
Chapter 14: The Return Home

Chapter 14: The Return Home

With the battle won and the Wraith threat eliminated, the team had some time to rest and recuperate. They spent a few days exploring the lost city, marveling at the ancient technology and artifacts they found. It was an incredible feeling to know that they had saved the city and all of its secrets from falling into the wrong hands.

As the team prepared to return to Earth, they said their goodbyes to their allies in the Pegasus galaxy. Rodney, who had grown close to many of the scientists and engineers in the city, was especially emotional about leaving. He promised to keep in touch and return to visit as soon as he could.

The trip back to Earth was uneventful, and the team was greeted as heroes upon their arrival. The military held a ceremony in their honor, and they were all awarded medals for their bravery and service. It was an overwhelming experience for everyone, but they were all proud of what they had accomplished together.

As the days passed, the team settled back into their routines on Earth. Teyla spent time with her son, reconnecting with him after their long separation. Ronon trained with other military personnel, sharing his skills and learning new tactics. Rodney worked tirelessly in the lab,