
Stare of the Basilisk King

GodofDeathDragons · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 31: Christmas with the Delacours part one

( With Harry)

Our Hybrid boy Hero is now walking with Fleur, he is going to France with her for Christmas. Dumbledore has already allowed him to go, he told his other wives and friends that he is going to spend his Christmas with Fleur.

He also told Remus Lupin and Sirius that he will be going to France with Fleur, Sirius of course encouraged his godson to have fun with Fleur this Christmas.

The chamber of secrets is closed and Rachnera will probably be down in the chamber or will probably visit her family.

He had nothing to worry, he would be spending Christmas with the Delacours.

Her Father would soon come here to pick up her and Harry.

Then they would be on their way to France and on their way to the Delcour Villa, to spend his Christmas with Fleur's family then visit the nightingale island after Christmas.

Mr Delacour had arrived with a portkey in his hand.

"Ah Mister Potter I trust you and my lovely daughter are ready for your trip to France." said Mister Delacour As Harry nodded holding his trunk

"Of course I am Mr. Delacour. We are both ready." Harry answered seeing Fleur smile as her father also smiled too as he pulled out a port key.

"Brace yourselves," Mr. Delacour warned as he, his daughter and Harry grabbed hold of the port key which activated and started to take them directly to France, to the Delacour Villa estate.

( France, Delacour Villa Estate)

The three had made it to their destination as Harry could never get used to the Port Key, he would rather flame teleport.

"Here we are, to our home." Said Mr. Delacour with a smile on his face as he led Harry and Fleur inside.

" Appoline Dear I'm home with Fleur and Harry." Called out Sebastian Delacour.

The Delcour Villa was a very elaborate structure with several floors it appeared. They were standing in what looked to be like the front entryway with a spiral staircase that led to a hallway up above them.

"Impressive isn't it Harry," Sebastian said seeing Harry gaze around the inside of the villa.

Harry nodded as he did look around his surroundings seeing how nice this place looked.

"Ah Arry Potter, welcome to our wonderful home, do make yourself comfortable." Appoline Delacour said smiling warmly at her future son in law.

"Why thank you Mrs. Delacour I do love it here." Harry said looking at her as Fleur herself smiled.

"Mother, Arry will be spending Christmas with us." Fleur notified her mother who nodded seeing that was brilliant She always wanted to get to know her Future Son in law who saved her oldest daughter.

"Say Harry, you need help with your trunk ?" Said Mr. Delacour as the boy nods

"Fleur be a dear and show Harry to the guest room where he will be sleeping at." Said Appoline Delacour as she went to the kitchen with the house elves to prepare dinner.

"Follow me Arry." Fleur said as she led him upstairs to the guest room.

( The guest room)

"Welcome to your room Arry." Fleur said as she showed him his room.

He smiled as he sat his trunk besides the foot of the bed.

"Sister I am here, I heard Arry Potter is here too!" Said Fleur little sister Gabrielle Delacour who now entered the guest room widening her blue eyes and a tint of a blush on her face she stared at her sister's Future Husband.

Harry who stared at the mini version of Fleur smiled at her she looks nice she looked to be no older than 8.

"Arry meet my little sister Gabrielle." Introduced Fleur as the little girl beamed at Arry and ran into him hugging him as Harry in turn hugged her back.

"It is nice to meet you Gabrielle." Harry greeted as they shook hands, she smiled brightly at him

This was the famous Harry Potter that she heard so much about, and that he saved her older sister from death eaters at the world quidditch cup. He looked so handsome, if only she was older she could be Arry's mate too, but sadly her sister has him as a mate.

Fleur looked at her little sister and could tell she now formed a crush on her husband but gabby is a bit too young to date.

"It is nice meeting you too Arry Potter!" Gabrielle said smiling at him still

15 minutes Later.

Dinner would be ready.

All the Delacour family was sitting at the dining table to have dinner. To the outer eyes it would seem that it was a beautiful family about to have a peaceful affair. While this was indeed a very beautiful family with their future son in law Harry Potter.

"So Harry my boy, I would like to know who raised you?" Asked Mr. Delacour with his family now turning their eyes at the boy who had a rather dark look on his face as he mentally thought of the Dursley's.

"My relatives are muggles... and they don't like magic." Was Harry's reply who still had a dark look on his face as the Delacour family frowned

"They hate magic?" Appoline Spoke rather confused as Sebastian who could tell from the look on Harry's face that there is something more to the relatives who hate magic.

"Harry who is your magical guardian?" Asked Sebastian Delacour seeing Harry raise a eyebrow Looking confused

"Magical guardian? I don't recall having one. Only someone I would consider raising me is my godfather Sirius Black." Said Harry as Sebastian picked up on that,

"He doesn't know who his magical guardian is? I wonder who could it be?" Thought Sebastian as he thought of a certain Headmaster at Hogwarts he needed to see if his suspicions is true on that and maybe question Dumbledore on why hasn't he told Harry that he is the boy's magical guardian.

"Sirius? As in Sirius Black the one who-" Sebastian said but Harry cut him off.

"My godfather is innocent Mr. Delacour, he is framed for a crime he didn't commit." Harry said defending his godfather making Sebastian raise a brow.

"How can you be certain of it?" Asked Sebastian with the rest of the Delacour family wanting to know.

Harry began explaining everything in his third year and how Sirius is innocent and the real culprit who betrayed his parents was Peter Pettigrew and murder of a few muggles and put all the blame on Sirius.

This made Sebastian really hooked on the issue, so the English ministry of magic never bothered to investigate further into the case and never given the man a trial? That sounded corrupted, the sound of corruption in the ministry of magic. They threw a innocent man in Azkaban?!

"I see... is Mr. Black still on the run?" Asked Sebastian with Harry nodding.

"Hmmm, then perhaps I can at least offer Mr. Black asylum here in France.." Sebastian suggested as Harry widened his eyes at that

"You can do that?" The boy asked as Sebastian nodded

"Of course, we can give him a fair trial here. And once he proves what he claimed he did he is granted Asylum here" said Sebastian making Harry smile at that.

"I'll be sure to write Sirius and tell him that you are offering him a trial and asylum here in France." Harry said with Fleur smiling at him.

"Take your time in doing that my boy." Said Sebastian as he finishes his plate.

After Dinner was Over, Harry had gone to bed in the guest room as he couldn't wait to write Sirius in the morning.

( Morning)

Waking up, from his sleep he was about to stretch only for him unable to move. Now why was that?

Looking down he noticed Fleur was in the bed with him which surprised him. How did she get in bed with him?

Then he also realized it was Christmas morning?

"Uhh Fleur?" he shaked her as she moaned in her sleep as she opened her sapphire eyes.

"Mhmm? Arry?" She said then fully opened her eyes as she then realized that she was in the same bed as him.

"Fleur how am Are you here?" He asked as she herself did not know that either.

"Sister Fleur! Arry! Come on down! It's Christmas time!" Called out Gabrielle Delacour as both Harry and Fleur blushed realizing that they are holding onto each other embrace.

"I think we should go down there." Harry Said as Fleur nodded in agreement.