : "No buts dumbass now get in here"

Daron : "Ugh fine"

Daron went inside the hiding place

Azel and his brother went to sleep while daron eats the food he find

[Achievement: Survive the first day Completed]

[******* Pov]

Demon : "sire....the celestial heavens are starting to awakened the reincarnated gods"

******* : "i though you put the magic barrier could you be more idiotic?"

Demon : "We did put a magical barrier but apparently they have a way to break it"

******* : "its only a matter of time before the time god appears kill them immediately!"

Demon : "we'll try sire"

[ Celestial Heavens]

"We were able to sent one power which was the power of justice"

"Good its too risky to release the others yet, But i have an idea on how to help the humans"

"what is it?"

"You know those human Rpg games? If we can create it into a system in every human's eye then they'll have more survivability"

"Is it like human novels? You know the Achievements Missions Quest and Substats?"

"Yes exactly"

"So what your saying is, That you're gonna create a system that will be like those rpg games and it will help them survive more since they can see eachothers Abilities and stats? They're gonna be also doing missions?"


"Thats..... Ridiculous"

"We cant cross the barrier but pure light energy can"

"Fine, ill inform the others about your idea"

"Thank you"

[NEW Main Mission : Awaken the gods]

Daron : "?"

[Main Mission : Awaken The Gods (completed)]

[ 1 New Letter]

[Aero : "Hello God of Justice, Iam Aero a Celestial warden, i will be Your guide"]

Daron : "What the fu-"