
Stardust Academy


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Ch.19 ۞ Emmaline ۞ Part II


"They are sensible," I cried.

She gasped, "Did the government implanted this shit in you? What the fuck?" Then she proceeded to grasp my fangs and try to pull them out, "What is this? Are they trying to make a vampire or what? And they said I am a monster." When I let out a painful cry, she release my fangs. "Does it hurt? We can try using something sharp to break it and make it look normal again."

I couldn't help the anxious laugh that left me, "That's not the case, Veevy."

Before I could say a word, a door materialized in the middle of the white wall and Aryan got inside the room. "She really is skeptical, isn't she?" He grinned and I noticed how he had hid his pointy ears and elongated canines, probably using some kind of… magic.

"You," Veevy gasped and I turned to her.

"Do you know Aryan, sister?"

She glared at me, "I do. I met him in the pub where I… was doing what Benjamin told me to. Little before I ran to save you from Karl. How do you know him?"

"I had a vision," I rolled my shoulders. "And he was with me when I woke up in here."

"So, you are from the fucking government, hm?" She let out a bitter giggle. "Seems like you went there after me. Aryan, was it? What do you want with us?" Her free arm covered me protectively.

"Yes, my name is Aryan. Aryan Nova. And how did you come here, Emmaline? We left you in the infirmary and you didn't know your way here. But you just… popped out of nowhere."

I gasped, "I don't know. I just… When woke up again, I punched the barrier you locked me into until it broke, than I took this robe to cover myself and ran away from there. I heard Veevy calling for me and I kept thinking that I had to find here. I was in the open and then I was here, it happened too fast, but at least I found her."

"Verena," he called her and her eyes shot to him, "were you born with that gold eye?"

"Yes. I have heterochromia."

"Why were you using lens?" His eyebrows went up.

"Why do you think?" She scoffed bitterly. "My golden eye isn't what you would call normal for a human, is it? It's unheard of. People tend to fear and mock what they don't understand, and no one understood why one of my eyes is golden. Many even believed I was the devil," she giggled at that, "and other ridiculous stuff. And as I was tired of the constant bullying because of my eye and hair, I began to use lens and to dye it constantly since I was 11."

"My eyes are dark pink, I guess I understand how it feels to have a different eye color. Humans usually only have them between black, grey, shades of brown, green, and blue. Anything other than that is uncommon for them. And I don't get what's wrong with your hair."

She bit her bottom lip, "Those are your eyes?"

He nodded, giving her a feral grin and she blushed. "I'll let your mockery back there go slide, since you didn't knew about it." She mocked him?

"What did you say?" I asked through our link.

"I may have mocked him saying it was childish for adults to use colorful lens like that." She sucked her cheeks, "Well, how would I know? I never saw anyone with eyes like that. And you can't see what wrong with, because it's dyed, my hair isn't entirely black like this."


They kept glaring at each other for long enough to make it somewhat uncomfortable to me. "Alright. So, you tell her or I do?" I turned to him.

Without taking his eyes off of her, he clicked his tongue, "I do."

"Tell me what?" She asked annoyed. "What is it now? What's happening?" But I pretended not to have listened.

With a snap of his fingers, whatever kind of magic he was using to masquerade his ears and teeth, disappeared and my sister gasped. "I don't like to repeat myself, so I'll tell you once, and you will listen." She was too stunned to speak. "The reason why you and your sister have so many unhuman abilities, and you have that gold eye right there, is because you are not humans."

As he let it settle, my sister chuckled, "Oh, yeah, of course. I'm not a human," she mocked but the sly grin disappeared right away. "Are you crack?"

He rolled his eyes, "We don't do drugs. And the little who do, it's definitely not human drugs, it's much worse."

"Taking shit off of me," she exclaimed but he didn't move. "Why am I handcuffed?"

"Because you might try to attack us."

"Indeed, that's what I want to do. I'm not a savage monster, okay? I've confessed everything, didn't I? So, just let off of this. Or put me back on that gravity room."

He took two steps closer and I looked at her to see if she was uncomfortable with the proximity, but as I saw that she was okay, I didn't a word. "Your sister told us the truth already, Verena. We know you didn't do it."

She turned pale and shot me a glare, "Why did you do that? They might do something to you, Emma. Are you insane?"

I sighed, "You really thought I would let you take the blame for that? What kind of sister do you think I am? Besides, they were mistaken by the entire situation. Why didn't you tell them Karl tried to abuse me? They were think I was with him willingly and you tried to kill him because you are possessive of me."

Veevy bit the insides of cheeks again, "It's not my fault if they didn't even know how to make the right questions. And if when I told them the truth they didn't wanted to believe me. Besides," she side-looked Aryan and then turned back to me. "I thought this was the American Government. Turns out it's just a bunch of lunatics. And they even implanted this shit on you."

"Except we didn't!"

She glared at him, "Then why is her ears like this? Or her teeth? Did you tried to make her like the people on her crazy paintings?"

"Veevy," I tried.

"It's okay, Emma, I'll take care of this," then her eyes went to him again. "Go, explain why is she looking like this? Because I'm sure that she didn't have this shit on the 19 years I know her."

"You should look at yourself, Verena. Because you have the same ears and teeth. But no one did anything to you, just as we didn't do to her either," I could tell he was annoyed.

"What?" She asked in disbelief and touched her ears, and as realization stroke her, her eyes widened. "What… what the fuck is this? What is this? What…" Her eyes met mine. "Sister, what the fuck is happening?"

"He's right, Veevy." I held her hand, "It makes sense if you give some thought to it, Veevy. We heal in a way no humans can. We have this link between us, that is far from being humane. Not to mention our visions. And there's also your eye. Do you really think we are humans, Veevy?"

She stared at me for what seemed like an eternity and she became more and more pale, her skin turning even more colder, "It can't be. It can't be. It can't be," she panicked. "It can't be," she yelled so loud that I had to cover my ears. "That… that… that would that what I saw… that what I…" she gulped and tears creeped on her eyes. "My vision my actually happen… but it can't. They are never wrong. If… if… if that happens…"

I held her tight, caressing her arms as she always did to me, "Hey, I'm here. It's okay. We are okay. Breath. Don't freak out. Put yourself together."