
Star Wizard

One of the most dangerous galactic criminals is finally caught and sentenced to death. But during the execution something goes wrong and his soul, or whatever it was, is transferred into Harry Potter. - And the body... Nothing, the main thing is that he is alive... The game starts again. The story was written back in Feb for my patrons. I'm putting it up now. You can read it in full at: patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Part 7

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Gryffindor Drawing Room.

Hermione sat in the armchair and pondered. She and Ron had gone to Hagrid's the night before and had deduced that Fluffy was guarding the Philosopher's Stone. And while Ron immediately set out to protect the stone from Professor Snape's encroachment, Hermione hesitated. The girl was ambitious, and she was quite ambitious in general. Her soul was warmed by the thought that the possession of the Philosopher's Stone opened many doors. And it's not about money, although it's not about money either. The stone was essentially a source of information that could be used to invent many potions and other useful things, not to mention the elixir of life.

And now Hermione was thinking about how to get the stone for herself without involving Ron. He seemed to really be thinking about the safety of the stone. Idiot. The thought of turning to Potter crossed her mind, but it was a little scary. What if he ratted it out? Or would he want to take the stone for himself? But all fears were outweighed by the cerberus and other possible obstacles. In the end Hermione decided to enlist Potter's support, hinting at the stone in the process of conversation.

A corridor, not far from the dungeons.

- Harry, can I talk to you for a moment? - Hermione was waiting for Potter at the entrance to the dungeons.

- 'Go on Draco, I'll catch up,' Mephistopheles walked up to the girl.

- 'Harry, I might know what Fluff is guarding, but no one else knows about it, only me, well, and whoever put it there.

- You're talking in riddles, Grainger. I like riddles, but I'm not in the mood.

- Harry, there's something really valuable in there.

- So why are you without your ginger friend? What, the Snape version doesn't work anymore, or-" Mephistopheles realised what Hermione was up to, good girl, "or you don't want to lend an ear, am I right?

- What three people know, a pig knows," Hermione said smiling, looking straight into her interlocutor's eyes. - We could help each other...

- You want me to help you get past Pusk... and other possible surprises? - The Prince waved his hand, putting up an anti-hearing field. "That way no one can hear us," he explained.

- Yes, I found out that there will be traps set by the teachers, and at the end, the one guarded by Fluffy.

- So maybe you can tell me what that mysterious thing is after all? - Mephistopheles was willing to co-operate, he liked Hermione's approach to things.

- I'll tell you, but where's the guarantee that you won't leave me here and go there yourself? - Hermione said incredulously.

- Hm, I offer a vow: you swear to give out all the information, and I'll help you get the thing. And we'll agree on how we'll divide it, okay? I'll keep it, but we can both use it.

- All right, Harry.

When all the vows were said, Hermione voiced her speculations about the Philosopher's Stone, causing Mephistopheles to think. After listening to Hermione's arguments, the Prince was inclined to agree with her conclusions. A stone, indeed. Quite a dangerous thing if you know how to use it. It could help Mephistopheles rock his body a bit, for the capacity of his magic, not all of it, of course, five per cent, but still.

- Alright Hermione, I suggest we go tonight. Will you be able to sneak out of the bedroom unnoticed? Wait, though. Here you go," he handed her an invisibility robe.

- Wow, I've read about this, where did you get it from? - Hermione was shocked at how rare it was.

- It was an inheritance. Anyway, as soon as you're out of the bedroom, meet me at the forbidden corridor at 00:30, okay?

- I'm in.

The prince was almost bouncing with anticipation as he headed for the dungeons. On the way he bumped into Snape, who simply ignored him. Snape was treating him strangely. There was a sense of dislike, but what was the reasoning behind it? There seemed to be a conflict with his father. Snape fulfilled his duties as Dean, but no more than that. But now, on the eve of the Philosopher's Stone theft, Mephistopheles had no time for Snape. Bursting into his room, Mephistopheles began to prepare for the event. He took a bunch of potions that he had discreetly stolen from Snape's pantry, a wand, and a couple of amulets of his own making.

At the appointed hour, Mephistopheles stood at the entrance to the forbidden corridor. Footsteps were heard and Hermione was next to him.

- Hi Harry, great stuff, no one's seen me! - Hermione whispered excitedly.

- Well that's what the invisibility cloak is for, baby," the Prince opened the door and stepped into the depths of the corridor, "aren't you afraid?

- It's too late to be afraid," Hermione followed decisively.

- Alahomora," the door opened and the dog appeared to the boys in all its splendour.

Mephistopheles took out an amulet from his pocket, emitting a kind of melody, with the magic of the Sirens. Fluff growled, but gradually gave in under the pressure of the amulet's magic. Finally all three heads rested on the floor and the dog snored. The children approached the hatch and lifting it with levitation charms, they found a hole, ten metres deep. Releasing the chains, Mephistopheles hooked them on the ceiling and taking Hermione in his arms, jumped into the hole. The pair landed on some bushes that tried to grab the children, but Hermione didn't give the plant that chance. With a wave of her wand, the girl summoned a magical flame and the bushes hissed away.

- You're smart," Mephistopheles stretched out, dropping the girl to the floor.

- You could have warned me instead of pawing at me," Hermione grumbled unhappily.

- You're too young for me to get my hands on you," Mephistopheles chuckled and moved on.

The children walked past a strange hall strewn with keys with wings, some of them melted.

- You know Hermione, I don't think we're the first ones here, we should be more careful.

As they entered the next hall, Mephistopheles pushed Grainger aside while he himself fended off a clawed paw strike with a chain. A kind of spider, only ten times larger, covered in chitin and with three tails, was coming at them.

- Oxido Laro," Mephistopheles shrieked, sending a spell at the chimera that could decompose its flesh in seconds. The chitin, however, protected its master. After trying a few more spells, but without much success, Mephistopheles threw a trump card - incomplete transformation into a totem animal. The height increased, the fingers of the industry and oozed poison, from the spine came out a tail, 3 metres long, with a sharp spade at the end.

With a swish of the tail, Mephistopheles threw the creature back against the wall and rushed after it. The boy and the creepy monster clashed in a deadly embrace. The creature wielded its tails, trying to get the offender in the heart or just in the belly, and Mephistopheles frantically searched for the creature's core with his magical vision. Chimeras lived off the magic in the created core and were usually short-lived. But there was no time to wait. Finally, a tired Mephistopheles found the core he was looking for and sank his claws into the body of the mutant spider. The creature roared, but the poison had done its job. Before the core had even died, the monster had dried up from the effects of the poison. The prince got up from the floor, kicked the carcass away and assumed his usual appearance.

Hermione watched everything from the other end of the hall. She was scared for Harry, but she was even more terrified when she saw the transformation. The girl was gripped with terror, and she couldn't even move from her seat. But here Mephistopheles overpowered the creature and threw a glance in her direction.

- What, Hermie, are you scared? - Mephistopheles smiled and became serious again," Remember, if you tell, the oath will kill you.

- Ah... What was that Harry. Who are you?" pro-sipeled Hermione, getting up off the floor.

- I'm not telling you that. Not yet.

On the way out of the room they were met with a surprise in the form of a stone wall with a small opening in the middle and some Runes.

- Harry, let me," Hermione pushed the boy away and began rummaging through her purse. Hermione took out a rectangular bundle and placed it inside the opening and began to cast transfiguration spells. Finally everything was ready, the last incendiary Runes lay on the roll, and the girl pulled the boy back behind the ledge.

- What is it, may I ask? - Mephistopheles eyed Hermione sceptically.

- It's a Muggle remedy, you should have heard of it. It's TNT. - Mephistopheles was about to curse out of surprise, but at that second an explosion went off, shattering the wall.

- Now let's run," Hermione shouted and rushed through the doorway. The still cursing Mephistopheles ran after her. The children ran out into a huge hall, in the middle of which stood a mirror, and beside it...