

An hour ago Tony arrived at the place where his tracker led him to and he activated stealth mode.

His armor 'invisible' in an instant and so did the stealth squad iron army he brought with him.

The Stealth Squad Iron Army were controlled by IRON MAN and they were equipped with Tony's 'Stark Particles'.

That's right, he shamelessly renamed it but not for the sake of it but because he was able to advanced further in that research and is able to do and achieve what Hank Pym's, Pym Particles are unable to do.

So once he found the teenagers he shrank rapidly and sent the stealth squad to go and retrieve their genetic samples while they were distracted by the appearance of the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants.

So while they were having their little chat he decided to communicate to the few he found interesting and was able to convince five of them to go with him and then he controlled his nanobots to steality wrap around their whole bodies and then shrink them and turn them invisible before activating the autopilot features of the IRON MAN suit and taking them to one of his secret bases.

Due to the appearance of the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants he was able to acquire more genetic material than he expected this already solves one of his most important needs for the phase of two of the super evolution serum.

Tony couldn't wait to dive right into his laboratory and conduct research, but first he needed to help these guys settle down.

Tony led them around some areas in the base and then the large sitting room while offering them a seat and finally he took off his mask revealing his face causing surprise among them.

"You are the Tony Stark?"

"Well, if there is no clone of me so far, hopefully then yeah, I am," Tony responded to Pietro's question.

Unlike in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are no hard feelings between him and the twins and it appears that things are very different with them in this reality.

From what Tony was able to gather from Hydra's Secret files when they last attacked one of their bases where the mutants were found, he came to know that only Pietro of the twins has the x-gene.

As for Wanda she does have something in her that looks like the x-gene but quite different so Hydra's scientist were at a loss on what they were finding by studying her genetics.

Although they had no idea what it meant, Tony was different since he remembered a certain information from the comics.

'Most importantly, her hair is white, and not the red I saw in the MCU back then?'

But the twins were not the only interesting one, Tony shifted his gaze to Anna who had been as as silent as Wanda so far.

Based on the files on her, Anna's abilities were literally like than of a loved character from a rival comic. What was even more special about her was that she was given Hydra's first slightly stable Super Soldier Serum before her powers awaken.

This had made her more powerful, but sadly it put her in an extremely dangerous state.

Once in a while and at random intervals some cells in her body would break down, disintegrate and reconstruct, this had put her through inhuman pain and based on Tony's personal analysis, if she even absorbed too much energy from the sun, it is entirely possible for to completely perish after a short outburst of strength.

As for the other two, well…

'There are no useless abilities, only useless mutants,' was what Tony said to them.

At this moment Anna spoke up.

"Is what you said true? Can you really help?" she looked hopeful and also suspicious.

She wasn't like the others who had heard of Tony Stark's genius status due to her background but based on the others reaction so far it seemed like he's kinda a big deal these days, this had raised up her hopes a bit.

But so far her experience in Hydra had left her with a strong distrustful attitude towards people but she is trying her best not to let such thoughts fill her mind.

"Well, if I said I can then I can." Tony smiled at her.

Anna wanted something more substantial than such a response but weirdly it was this nonchalance and confidence in his tone that made her feel a bit reassured.

"Hey Anna, I think we can trust him. You don't know this but he is called the Genius Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist."

"Playboy?" Wanda asked interestingly.

"That's the part that caught your attention?"

"What, no. I just thought I heard wrong."

Tony watched their banter and shook his head while thinking, 'Teenagers.'

Then he stood up and said some things about staying here for the moment and how they can choose to want to leave whenever they want.

"In the meantime my butler, J.A.R.V.I.S  will be at your service. Right JARVIS?"

"Yes, Master Stark." JARVIS voice was heard all over the room to the curiosity of the others even though Tony had already explained what JARVIS was it was still the first time for them.

Tony left them alone as Jarvis spoke with them and with his intelligence he was able to quickly earn their favor and got them to be at peace while Tony hurried away to another of his base.

Of course he will not be carrying out his experiment right here.


He left at supersonic speeds high in the clouds and almost couldn't contain his excitement for what was to come.

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