
Star Wizard

One of the most dangerous galactic criminals is finally caught and sentenced to death. But during the execution something goes wrong and his soul, or whatever it was, is transferred into Harry Potter. - And the body... Nothing, the main thing is that he is alive... The game starts again. The story was written back in Feb for my patrons. I'm putting it up now. You can read it in full at: patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Part 21

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As expected, Mephistopheles got a decent profit from his bet. From 200 Galleons he got almost 15,000. There were only a couple of people betting on Potter as a contestant, including Hermione. After taking his winnings, Mephistopheles walked towards the village, whistling. It was a perfect sunny day, the trial was still about 2 and a half weeks away. Although the Prince didn't know exactly what the challenge would be, or who he would have to fight, he wasn't in a hurry to find out. Why should he? Just as uninteresting. For the second time during his stay here as Harry Potter, Mephistopheles felt the long-forgotten sensations of danger and adventure.

- Hey, kid," he was called out from an alleyway. Mephistopheles looked closely and recognised the aura.

- Hello Tramp, long time no see, - smiled the Prince.

A blond man of short stature came out of the alley.

- Harry, how did you recognise me? - Sirius asked bewildered.

- Well Black, I'm hard to fool with a cheap trick like Polyjuice potion. You have to disguise yourself better than that.

Shaking his head, Sirius took Potter back to his room. This time, Sirius had taken a room in the Boar's Head. Not the best solution for a fugitive.

- What are you doing here, Sirius? Because of the Tournament, it's full of Ministry rats, I'm not the only one who's observant, they might recognise you.

- Well, Harry, I couldn't miss such a momentous occasion as the tournament. And you're in it. How did you do, by the way? - Sirius didn't seem to care about the danger. Mephistopheles didn't, either.

- By right of the Lord.

The Tramp wasn't surprised by the answer. He'd already realised that Potter wasn't just his friend's son and godson. He was much smarter than he wanted to appear.

- Do you know about the trials yet? Are you sure you're up to it?

- I don't know any more about the trials than what Bagman told me. I'm sure of my abilities. - Mephistopheles answered simply. Black shook his head, but he didn't lecture about the danger, he knew it wouldn't work.

They talked some more. Sirius asked about the girls, but Mephistopheles answered evasively. And how could he explain to Sirius that he saw Hermione as a fighter, Daphne as a strong ally, the French girls as whores for a couple of nights. The exception was Fleur: Harry was still undecided about her.


The excitement around the first trial was growing. The Weasley twins were taking bets around the clock. The mountain of gold in their hands was growing, and according to preliminary calculations, they planned to make about 20,000. Of course, they couldn't influence the course of the trial, but they could make a deal....

Mephistopheles sat in the library and listened to Hermione's whining. The girl was fed up with the nitpicking from the Bulgarians. Hermione somehow didn't think she would attract guests. Mephistopheles nodded at her lamentations, but didn't give a reason. The catch was that most of the girls with good reserves, extensive knowledge and attractive looks - were purebred engaged bitches. They may have shown interest in foreigners, but they didn't go any further than greetings. Offers to walk through the village or go on a date were immediately rebuffed. And amongst the half-bloods and muggleborns, there were few like Hermione. Magically strong, intelligent, and unengaged.

In the midst of the revelations, the twins sat down with them. Hermione shut up and looked at them disapprovingly.

- 'Harry, we have a business proposition for you,' George began.

- Do you want to fudge the results? - Mephistopheles raised an eyebrow.

- No rigging," Fred shook his head.

- Yeah, right," said the Prince, "what's my percentage?

- 20 will do? - The twins looked at each other.

- Boys, we're negotiating seriously, and you're offering me a trifle? 50.

- 30 and we'll share exclusive information about a certain Fleur, - Fred bargained.

- 45 + information, and I won't talk about your little secret, - Mephistopheles smiled nastily.

- 40 + information, and we won't tell anyone about your secret, - the twins replied in his tone, and Mephistopheles frantically thought about what they meant.

- All right, 40. I'm listening to you.

- So, information on the charmbaton girl. She's been telling her friends in Hogsmeade recently that you're in love with her and that you might even give her the win. - Fred said.

Hermione looked at Harry in bewilderment and was about to utter a profanity-laced sentence when Mephistopheles burst into laughter throughout the library. He laughed so hard he almost fell off his chair.

- What a wretch. Victory to her, right now! - Mephistopheles calmed down a bit. - Some girls are so stupid, honestly. The best she'll get is a blow job, that's all.

- Are you out of your fucking mind, Potter?! - Hermione was furious and slapped Potter in the face and ran out of sight.

- What did I say wrong? - Mephistopheles shrugged and began to discuss the game with the twins.

The next day, the twins began taking bets on the range of spells the contestants would use. At first Mephistopheles did not believe in the success of this idea, but he had to admit that the twins were right. The people bet. They bet on the sequence, on which spell the participant would finish the test. On which spell would be the most powerful in the arsenal or the most frequently used. Mephistopheles only shook his head. Most Gryffindors were betting on Expelliarmus as the most frequently used spell. That's how they knew it would be used at all. The Prince never found out anything about the test itself, though he tried at one point. Curiosity, what can one say. But the test was kept secret and the Prince could not find out from the start. And if he didn't succeed, then how would mere mortals know about it.

Slytherin bet on near-dark magical charms and were most likely close to the truth. They bet on the ranking of the contestants after the first trial too. Most were betting like this: 1 for Krum, 2 for Potter, and 3 for Fleur. The twins chuckled and were already calculating the winnings in their minds.


Hermione took offence to Potter and in retaliation began to officially date Krum. Mephistopheles was angry but inactive, deciding to deal with both of them a little later. For now, he just ignored Hermione, and gave Kram a threatening look when he was being particularly insolent. Victor seemed to realise what was going on, but despite his instinct for self-preservation, he continued to piss Potter off. He realised that apologising to the brown-haired girl wasn't good for him right now, and in retaliation he began to spend more time with Daphne and Fleur. Daphne was interesting to Mephistopheles in terms of discussing Runes magic, as the girl understood it. Fleur, on the other hand, had a different reason to talk to him. How would she feel when she realised who had been playing with whom all this time.

Charmbaton was letting Potter groom herself, she thought. Mephistopheles, on the other hand, just went for walks with her, gave her little gifts, and generally acted like a 14-year-old would in his place. Sometimes it was tense, for example, when they went into an alley and Mephistopheles brazenly kissed a Frenchwoman, the latter, answering the kiss, withdrew rather quickly, joking about a small but grown-up boy. And no amount of Lorde's ring was going to convince her otherwise.

With Daphne, it was easier somehow. No romance, just science and mutually beneficial co-operation. Though sometimes Mephistopheles caught himself thinking unseemly thoughts. But they were fleeting desires that quickly faded away.

Days flew, adding up to weeks and when 1 day was left before the test, Mephistopheles received a letter about the meeting.

- Hello little one, long time no see, - a cheerful familiar voice sounded, - I see you can't go without adventures.

On the edge of the Forbidden Forest, in the shade of the trees stood Christopher. Squib was tossing a Galleon in his hand and smiling.

- What are you doing here, Chris? I don't suppose you've come to cheer for me, have you? - Mephistopheles said sceptically.

- No, I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm here on business. They brought a lot of interesting things to the tournament, including 1 interesting artefact, which I need. But I won't tell you what it is. I don't want to spoil the surprise.

- You don't mind the guards at all? Or are you relying on me? - Mephistopheles raised an eyebrow at the approving glance, "And what do I get out of it?

- All in good time. I haven't found out yet. When I find out, I'll contact you, I hope you won't refuse," Christopher gave out this information and disappeared into the shadows of the trees. What a man.


When the day of the trials came, all the champions were herded into a tent at the edge of the Quidditch pitch. The field itself was now a trenched arena, strewn with rubble and rocks. The spectators were already gathering in the stands, as evidenced by the noise coming through the spell.

- So, today is the official start of the Tournament of the Three Wizards. You've all read the rules, but you'll only know the nature of the challenge now. It's really quite simple. In the arena, you will face your opponent. All of them are different and all of them are guarding what you are going to get," Bagman began his briefing. Krum was visibly nervous, but he didn't show it. Delacour was shaking. Mephistopheles stood smiling, condescendingly looking at his opponents, as if to show them whose land you guests are on.

- And now, by drawing lots, you will choose your opponents. Ladies first," Ludo opened a small pouch that had been lying under his feet.

Fleur slipped her hand into the bag and pulled out a small figure in the shape of a wolf.

- 'Miss Delacourt, your prize is guarded by werewolves. Not the kind that are abundant in your country, but wild ones. Intelligent but extremely violent beasts that have lost all humanity. They were caught by hunters after these monsters attacked and massacred a small Muggle village. Three werewolves, no weapons, but they don't need them. You're the last one out. You're next, Mr Crump. - Bagman continued. Delacourt blinked her eyes fearfully. Werewolves who controlled themselves, she knew, there were many in France. And their abilities were well known to the girl and that was frightening. One cut or scratch and that was it.

Krum took a dragon figurine out of the bag.

- Mr Krum, your item is guarded by a dragon. A Russian Three-Headed. Partly intelligent. Dragons love gold, and your prize is made of that metal. Your number one, good luck.

- Mr Potter, it's your turn.

Mephistopheles pulled a fang out of a bag. It looks human.

- Mr Potter. Your prize is guarded by a trio of vampires. They are mercenaries hired specifically for the tournament. All three are extremely dangerous, armed with cold weapons. You should know the weaknesses of vampires, but if you don't, that's your problem. Your number 2. Good luck to you. - Bagman said briefly and continued speaking, addressing all the participants, "Be aware gentlemen and ladies - your opponents are quite dangerous, if you get seriously wounded and decide that you cannot continue the trial, raise your hands and say that you can no longer participate. You will be removed from the challenge and no points will be given. You can only leave the arena if you voluntarily surrender, win or die. Good luck to all of you," the official finished cynically.


As the spectators settled into the stands, several quadrocopter-like artefacts circled over the field. They were recording the contest, specifically for later sale. It was possible to watch it in a pool of memory. Unlike those memories that could be taken from the spectators, these were clean, with unnecessary sounds muted and a good picture. The invention belonged to a muggle-born wizard who had graduated not too long ago.

The commentator took his seat, the teachers and judges spread out on the bleachers. The trial had begun.