
Stargate: The Sov'ren

The Goau'ld had many names and titles in the galaxy. Some called them demons or destroyers. The knowing few called them parasites or symbiotes. Most saw them as slavers and evil conquerors. ...But the vast majority on the other hand, praised them as their Gods, worshipping and loving them with every fibre of their beings. They were 'Gods', who used their incomprehensible and everlasting magic to rule over countless planets and star systems, carving out large and expansive empires or domains in the galaxy. They fed and relished upon the blind and ignorant worship of millions upon millions of humans and other races in the Milky Way who saw them as their creators, protectors, and their means of salvation. In truth, they were simply a race of power hungry and egomaniac parasites who used their overwhelming and advanced technology and weapons to enslave the countless humans they'd seeded all across the galaxy, enforcing their rule through fear and terror. They were false gods in every sense of the word, shrouding themselves in a facade of lies, myths, legends and stories, manipulating the feeble masses to revere and idolise them. All to satisfy their massive egos. They toyed and abused their human slaves, exploiting and using them in ways that would make anyone with a shred of morality skin crawl in disgust and revulsion. Men, women, children, babies, so far as they were human, no one was safe from their hands and they were utterly powerless, with no one to save them. All they could do was silently accept and live under the tyranny of the false Gods, hoping to one day have a taste of the sweetness of freedom. ...That is, until now. A new variable had appeared. A new and powerful force that would wield the weapons of the Goau'ld against them, challenging their false divinity and utilizing their own knowledge to rid humanity of their chains of slavery and oppression. A revolutionary who'd lead humanity on a golden path to their rightful places as a dominent force in the galaxy and beyond. A leader who'd make humanity gain and deserve the title of the 'Fifth Race' as they were always destined to have...or die trying. *Disclaimer* I do not own any of the Stargate characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic and the characters of my creation. All characters and original storyline belong to original creators.

Reyes_II · TV
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17 Chs

A Raid III

I took a step into the next corridor and felt a faint tingle at the back of my head. My face fell to a frown, and I promptly took a step back and turned around to walk into the opposite corridor.

That was close. If I had taken one more step, I would've been close enough to be in optimum range, and my plan would've failed.

Luckily, Orion was an Ashrak; otherwise, my senses wouldn't have been sharp enough to instinctively pick up the faint Naquadah signal at this range.

At least now, I knew Setesh's general direction. I would retrace my steps and come back later. Edging carefully through the corridor, checking the rooms behind the doors, as I did so, a frown crept on my face.

They were all empty. So far, all the rooms I'd checked in the corridors I'd passed through were all empty except the storerooms. They were clean empty rooms, the size of standard bedrooms.

If I had to guess, they would be the rooms of the future members of Setesh's cult. The bastard had already planned to brainwash more people to use as his slaves. That wasn't going to happen anytime soon now that I was here.

Getting to the end of the corridor that curved to the right, I strode into it and promptly caught sight of an open door on the left. I paused, slowing down my breathing, and strained my ears to listen for any sound.

I couldn't hear anything at this distance, making my eyebrows knit in suspicion. This was the first door I'd seen wide open since I entered this house. Goa'ulds loved order, meaning, this door wouldn't be left ajar for no reason at all.

There was bound to be someone or some people inside the room. I had to act fast lest they detect me. My harakesh activated with a hum as I crouched low and moved fast towards the door.

Reaching it, I edged closer to the wall right next to it and put my ear on its surface, listening. I heard feet, no more than four, shuffling in the room. They were moving things, heavy things, based on the grunts and groans they were letting out.

That was good. They were distracted. I straightened up and moved away from the wall, stepping past the door to the front of the room.

It was also a storage room, but this time, it was lined with shelves stacked with foodstuffs and cooking materials.

Two men, one of them in white tailored clothing and the other donning the usual white robes with his rifle slung on his arm, were standing in front of rows of huge white sacks breathing a little heavily, their backs in front of me.

They were more than two meters away from me. I couldn't blast them away at this distance with my harakesh. A Zat'nik'tel blast would work just as well, but it was loud and would attract attention.

So, the harakesh it was then. Meaning, I had to get closer. Stretching forth my left hand towards them, I took one step closer to them stealthily.

The moment my foot touched the ground, the sandalwood floor groaned loudly, instantly attracting the attention of the guys in the room.

"Shit," I murmured under my breath, clicking my tongue, as they turned to face me with eyes widening in surprise, the golden jackal crests sewn into their clothes glinting in the light.

My hand went inside my vest, but before I could take out my Zat'nik'tel, the white-robed guy came out of his stupor and leveled his gun at me. Next, the other guy or the driver, took out a Zat'nik'tel from his back and pointed it at me as it clicked erect, maw widening.

"Put your hands where I can see them!" The guard ordered harshly, his brown eyes narrowed. I hesitated. A click sounded as he switched off the safety, raising the gun to point it at my head. "Do it now!" He growled, trigger finger ready.

I complied and raised my hands into the air, making sure to seem unthreatening as I stared him calmly dead in the eye.

Seeing this, he didn't relax and gestured to me with his head, eyes still locked on mine. "Go and search him for weapons." He said to the driver next to him.

He nodded with a frown and moved to me. I waited till he got to my face, his body standing in direct alignment to the guard, and smirked behind my mask, promptly activating the harakesh using my mind.

"Who are y––" His words got cut short as a large telekinetic wave blasted out of my left hand instantly with a low boom, hurling the driver away like he was weightless.

It happened too quickly for the guard to react, and before he realized, the driver crashed into him with a force that sent him flying to collide with one of the metal shelves hardly with his back and head with a bang while the driver fell on the ground with a thud.

"Argh." Groans of pain echoed in the room from the driver lying on the ground and the guard who slipped weakly to the ground, his eyes hazy and unfocused. His gun out of his hand.

The driver tried to raise his body from the ground, but I stepped to him and kicked the side of his head, making him slump on the ground as he lost consciousness.

Shifting my eyes to look at the guard, I saw his eyes closing, his hands spread motionless at his sides, as he drifted into sleep. Just to be sure, I moved to his side, bent down, and stabbed his neck with a dart. Then I did the same to the driver, using my last dart.

"That should keep them out for a while," I whispered as I rose to my feet and stepped to the entrance. "Five more to go."

Before I could take a step out of the room, I heard footsteps rushing towards this room down the corridor and moved to the left side to stick my back against the wall.

"The commotion must've drawn him here," I frowned as I waited for whoever it was to arrive. "This is getting troublesome." I murmured and kept quiet as the footsteps stopped at the front of the door.

Keeping my breath steady, I watched as the person took one cautious step into the room, entering gun first. He took another step and sharply turned the gun to my side, light green eyes locking into mine.

He didn't hesitate for even one second before his trigger finger moved, but luckily, due to our proximity, I was able to react fast. I slithered close to him and pinned the barrel of the gun under my left armpit tightly, bringing my elbow down onto his brachial plexus hard.

"Ah!" He let out a sharp cry of pain as his right hand lost all sensation, loosening the grip he had on his gun.

The gun clunked as I allowed it to fall on the ground and quickly, as he drew back due to the pain, his right arm hanging loosely by his side, I grabbed his head and brought it down, kneeing his solar plexus with all my strength with a bang.

His mouth opened, his eyes rolled back into their sockets, and he crumpled,

thudding as he collapsed on the ground, utterly unconscious.

My breathing slightly labored, as my heart rate increased, adrenaline flowing freely, I stepped to his head, grabbed his hands tightly, and pulled further into the room, making him lie side by side with the driver.

Wiping my forehead of the little sweat pooled on its surface with my right hand, I smoothed back my long hair tied into a ponytail and couldn't help but crack a wide smile as I unintentionally relished the memory and sensation of my limbs inflicting pain on them.

My smile immediately froze, and I shook my head, sighing as I facepalmed, "...Great, I'm becoming a sadist now."

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