
starfield chronicles

The story follows a boy name Ryujin, who lives in a distant world where things like magic, skills are real. As he enrols into the academy he comes to know about many things he did not even imagine about.

vyxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Episode 2: Academy exam (1)

- the next day

both Ryujin and Akuma go towards the academy campus for announcement before the written exam begins. 

"I welcome every one of the students to the academy of erzya. I am headmaster of this academy and I would like to wish all of you for the upcoming exam. This year, around 75,000 students have applied to study at the academy. I am happy to see so many eager students. I would now like to invite our special guest, this state's administrator Ryung Takao. 

"Ryung Takao!!??, You mean one of 12 cardinal of the empire?"

"Seems like everyone is excited to see him."

"Cardinal Ryung Takao is one of the strongest swordsman and magician in the empire, and he is a famous person even outside of the empire. He is mainly famous for his knowledge of magic and it's history. 

"I would like to congratulate the students for applying and arriving here for the exam. I wish all of you good luck. I hope that the ones who are lucky enough to be selected will study well at the academy, even those who are unlucky enough to not be accepted by academy will have another chance to apply next year. So give the exams your all and make the empire proud. May the stars guide us!!"

"Thank you so much, cardinal Takao. May the stars guide us!!"

"This concludes the announcement. We will now start the written exam, so I would like all of the students to head towards the classroom assigned to you. We will provide the map of the campus through starfield system, so do not worry about finding your classroom. Good luck."

"I am so excited."

"Same here, Ryujin."

"Let's go towards our classroom."


Both of them look at the map of the campus provided on the starfield system and then head towards their classrooms.

"my classroom 112 is on the north side of the campus."

"It seems like mine is classroom no 371, it is on the south of the campus. See you after the exam Ryujin. Good luck"

"See you, Akuma. Good luck to you too."

Ryujin reaches the classroom and sits in the designated seat.

After waiting for a few minutes, a lady wearing a teacher's outfit walks into the classroom and starts speaking,"Welcome students, and welcome to the academy's entrance exam. My name is professor Yuriko. I will be supervising the written exam today, so no cheating allowed and talking is not allowed either."

"I will now hand over the papers to to everyone in the classroom. You will have 3 hours to complete the exam, which means you can complete the paper whenever you want. There are 50 questions, they are based on the history of combat using magic, skills and weapon styles. Make sure to give your all for the exam, Good luck."

- 3 hours later

"You can now leave the academy, further details about your performance and rankings will be available through starfield system by midnight. You can choose to hide your rankings and marks from others if you wish to do so. Go and rest for the second exam tomorrow"

"That was the hardest exam I have ever taken, but I am glad that I am done with it. I will see you tomorrow, Akuma. Good luck at your exam."

"Thanks, Ryujin. I will see you tomorrow."

Both of them go to their respective inns.

- That night

"I wonder how we did on the exam, I am worried that I did not do well enough."

'Let's check the ranking, and my own performance."

1) kei Okinawa 

2) ichikawa takao 




30,203) Ryujin 

"What the, How can that be??"

"I am ranked 30,203?? only 10,000 students are admitted into the academy."

Ryujin was unable to believe his eyes. It was because his large portion of the memory related to the knowledge regarding advanced magic was still missing because of his memory being erased. He decided not to worry much about the written exams and focus for the upcoming magical attribute exam. 

- Next morning

All of the students who had passed the written exam were gathered on the campus grounds. They were waiting for the second exam to begin.

"I wonder what the second exam will be."

"Good morning students, I welcome all of you once again to the academy. I hope that the written exam went well. For the second exam we will test your magical proficiency and abilities, it is to determine which type of magic and attributes you are most compatible with. The exam will be held in a training area, so do not worry about causing destruction during the test. You will have 15 minutes per trial to demonstrate the best you can."

"We will first test your elemental attributes. Then we will test the attributes which are rarer and require more expertise, such as healing, light, dark, barrier etc. You can use any spells you want in the exam. It will allow us to understand the capabilities of the student better. For the last part of the exam, you will have to fight one of the monsters which are native to our empire, and are very common. Make sure to do your best.

"Form lines behind the teachers, they will hand over the tokens to you which will allow you to enter the area. Please note that no one can use magic or skills until the exam officially starts.

"The first group of students will have to stand over there. The rest of the students will have to stand behind the barriers."

'I wonder how I will fare in the test, the examiner is one of the professors, a high level magician. She will be able to easily determine my strengths and weaknesses.'

"Good morning, what is your name?"

"I am Ryujin, pleased to meet you."

"I am professor Erika. Let's begin the exam. Try to use the spell of your choice."

Ryujin activates a fireball spell, it is a intermediate level offensive spell that is used by most magicians.

"Hmm, your affinity with fire is very good. But you should try other elements. How about ice?"

Ryujin tries to use the ice arrow spell.

"Good, but I can see that you have some problem with it. Your body is not used to using the ice attribute. Try using wind magic"

Ryujin tries to use the lightning dash skill, a spell which can be considered an advanced wind spell.

"I am surprised that you can use lightning dash, You seem to be very proficient with the wind magic."

Ryujin then demonstrated rest of his elemental attributes to the professor.

"good your first part of the exam is finished, let's move on for the second part, please follow me"

"The second part of the exam will test your magical abilities. It will be similar to the previous part. You will have to choose the spell you want to use."

"The first part of the exam was to test your affinity and ability to use the basic magic. The second part of the exam is to test your expertise with the advanced magic.

"Now try and cast the spell."

Ryujin tried to use the advanced level skill called 'blade manifestation' It is a powerful wind skill and one of the most dangerous offensive magic skills. It manifests the wind in form of many swords and cuts the opponent with countless scars.

"Very nice, you have a great talent for using wind magic. What is your starfield system rank, child?"

"It is currently at 4 stars, Professor." ( the magical attribute ranking in the starfield system go from 1 star to 21 stars, higher the stars you have stronger your magic and skills become.)

"hmm, the fact that you have such a high affinity with the wind magic despite having a 4 star starfield system rank proves that you have the talent."

"let us move on towards the last part of this test."