

Detective and head of chief police Carl is faced with another case, another murder case at this point nothing shakes her until her and her team handles the 'pretty blond case',the brutal murder of 'Jennifer Andersons' the case is not all that it seems as Carl and her team dig much deeper they find themselves shaken for the first time.. Jennifer's friends fall deep into the suspicious list, the girls are kept in a house and a questioned through a game call 'stare at the liar' to say their stay in the house was pure horror.. revealing untold secrets, long-held grudges, hatred, jealousy, broken friendships was an understatement

Queen_Kim_1 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Joshua is found-

Stare at the liar 🥀

When Peter arrived in the station, he was low-key observing everyone but everyone seemed so nonchalant and everything looked so normal, he was guessing the team was not behind this, he was really giving them the benefit of the doubt but still he was keeping his guard up, just incase.

"Peter, you need to pay up, your late" Sam said with the most serious face he can muster without letting a smile crack

"Your making your boss pay up" Peter said with a pout

"News flash even Your boss pays up" Sam shot back with an eye roll

"I suppose so" Peter said with a little laugh

"But unfortunately I do not have cash on me, right now" petter added

"Excuses, Excuses" Sam said with a smile, he wasn't going to make Peter pay up, he wasn't even on night duty.. he just sticks around when Carl is not around just so at least one of the higher ups of their team could be around.

"Just the right people I'm looking for" Martin said approaching the two

"What's up" Sam asked

"Come with me" Martin said walking away, Peter and Sam glanced looked at each other then shrugged before following Martin. Martin led them Peter's office

"Open it" he said after standing in front of the door for at least 30 seconds and the two men behind him just stood there as well

"Oh yes" Peter exclaimed taking out his key to open the door

"Now what's the whole suspense for" Peter asked after they took their seats

"One I've found Joshua" Martin said

"Oh he's finally off vacation" Sam said with smirk

"No.. someone anonymously sent he's location and I've contacted the police in Amsterdam and it's true he's around there" Martin explained

"Who sent you that, any clue who might send it" Peter asked

"It was in a letter, but the letter wasn't hand written, newspaper and article cut outs" Martin continued

"The person doesn't want their hand writing connected" Sam muttered to himself

"That means we know the person or there within reach because if they're scared of their handwriting being discovered..we must be onto them" peter said

"Exactly" Martin added.

"The newspaper cut out are actually from a book, and two cases" Martin said in a low voice as if he was scared of what he was going to say next

"The book the cut out is from is "No lies" and the two cases are "Susan lee's case and…. Little ..Jen" Martin said looking up at Peter

"I think it's deliberate" Sam said and Martin nodded agreeing

"The no lie book is about Susan lee's case" Sam added.

"Get me an article about the Susan lee case" Peter instructed

"I'll go do that now" Sam said getting up

"Did Tony get the books" Peter asked

"Yes, he's off night duties today so he left it with me to give you" Martin said

"Can you go get it for me?" Peter asked

"Of course" Martin nodded getting ready to leave as well.

"Peter" Sam called for the fifth time

"Huh?" Peter finally looked up

"Is everything okay" Sam asked with worry placing the Article on the table

"Yeah" Peter said flashing him an reassuring smile

"Okay" Sam said giving him a pat on the shoulder, he noticed Peter didn't wanna talk about what was bothering him so he gave him the space he needed to think for now.

"Martin asked to give you this as well" Sam added placing the books on the table as well

"Where is Martin" Peter asked

"There was a call, he left with saffron and Beatrice" Sam answered

"What call" Peter asked

"Robbery" sam replied

"I'm sure they'll be able to handle it and if they need help they'll call, don't stress" Sam said trying to reassure him

"Thank you Sam" Peter said with a smile

"You're always welcome" Sam replied as he walked out. Susan lee was killed by her best friend and her best friend's boyfriend helped cover up the body, they would have never found the body and could have probably never found the culprits if not for their mutual friend who knew about it all because her best friend was drunk and just spilled everything to the friend and the next thing she did was rush to police to report about it. The reason Mariana killed Susan was because she was cheating with her boyfriend, when she found out she was livid they got into a fight and she pushed Susan, she fell down the stairs and broke her neck which was the cause of her death.. she was scared so she called up her boyfriend and when he found out he helped her cover up everything, it turned out Susan and mike's affair wasn't as if they were frequently seeing each other it was just a one night Stan. They drove 70 miles and then found an over grown bush then they walked into it then cut of Susan into several parts and buried it in different locations. The village they disposed her body in, had about only 30 people and they live really far from each other so nobody was gonna find Susan and they were right.. the case was later recorded as a run away until 3 years later when someone ran into the police station sweating, panting and crying. Peter felt like this Article about Susan lee wasn't randomly picked, it wasn't picked because it had so many words and the sender could pick a lot from it and Jen's case was also obviously intentionally picked it was either the person who sent the letter was thesame person who sent the package or the person who sent the letter and package are in this together. Peter decided to check into the Susan lee case and Jen's case again maybe something might lead to something.

Joshua is now back from vacation!! don't you think he's kinda sus... leaving a day after the murder or it is just a coincidence.hmmm

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