
StarDuster: Comrades

Following the Fall of Earth, Humanity has turned to technology to preserve themselves through whatever means nessesary. Now through heaven or hell, we take a look at Humanities... well, not finest. - A Side Story to ' StarDuster ' - Planned Episodes |--> Arch |--> Melody |--> Dice |--> Syn |--> Tungston |--> ••• |--> ••••••

BreathingMoon · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Episode: Dice


That word echoes within my mind, years after years of struggle and fighting for survival burned that into my mind, as it was the first word that described me as anything but ' Outsider ' or ' Monster '. It was the name given to me by my master, and it was the name that was revoked from me after he was stolen away. I wandered throughout the world, every nook and cranny I looked at... ' Hopefully ' I thought, ' I'll find what is needed to bring him back. ' I didn't find it, for years and years of struggling and fighting for survival as each of my claws dulled.

It didn't make me feel better that I could see him in my dreams, I could see him in each puddle and in each mirror. I was so used to being a beast I didn't have enough change to show him my humanity. That is when I lost my humanity, and for years I became a beast again. They called me ' Monster ' and ' enemy ', and to that I had no rebuttal. I fought with anyone who dared to show their faces to me, I was more confident in my abilities then the last time I was a beast.

It was only the Swordsman and his group that could threaten me I once thought, but eventually that thought was dispelled... the spider and the gun became my enemies too, their strength was great but I was far more capable. Nobody stood against me as I holed myself away in the cage that once contained me. Until something notable finally happened.

A Rouge engulfed in flames and a Knight in armor shinier then the heavens battered me away, I was nothing more than a insect to them... or at least I thought, I learned that they didn't think of me as a beast unlike the many others... and eventually I was brought back to humanity. That wasn't before they left though, and I never saw them again. Something about them stirred my memory, but that isn't what is important.

With my humanity restored I gathered once more with my allies, my friends... those who I once thought to be my enemies. Together we managed to track down Master, and together we opened the door. He wasn't ready to be awoken though, we needed much more... and to that, I needed much more. I needed to get stronger and to get faster, my skin needed to reflect all manners of blows and my claws needed to break all manner of barriers.

I was given a title, something of my own merit... not something given to me by master but rather the world he comes from, it was one of the first things I was given from someone besides him.... I was given the title " The Venom of StarDust "... and to that, I had no rebuttal.