

Star an orphan teenager gets adopted for her 16th birthday. After she is adopted the orphanage is set on fire killing everyone inside. Star now a sad and traumatized girl finds out there were mysterious deaths at the school she now goes to. Star has a feeling those deaths are related to the orphanage fire. And it all started with a little drawing

FoxLover0615 · Teen
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Chapter 2

After I was able to leave the hospital, I had to start a new school as a new kid. Yeah, what the hell? I finally learn to walk, and I I'm getting thrown at some random school without an acknowledgement of this. Why can't I go back to my old school? I don't know, but I'm not going to get sent back to the orphanage just because I talked back.

I see my new high school, and oh my god, why is it so big? I don't care if my parents have money; it's a high school, not the Tipton Hotel. I walk inside this high school, and for some reason, it looks bigger from the inside.

"Welcome to the labyrinth where you might get lost and stuck forever unless I will get someone to guide me to my homeroom class at least," I said to myself, my left hand in my pocket and my right hand holding a schedule.

The bell rings, and I walk to some random person, because I will take anyone at this point.

"Hey, tall white guy," I said, and he turned around and looked down at me.

"Damn your tiny," he said, and I told my eyes

"Not my fault, your the Albino Shaq—anyway, are you going to tell me where room 232 is?" I asked him, and for some reason he just looked at me.

"What is it the way I look? "Go ahead and talk sh*t about me for all I care; I don't give a damn either way; just tell me how to get to my fucking class." I shoved my schedule in his face.

"Oh, sorry, I just thought you were really pretty and" He said it and just made me more mad.

"Tell me where my class is, dip shit; I'm not trying to be late on my first day," I cursed at him.

"Okay, but can I say one thing first?" He asked

"What is it?" I asked him, annoyed.

"It's just—how does it feel to be more flat than a pancake?" He asked and started laughing.

I kicked him in the balls continuously until he was on the ground crying. Okay, you gotta understand that a girl being called flat is very disrespectful, like saying a fat man has flappy boobs. Mine may be non-existent, but still, whoever makes fun of my body will get attacked. I sat on his stomach and looked at his name tag.

"Conner? "Fitting name for a white person," I said, and I got off of him and walked away.

"You little bitch, I'll get you," Conner says and gets off of the floor.

"Ooh, do I really turn you on so much that I got you running after me?" "Sorry to inform, but I'm not the prey, I'm the hunter," I said, side-eyeing him.

Something about the way I looked at him was menacing, and he knew it too. Conner walked to me and grabbed me by my hoodie.

"Whatever shit for brains you are, I'm taking you to your class anyway since we go to the same class," Conner said, still holding me by my hoodie.

"If you want to get married, I can make you live your fantasy." I said, "Get into the bridal position."

Conner had to hold me or else I'd drop with him as well. I turn his chin up towards my face.

"Of getting married," I flirted, and he smirked.

"Why would I want to marry you?" Conner asked and dropped me on the floor.

"I've got more important things to do than mess with some new kid," Conner says and continues walking.

Conner sounds like the average guy who makes fun of me, but he's actually nicer than I thought. I get up and watch him as he walks. Why do you act like this? You say I'm pretty, but then you're mean to me. It feels hot, but maybe it's because I'm wearing a coat over a hoodie and jeans for style purposes, or maybe...

"Stupid bastards always have to be the white ones," I said and followed him to his room.

"Well, look at that, they finally decided to arrive ten minutes late," a teacher said.

"Not my fault; I had pancake chest dragging me," Conner said, pointing his thumb at me before walking inside.

I walk inside as if I hadn't just come in late.

"Well, young lady, I hope I don't get a continuation of lateness from you like I get with Conner." "My name is Ms. Bernard," Ms. Bernard says

"And I'm Star Johnson." "I just came out of a car crash, abandoned my orphanage, and feel a little stiff while walking," I said, introducing myself.

"Ms. Johnson I'm so sorry-" Ms. Bernard says

"Don't be, you didn't care about me before, so why do so now?" I smiled at her and went to a random seat.

Conner looks at her like she's crazy.

"Yo, what was that?" Some girls asked

This girl looked like a mix of black and Asian-Blasian Maybe her hair was curly and she looked like a tomboy.

"What?" I asked her

"You literally sassed Ms. Bernard," the girl whispered, which surprises me.

"Sorry, Ms. Bernard, I didn't mean to sass you or be rude; it's just how I talk," I said to her loudly.

"It's okay, Ms. Johnson," Ms. Bernard responds.

"No one really dares talk back to Ms. Bernard since she's a pain and isn't scared to give you a 0 on your report card," The girl whispers.

"I'm not getting a 0, but I'm not getting a 100." "I just know I'm going to be good at math." I gloated, and the girl rolled her eyes.

"I'm Anya Richards; nice to meet you," Anya says, introducing herself.

"Nice to meet you, Anya," I said with a smile.

All these girls around me look so happy; it's no wonder when you're so pretty that a smile is something you must maintain. But with Anya, she didn't smile, even when she was happy; she smiled with her eyes or just made sounds of happiness. Someone pretty not smiling makes me happy, because maybe they also see what I see. I may not be colorblind, but the only colors in the rainbow I see are black and gray.

While homeroom seemed to be the only class we had, lunch seemed to be the only time we got to talk. While I was getting my lunch, I saw some girls talking to Anya. I ignore them and just look at my food. The mac and cheese is stuck to the plate, and the only thing good here are the apples.

"You'd think from such an expensive school they'd have good food," I said to myself, and the lunch lady heard me.

"You know we work hard to give y'all good food, not for you to disrespect it." The lunch lady said

"I'm just saying the truth, and the truth is that it looks like dog shit, but I have to handle this for two more years," I said, taking my tray to the table.

I see Anya having an argument with the girls.

"God, you look like a combination of Barbie and the plastic from the good mean girls," I said while eating my apples.

"Who the hell are you?" The girl asked

"Well Regina George, my name is Star Johnson, new kid nice to meet you," I said, putting my hand out and making the girl scoff.

"My name is Elizabeth." The girl was interrupted.

"Olsen?" I asked, pointing an apple at her.

"What no? Elizabeth-" The girl was interrupted again.

"OMG, your queen Elizabeth is reincarnated." "All hail our queen!" I said and started bowing at her.

Shut the hell up! "I'm Elizabeth Moravia the second, and I'm not letting some tramp disrespect my name," Elizabeth says to her, and I stood up.

"You look boujee, are you rich?" I asked, and she looked so confused.

"What are these questions?" Anya, tell your friend to shut up or else I'll... Elizabeth was interrupted by me throwing milk at her.

Elizabeth looks at me in rage and is about to throw her water on her, but then I pour Anya's milk all over my head and into my mouth. Elizabeth was shocked by what she saw, as was Anya.

"Who-you know what, just stay away from me and tell your friend to watch out or I'll kill her," Elizabeth said and backed away from me and Anya, making her scoff.

"Not if I do it first," Anya said to herself.

"Elizabeth seems like the average mean girl on Disney "I suggest avoiding her or being boring and she'll avoid you," I suggested to Anya.

"You don't understand, we used to be best friends, but then I ghosted her for her now-ex boyfriend," Anya explains and points at Connor.

"Oh, whitey tightey over there?" "Don't see what the point is; she looks like the average Richard," I said to Anya.

"No, it's just that Connor is nice and hot, and just about perfect, except that he wants to act like a bad boy," Anya said, putting her chin in her hand.

"Connor is stupid." "I'm surprised you could ever fall for a guy like him," I said, looking over at Connor, who smiles at me, and I smile back at him unconsciously.

"Star, are you going to get your clothes clean or will you just leave them?" Anya asked

"Don't worry, I'm used to it." I smiled at her.

For the rest of the day, I learned my way around the school and how to get from class to class. Last period was over, and it happened to be gym. As I was changing, I heard girls giggling. I just finished taking a shower, and I came out in a towel. I saw I was the only one there, and my clothes were missing.

"Bits must've taken it." I swore to myself and grabbed a bag and changed into its clothes.

As I left the locker rooms, I noticed some girls and guys had their phones out, but they were shocked when they saw me. I was dressed like a cheerleader from Monster High. Elizabeth's face was priceless when she saw me. I saw someone holding my clothes and took them from them, replying with a "thanks" before leaving them there. I was going to change in the bathrooms when I saw Anya putting her head in the sink.

"They dyed your hair, didn't they?" I asked

Anya took her head out of the sink, and she had this dark teal-colored hair.

"Yeah, and my mom is going to kill me if she sees my hair," Anya said.

"I could cut your hair so you could look better," I suggested.

"Whatever my mom was going to cut it anyway, she says I have split ends." "So you can," Anya said in a surprisingly calm voice after what just happened.

I took the scissors out of my bag and just cut her hair, and surprisingly, Anya said she liked it.

Anya left the bathroom as people looked at her.

"Cool hairstyle," Connor says to Anya, and she gets excited.

"Okay, maybe he's my ex, but still, I love it when he gives me compliments," Anya said and sighed.

We both left the school happy, but I just couldn't help but think something worse was going to happen. Still, let's have fun now before we have to be serious.