
StarBlood Inheritance

Starblood inheritance is a term that refers to a rare and ancient bloodline that grants access to all kind of magic ( all race magic) allowing the successors a magic that can counter the dark power of the orcish guardian deity. It is the main theme of the novel Starblood Inheritance, where the protagonist Levis-liam discovers that he has this potential in his blood and he is the last of his kin. According to the novel, starblood inheritance is a legacy from the ancient human guardian deity. Only a few chosen could inherit their power and use it to protect the realm from evil but the orcs want it now. Levis had no abilities. He was the rarest case of humans with zero affinity for human magic, a phenomenon so uncommon that some thought it impossible. Levis could not use any spell or enhancement, and he could not sense or resist magic either. He was vulnerable to any magical attack, and he had no way to protect himself. But levis-liam did not let that stop him. He was very smart and a quick learner, and he had trained his body and mind to compensate for his lack of magic. He was agile and cunning, and he knew how to take advantage of the situations and surroundings. He had never lost a fight against his elder brother calvin, even after calvin joined the army and became a soldier of the northern city. He was confident and fearless, and he did not care what anyone thought of him Levis must unlock the secrets of his starblood inheritance, and use it to save the realm from the darkness. Along the way, he will face many dangers and enemies, but he will also find allies and friends, and maybe even love. He will discover his true destiny, and he will prove to everyone that he is not a weakling, but a hero.

jamalist · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chivalry of wounded soldiers

Emerging from the gloom, a fireball roared towards Levis, tearing through the silence with a potent mix of ferocity and calm. Levis, nimble and seasoned by countless training sessions with his grandfather, foresaw the fiery onslaught. With a dancer's grace, he dodged, his tattered cloak whispering against the morning-dewed grass. This was no stranger's gambit; it was Calvin's, his brother's. Their countless duels had woven a tapestry of intimacy and competition. Levis could read Calvin's every deceptive move, every reckless thrust. And this encounter was no exception.

Their gazes locked, an unspoken dare flickering between them. Their breathing fell into harmony, the cadence of battle thrumming in their blood. Calvin's sword sliced the air, a mere breath away from Levis's skin. A triumphant smirk played on Levis's lips, his teeth a stark contrast to his sun-kissed complexion. "Too slow," he chided, his voice rising above the metallic song of their swords. His chuckle resonated, a symphony of challenge. Yet, under the surface of their playful jibes, an unyielding truth remained: Levis would never truly strike down his brother.

The clash came to an abrupt halt as Calvin tripped, ensnared by a treacherous stone but of course fatigue too. Seizing the moment, Levis disarmed him with a deft maneuver. Calvin's blade surrendered to gravity, and he followed suit, vanquished. Levis offered a hand, hoisting his brother to his feet. "You wield your sword well," he acknowledged, a concession as scarce as rain in the desert. "Next time, mind where you step."

A blush of chagrin and resolve colored Calvin's face. "One day, I'll outmatch you," he declared, mopping the perspiration from his forehead. "Mark my words." Levis ruffled Calvin's hair, a blend of fondness and mockery. "Maybe," he mused, a spark of mischief in his eyes. "But for now, let's turn our attention to the urgent."

Levis had seen the contingent of soldiers behind Calvin and his friend were wary about they so me approach to clear the atmosphere of all tension.

Only then did they perceive the approach of the Northwest outpost's contingent. Figures materialized—warriors, their armors dented and tarnished. These were not marauders; Levis recognized their insignia—the symbol of the realm they had pledged to defend. Exhaustion and injury marred their visages. One soldier, with a gaze as empty as the night sky, cradled a fallen ally. Another hobbled, his wounds weeping through his shredded garb.

Ryker, the leader of the patrol, lay insensible. Klaus, unyielding and solemn, bore him alone, refusing aid. A veil of illusionary magic enveloped Ryker, a tenuous shield from anguish and the harshness of the world. Levis empathized with Klaus's trepidation—the spell could devour even the mightiest spirit.

A fleeting sense of relief washed over the other youths as they united, sharing the load of the wounded soldiers' gear. But Meleona, formidable and mysterious, remained aloof. Rumors trailed her—sagas of victories, of unrivaled allure. Apprehension enshrouded her, setting her apart from her peers. None dared to draw near. To the inexperienced youths, she was a deity, known only through stories of her prowess and grace. Despite her youth, she already bore the mantle of a soldier.

Yet, Levis discerned her weariness—the creases framing her eyes, the toll of her duties. Without a second thought, he bridged the gap, lifting Meleona into his embrace. Her armor clung to him, but he neither revered nor feared her as the others did. He bore her not as a delicate maiden, but as a comrade worthy of honor.

Klaus's expression morphed into one of astonishment. Silence reigned, born of disbelief. Levis met Meleona's probing look. "Thank you," she murmured, her tone laced with fatigue. "For looking past the legends." She was, after all, a young woman with a heart susceptible to the same sorrows that had claimed many of her companions that evening. "You've fought valiantly," he assured her, his voice a bastion of calm. "For our kingdom, for every one of us."

As they arrived at the village stronghold, the enigma of Levis's magic intrigued Meleona. She pondered its absence—was it merely concealed, or was there a more profound secret? Within the garrison, they ministered to the injured, their ministrations tender and adept.

Ryker's condition teetered on the edge of uncertainty, prompting them to seek out Serena—the seasoned healer and alchemist whose valor had been proven in the dark lord war seventeen years prior. Serena appeared, her gaze carrying the wisdom of ages and the fatigue of countless battles. Klaus, Robert, and Calvin, brothers in arms, were her progeny, with two more kin stationed in the eastern city. She approached Ryker with a healer's tenderness, her fingers brushing his wounds with a healer's grace. "War etches its marks deep," she whispered, her eyes reflecting memories of a thousand sorrows. "Yet, our calling is to mend."

Thus, they convened—a congregation of the injured, the valiant, the exhausted. They were a mosaic crafted from the threads of sacrifice and fortitude. As dawn's light began to chase away the night, Levis understood a profound truth: They were more than mere soldiers or kin. They were the bearers of a legacy—a chronicle of devotion and endurance amidst the remnants of conflict.

And Meleona? She stood resolute, her allure defying the shadows of dread. In her gaze, Levis discerned a magic untainted by deception, a silent hymn of optimism. Her perplexity at his apparent absence of magical aura, and yet his earlier triumph over Calvin, remained an enigma that danced just beyond her grasp.

In the secluded chamber, shadows danced along the walls, casting an eerie glow over the scene. Serena, her face etched with lines of worry and fatigue, hovered protectively over Ryker. The young man lay still, his chest barely rising, ensnared by the remnants of a sinister spell that left his spirit flickering weakly in the darkness.

Serena's hands, though steady with years of arcane practice, shook with a mother's fear as they wove through the air, coaxing the stubborn magic to release its grip. Ryker, more like a son than a mere friend to her own child, was a beacon of laughter and courage in her memories. Now, he was a silent figure fighting a battle within, his once bright eyes dimmed to a distant echo of their former self.

A surge of resolve tightened Serena's chest. She had witnessed the fall of many to this cruel enchantment, their light snuffed out as if by a tempest's wrath. But Ryker's fate would not mirror theirs; she would not allow the darkness to claim another cherished soul.

Visions of the past war's horrors flashed before her, the cacophony of spells and cries of the fallen filling her senses. She had stood firm then, her magic a defiant blaze amidst the shadows, pulling warriors back from the brink of this very curse.

Klaus, the grizzled warrior with a heart as stubborn as stone, stood by the chamber entrance. His broken arm, now mended by a crude healing potion, hung at his side. His eyes bore the weight of countless battles, but they still held fire. His voice, gravel mixed with the warmth of unwavering support, broke the silence. "You'll find a way, Mother," he said firmly. "You always do."

Rising to her feet, her body protesting the swift movement, Serena addressed him with a voice that carried the weight of their shared history. "Klaus, I require alchemic components that are in my store but... one of rare potency. The gallbladder of a boar is essential—it's the linchpin to shatter the illusion without endangering Ryker's essence and life."

Klaus's brow creased with concern. "A boar's gallbladder? In these depleted lands? Only beers and rabbits are common here. Yet, for Ryker, I'd tear the earth asunder."

With a nod steeped in gratitude and fierce intent, Serena prepared for the delicate alchemy ahead. She held onto the belief in miracles, whispered secrets of ancient lore that promised salvation against the odds. She would craft the potion with care, infusing it with the essence of hope, challenging destiny itself to a duel for Ryker's soul.

The group of youths reconvened, their faces now etched with determination. This time they had more than just excitement for the hunt, they had a purpose. They ventured into the woods, their presence a silent vow against the rustling leaves. The boar, a creature of raw power rare to come across in this woods, would meet its match today. Its gallbladder, a treasure veiled within, was soon to be claimed in the name of life and liberation.