
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Ch.84 ۞ Verena ۞ Part I

Supernova Library


"FINALLY. IT WORKED. IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, GIVE ME A SIGN, VERENA!" Nah, it didn't work again. But he knows that, doesn't he? He knows I can't move even though I'm hearing them, because I told them last time. Is he doing that on purpose?

Should I pretend that I'm not listening to anything?

The Mayas did tell us that he may have been hiding info from the Alliance, since he's on our side. Does he wants to hide that I can still listen to everything? Is that his plan?

Well, I'm okay with that.

"Yeah, it worked," he stated firmly and I could hear their sigh of relief. "Let's see her soul now."

I found myself in the same place as before.

Like a river of stars, surrounded by a galaxy of stars, and this time I could see more clearly the four golden stars, four silver, and the three red stars shining brighter compared to the others. Is this my soul? Does my soul really look like this?

And what is he going to tell them if he's hiding his cards?

"Asteria Seraphina Asphodel. Elder twin sister of Zephyra Lavinia Asphodel. Celestially bonded to her since birth. Their souls are connected way before they were born," the two names our parents chose as their favorites for females. Mom's were my first name and Emma's middle name, and dad's were her name and my middle one.

My middle name's Seraphina, very atypical. I read a dark-fantasy/romance book once where the female protagonist was called Seraphina. Quite similar to my human surname. Lavinia does low-key suits Emma though. Isn't it fancy? Sounds like a rich girl's name to me.

They had a good taste, that's for sure. Very elegant names.

"Her soul is already destined to have a mate," what? "That link hasn't been awakened yet, but when that happens, it'll be in a terrible moment. There will be great complications between the two of them, and they will have to fight a lot to accept one another. I can almost taste the anger and resentment between them. It'll be a tortuous road, although it seems like it'll be even harder for her than for the male. As both will be dominantly from Fire, they union will shake the world if they manage to work it out." Sigh, "If they don't, death and destruction will follow."

"Death?" Someone gasped and I couldn't tell who it was.

"Yes… many people will be against them together."

Seems like there's a lot of destruction in my life.

"Powerful people," he added, sounding kind of lost. "Not just powerful but dangerous. She'll awaken her secondary order soon after they recognize their bond as the mating bond. It'll be dangerous. For her… but when together, they will be like fire and gasoline for each other."

Well, none of that will happen if I don't survive the Sirens.

"Her life line is… tortuous. There is a blank around the road. I can't explain it, it's… eerie. It feels terrifying. Her life will be at stake more than once in a short time, but there will be a turning point. Everything will change if she survives a danger that is lurking her life in a very near future. A danger that she's already aware of!"

Great. The Siren might really kill me. How awesome is that? Really amazing, no? Expecting it is one thing, but knowing for sure is something else. It hits kind of different.

"What? She's aware of it?" I could tell it was Emma's voice.

"Vision. She… She had a vision of her death," fucking dumbass is talking too much. "Or something that might kill her. The blank comes right after that. But it shows that it might or not end there. If it doesn't, more dangers will followed, but she'll be… more powerful, angrier, broken, lost in the darkness that is constantly lurking her mind. An abysm."

"What do you mean she might die?" Emma gasped.

"I… it's hazy. There are many blanks in her lifeline. It's like she'll disappear and come back more than once. But only if she manages to save herself. No one else can do that for her, and she knows that more than anyone else," that's true. "Her motivations are stronger than her fears and she seems to be willingly to fight all of the terror and nightmares she hides inside of her, to stay up on her feet, for a loved one. Zephyra…"

Again, he's right. He sounds like a oracle saying crazy stuff that may or may not happen at all. Like a unreliable source.

Emma growled, "Are you saying she'll die because of me?"

"No… you are the reason why she's sill alive. Asteria's mind line is… danger. Danger in its purest form. If pressed in the wrong, she might become the destruction of our world, if not, she might be the salvation. She's volatile in a way her twin is balanced and composed. There are too many traumas handcuffing her mind down. Asteria has countless dangerous thoughts about killing… not others but herself."

There he goes, taking too much again. Useless.

"She doesn't think well of herself. There's so… so much guilty that makes it hard for me to breath. Not worthy… she doesn't think she's worthy of much. She hides he good side from others, afraid that they will love her. Asteria doesn't think she deserves to be loved. Unlovable. She thinks she's unlovable, and she doesn't want to try anything because she prefers to think like that then to give in for hope."

"Vee…" Emma and Elle cried.

I held my urge to clench my jaw, but I didn't since they would probably see and would be able to tell that I'm hearing everything. I need to stay composed. If I show my emotions, Emma will feel it and tell them. That can't happen.

For some reason, Collier doesn't want them to know that I'm awake, so I'll say shut about that. Hold everything inside of me. But he's really getting on my nerves here.

"She's a prisoner to her own mind. A severe overthinker. She hurts herself more than anyone could. Constantly reminding herself of her ghosts. Traumas that carved deep scars into her soul. Pretending to be someone else, pretending that she isn't hurt. Using her anger as a weapon to make everyone stay away from her wounds. Not letting anyone but herself near them, lying compulsively to herself and others. Using irony and sarcasm as weapons."

Damn it, I really want to punch him. Wait until I get alone with the damned professor. Ah, he'll hear it. He'll be lucky if I don't slap the shit out of him. For someone who was supposed to be on my side, he really is all for the damn drama.

I'm trying to keep my vision a secret. He comes and do this.

"Her past line is the most tortuous of all, so much pain and torture for a child, it aches my heart. It shows that she should have had a different life if not for other people's choices. She was stolen of a good and pure childhood and was greeted with anything by love and care. From that she carries both visible and invisible scars within herself…"

That's enough, isn't it? We've had enough. It's enough.