
Star Wars. Darth Vader's secret apprentice.

The overthrow of the Republic is complete. The Separatist forces have been smashed, the Jedi Council nearly dominated, and the rest of the Order all but destroyed. Now absolute power rests in the iron fist of Darth Sidious- the cunning Sith Lord better known as the former Senator, now Emperor Palpatine. But more remains to be done. Pockets of Resistance in the galaxy must be defeated and missing Jedi accounted for and dealt with. These crucial tasks fall to Darth Vader. In turn, the Dark Lord has groomed a female lethal apprentice entrusted with a top secret mission to comb the galaxy and dispatch the rest of her Masters enemies, thereby punctuating the dark sides victory with the Jedi's doom.

TravisLaRowe24vcx · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

(Darth Vader's Apprentice part two. )

Chapter two:

Vader grabs the girls hand and pulls her up so that she can stand. He then forces her through the door and makes her walk down the hallway. They turn and another door opens showing a row of tables and chairs.

Sit. He commanded her. A soldier walks over to Vader and gives a short bow.

Give her anything she desires treat her as you would treat me. Said Vader to the officer. With that the Sith Lord walked out of the room. The officer walks towards the girl and looks at her bewildered.

Your lucky to be alive. He said.

Hours later Vader returned. Come with me, he said to the girl. As they were walking Vader thought he would try to learn more about the girl's origins.

What is your name? He said. The girl looked at him and responded. My name is Ja- ni. As the girl talked Vader could tell that some of the death had left her eyes and she seemed to be more aware of her surroundings.

She looked at Vader and said. I chose to die why have I been spared. Vader really didn't know himself but he gave her this response.

People that would rather live and lose their pride then die with honor don't deserve to serve the Empire. The door to the shuttle closed and the ship blasted off towards the Executor.

As the door opened back up a Commander stepped in front and says. My Lord the Emperor would like to speak to you.

While I talk to the Emperor start heading to the Death Star I want to see it's progress. Vader and Ja-ni walked to a room that was very dark and suddenly Vader got on one knee and knelt towards what appeared to be nothing.

Then a hologram appeared of a very old man. Vader quickly grabbed Ja-ni's arm and jerked her down to get her to also bow. She felt as if he ripped her arm off. Then the old man spoke. It is good to see you my old friend.

The feeling is mutual my Master. Ja-ni couldn't believe it this is the man that everyone feared. He was the only person that Darth Vader the Dark Lord of the Sith would obey.

And who is this? Asked the Emperor.

Her name is Ja- ni and she comes from Raven 5 the Force is strong with this one Master. I thought you could take her as one of your Hands and train her. Replied Darth Vader. The Emperor then closed his eyes and breathed in heavily.

No, I will not train her you will take her as your apprentice she seems to want it that way. He said as he smiled. How did he know what she was thinking she thought.

Vader: Yes my Master.

The reason I called you is that it's time we revisit the planet of Kashyyyk. I trust you know what to do. The transmission then ended.

Darth Vader rose but Ja-ni still bowed but instead of to the Emperor she bowed towards her new Master. Vader in a deep dark voice said. Do you wish to learn the power of the dark side of the Force? She responded with. If you teach I will learn.

Vader: Hence forth you shall be known as Darth Venus. Now rise.

Ja-ni: Yes my Master.