
Star Wars. Rise of a new Jedi.

As ruthless apprentice to Darth Vader, the Dark Apprentice was mercilessly schooled in the ways of the dark side, commanded to exterminate the last of the purged Jedi Order, and groomed for the ultimate Sith power play: assassination of the Emperor. He served without question, killed without remorse, and lost his heart without warning to beautiful Imperial fighter pilot Ja-ni, never suspecting that he was just a tool in the schemes of his Master's- until it was too late to escape their lethal betrayal. Ja-ni mourned Cale Lestin as dead... but now he is back, purged of all memories and programmed to kill. And as fate brings Ja-ni and Cale Lestin closer to reuniting, with Darth Vader determined not to lose assassin a second time, they will both make a stand. The prize is freedom. The punishment for failing will be eternal enslavement to the dark side of the Force...

Travis_LaRowe24a · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

(Chapter two.)

Cale Lestin had endured much and the hardships he had faced on Kamino and Cato Neimoidia were all for her, until at least he had found her and had saved her, and in the process he had delivered Vader to the newly formed Rebellion.

The Dark Apprentice looked through the dimly lit hold at the captured Darth Vader. I let have you...

Vader's life support unit had been repaired since their battle and the steady breathing of the Dark Lord's respirator was his only response.

You tell me I'm a clone, but I chose to spare you.

Another rhythmic artificial breath.

Maybe Kana is right. Maybe this is all a trick, a way to get me so confused that I'd forget who I really am and become your slave again. But either way, I let you live. I've finally broken your hold over me.

The Dark Apprentice turned and left without waiting for a response, but as he reached the light of the corridor outside the hold, Vader's deep breath spoke.

As long as she lives, I will always control you, Vader promised.

The Dark Apprentice stood with his back to Vader for a moment, before continuing on from the hold and up to the cockpit of the Scarlet Speedster.

As Ja-ni had said to Princess Leia , several small fighters were already in orbit, preparing to depart for different destinations, when the Scarlet Speedster arrived among the space wreckage of the Battle of Kamino.

Prepare for light speed, Ja-ni advised, before launching the Scarlet Speedster along with the rest of the fleet, off into hyperspace.

Moment's later, Slave 1 fell away from the wreckage of a Star Destroyer. Boba Fett waited until the Scarlet Speedster left and then released the docking clamps on his ship. Wasting no time he programmed his navigation computer to track the Scarlet Speedster's course and followed. Fett efficiency plotted his own course and made the jump into light speed.

It was not long belong a third ship rose from the planet and left the system.

Concealed in the shadows of Kamino, ignorant of their Master's plan as it began to unfold. No mere clone could defeat a Dark Lord of the Sith so this was indeed the returned Cale Lestin. The spies had observed, making no move to interfere when Vader was captured and taken away by the Rebels, instead awaiting the right time to slip away themselves and report back to Emperor Palpatine.

As their sleek ship departed the system, they remained unaware that the Bounty Hunter, Boba Fett knew as much as they did and had already left in pursuit of his employer.