
StarDuster - Glory of the Umbral Avenger

My Father always told me to stand tall, this is my opportunity to do just that. [ This novel has been discontinued, a redux version of this series is currently in production. ] A glorious reign over the realm only to be hunted, a glorious return only to be haunted. Avery Hall had a fair share of experience when it came to the many layers of humanity. With the death of our real world in the future, everyone gets digitized and becomes... well, Immortal. To a degree. But how to do you spend immortality? Video Games... of course, with everything being digital... and with Hyper Advanced A.I... it's possible to create games that simulate what reality used to be like. Our story takes place in Starduster MMO, a fantasy based MMO game where the game's story is run mainly by player choice, with any choice being an important factor into anything. Our main point of view is Avery Hall, who specializes in the Sniper Class, a long range damage class that uses a Rifle. He is quite efficient at making use of all he has available, and is kind of a jerk. Avery also has been preventing the Progress of the game by holding on to a Key Artifact, other players find out about this and after a while decide they don't want him around anymore. While normally death lowers levels... his reputation is too low within the game and he gets banned, luckily he has a second account, as most V.I.P. users in the world do... Avery, swears to return the status quo, but maybe he'll be good this time... hopefully, habits take a long time to stop. So we join Avery's journey to get back to the top, just make sure he doesn't forget to properly transfer accounts.

BreathingMoon · Games
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222 Chs

Haha Booze. That's funny.




I don't think this guy has realized I'm the Goddess of Ice... not some angel for him to pick up.

? - " Forsooth as such as. I said to the fair mistress, these testicles my dear! Quite the parliament says you not? "

Me - " Listen, I just want to get to the Punch Bowl. "

? - " Ah, no need I say! I'll get you a glass. Stay right here madam, I'll be back. "

He bought it. Time to book it to the Alcohol and Salsa, don't forget the salsa... aww man just thinking about that gets me drooling... it's so good on chips...

Ahem. Sorry.

I ran as quick as I could in high heels, to the drink stand. Claiming my Prize I then tried to make my way to the Salsa, where Cobalt seems to be having a conversation with a Jujigun and... the goddess of lightning. What's she doing her? Damn whore, she's probably trying to take my champion.

Well... let's see you try! Dice and Anise aren't exactly the kindest to people who ask him out...

During Cobalts quick stay at my castle, suprisingly the King of the nearest country tried to send a suitor for him, most likely due to him being the only male to live there for quite sometime... news travels fast.

Anyways, well the dude that tried to arrange a marriage between them was sent home without clothes and a few cuts.

You know. In the blistering cold my castle is within. Safe to say he most likely didn't make it.

Hah, those girls really don't like people asking him out. Too bad as well, the system seems to think I'd make the most logical pair for him. I'm never going to mess with those two, they'd probably figure out a way to kill me.

Anyways, I straight up walked to Cobalt and grabbed the Salsa. Then teleporting us out after a brief apology to Jujigun for interupting their conversation.

Listen, I'm not staying there for any longer! It's hot as hell in there!

Anyways, looks like Dice and Anise look a little different. Jotun got a total pallette swap though, all in all they look alot less samey.

Anise now has quite the color, her hair that now reached her shoulders was a nice red, her eyes accompanying. Other than that she looks very much the same. But she's a bit smaller now. In every sense.

Dice on the other hand, whew. That's one hot momma. She now has a light purple hair with a very well developed body, she's a little taller now... About equal height as cobalt.

Joutun looks like a proper Samurai now according to the depictions from books I have read... don't ask what type of books I find in-

No! I don't read WebNovels!

Presumptuous, how could you ever think that. When have I ever been not a proper Goddess.

Take it back! I'm a proper Goddess!

... Ok fine. I like to read what the player's write, specifically the genre of WebNovels . I might... maybe like the... ahem. Dirtier ones.

...this alcohol slaps..




Ok, someone has been here... right?




I opened the door to my room, going to get changed so I can be a little more comfy when I get drunk with Mordova and the gang.

As I push the door in, I here a scurrying in my room. God that gives me nostalgia, that's how I met Dice. So, time to do the exact same thing.

I walked into the barren wasteland that is my temporary room, looking inside it's clear someone has basically lived in here for about a day I guess? My clothes are all over the place now...

I'll just take a little peek under the bed and... Aha!

- " Melody?!? "

" Ah! Cobalt! It's uh - "




Hah... what he heck is she doing here?

Me - " What the heck are you doing here? "

Melody - " I uh, well... the gang sort of broke up after a quarrel. I had no where else to go so I tracked you down. A healer is useless on her own, and I don't think anyone would take me into their party without improper ideas. Considering I'm a female healer in a MMO. "

Me - " Gotcha, but isn't this place like weeks away even with Teleporters? "

Melody - " They added a few more cities recently... im suprised you live in such a nice place Cobalt Senpai? "

Me - " Don't call me that, anyways this isn't my place. It's The Goddes of Ice's castle. I've become a Crusader for her. "

Melody - " That's nice, but why don't you want me to call you that Cobalt Senpai? "

Me - " It makes me feel like im imploding, there used to be a girl that called me that every day at school. She brings up quite the bit of bad memories. "

I lie as naturally as I breath. I was homeschooled. I just don't want to be called that.

Melody - " Haha, that's pretty funny. I'll keep calling you that though! "

Me - " Don't. "

Melody - " Co - "

Me - " Don't. "

" Balt "

" Don't you dare. "

" Sen "

" There is still hope in you, see it within your heart to stop this cruel banter. "

" Pai~ "


After some brief explanations to Mordova and my party, eventually we decided to just have a good drink... good thing I'm not the only guy here, otherwise it would be a harem! That would be deadly to me, never drink with a harem!