
Star Wars VRMMO

First and foremost: Yes. I drew the cover myself in Microsoft Paint. It is a masterpiece. You're welcome. This is my second work. I thought I'd give a shot at one of those game novels. I've always had a dream of there being a video game where it was kinda like a combination of an MMO and GTA but with Star Wars themes. You'd be able to travel the whole galaxy and have progression that relates to the story. I think it'd be quite interesting. Essentially, I am going to be creating a universe so this is going to be a really fun experience for me. There is gonna be no bullshit with reincarnation. Just pure exploration and luck. I might experiment with different POVs throughout the work but who knows. Lastly, sorry if I make mistakes with the math. I am going to try and keep it as simple as possible. Here is a preview: The year is 2086. The VRMMO market has been taking off in the last 20 years. Each title is more advanced than the previous. Finally, an unknown entrepreneur is creating a game that introduces an AI that fully manages the game independently. This unknown investor has partnered with Disney to create this game within the story of Star Wars. Tyler Sandberg is a 17 year old boy living in New York, USA. He lost his father in a space exploration accident and he has been living with his mother since that happened. Unfortunately, the two have been struggling financially ever since his father passed so they live a modest lifestyle. Since his father was an astronaut, he was always super into sci-fi content. Star Wars was his favorite. After finding out that there was a mysterious VRMMO Star Wars game coming out, he swore that he would make it big in the game and get him and his mom the lifestyle they deserve. DISCLAIMER: All characters, companies, and events in this novel --even those based on real world entities-- are entirely fictional. All representations are made up ... poorly. This novel contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be read by anyone.

N3wman · Games
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71 Chs

The Malevolence Part V

The Twilight was parked inside the hangar of a cruiser. Anakin was currently in the cockpit, prepping the ship for departure.

The door slid open and Obi Wan came through. "I trust you've already formulated a brilliant plan to rescue your wife."

Anakin smirked as he continued pressing buttons, each one beeping as he prepared the ship. "As a matter of fact, I have."

Obi Wan sighed. "Do we have a plan B? Every operation needs a backup, Anakin."

Anakin looked down to the side and then up at Obi Wan who was now sitting next to him. "I don't have a backup… yet, but I do have a plan for getting on that ship."

Obi Wan raised his brow in curiosity. "Really?"

Anakin looked at Obi Wan excitedly. "The enemy sensors are obviously damaged, so we'll sneak in behind them and dock at the emergency airlock."

Obi Wan scoffed. "That's your plan? Just fly there, land, hope they don't spot us, and walk in the door?"

Anakin smirked and shrugged. "Basically."

Obi Wan sighed. "Oh, brilliant." He looked forward and nearly choked. "I think your backup plan has arrived."

Anakin looked to see what Obi Wan was seeing. "See? It's all gonna work out."

Obi Wan shook his head. "That troublemaker is the last thing we need on an infiltration mission."

Anakin laughed. "Master Draco is always welcome. He knows how to have fun."

As he said this, the door slid open and Tyler strolled in. "Did I miss anything? Aside from his lack of a plan of course." He pointed at Anakin.

Obi Wan laughed. "It's so like him, isn't it?"

Tyler shrugged. "He is the number two most unpredictable Jedi."

Anakin gave a confused face. "And who is number one?"

Tyler smirked. "Me, of course. Let's get going. It's not polite to keep your woman waiting."

Anakin nodded and pulled down the thrusters, lifting the ship off the ground. The engines whirred to life and they immediately took off, exiting through the shields. As they flew, the hangar doors opened and they departed.

While they were flying, Tyler decided to spark up some conversation. He was still bored despite the raging battle going on around them. "So Anakin, have you taken the wife on a honeymoon yet?"

Anakin thought for a moment. "Well, after Geonosis we visited her family and the Queen on Naboo. They have a lake house that is very peaceful. That was definitely some of the best meditation I have ever done."

Tyler clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Tsk tsk. That's no honeymoon. That's just you meeting her family."

Anakin raised his brow and looked at Tyler. "Oh, wise Master Jedi, please share your wisdom with me. What is a honeymoon?" He grunted as he finished his words due to him pulling sharply to the right, barely avoiding a turbolaser shot. If it hit them, they would have been obliterated.

Tyler laughed and relaxed in a seat. "A honeymoon is where you and your betrothed go on a trip and do something that you wouldn't normally do. The most important part is that you do it together. Both of you already travel around the galaxy, seeing the most beautiful of sights, meeting all kinds of people, but there is something that neither of you do. You don't relax."

Anakin sighed. "Time to relax is hard to come by these days. How do you relax?"

Tyler laughed nervously. "Well aside from the occasional night with the fiancee or having liquor with every meal, I sleep. However, I have just the place for you."

Anakin raised his brow in curiosity. "So, what is it?"

Tyler laughed and put on his salesman face. "The Limitless Collection by Marriot. Each of these gorgeous properties has every luxury and amenity you can imagine. Food, drink, music, only the best of all of it. The best part is the experience. You can go skiing on the mountains of Hoth, explore the jungles and caves of Kashyyyk, bathe in the oceans of Scarif, and much much more. Each of the properties is self sustaining, using state of the art technologies that make you feel like you're in heaven. Make your reservation today!"

Obi Wan was cracking up. "Oh my. I never thought I'd see the day when a Jedi Master spends his free time as a salesman."

Anakin was deep in thought. "Scarif sounds fun. I think Padme would enjoy the beach."

Tyler grinned. "Obi Wan, maybe you can take your special lady to one of my resorts one day. Even royalty would feel right at home."

Obi Wan grimaced. "What are you talking about?"

Tyler laughed. "I have said this many times but I'll say it again. There aren't many things that happen in this galaxy that I don't know about. Maybe I can get you two back together someday. I am a Mandalorian afterall. Probably the most notorious one in all the galaxy." He bumped his chest plate. "How do you think I was able to get this beskar so easily? Anyways, that ship doesn't look too good."

Obi Wan nodded. "If they spot us, we'll be pulverized." At this point, they were nearing the bridge of the Malevolence.

Anakin laughed. "They're too busy repairing the ship. They don't have time to notice us." He pulled the wheel again and avoided another stray turbolaser shot.

Obi Wan rolled his eyes. "Subtlety has never been one of your strong points, Anakin."

Anakin smirked. "Everything I know I learned from you, Master. And also a few things from the salesman."

Obi Wan shook his head. "Oh, if only that were true. I always wonder if Master Qui Gon would have taught you better."

Tyler perked up from hearing that name. "Speaking of him, what has he been up to? I haven't seen him since the war started."

Obi Wan sighed. "He went missing some time before the war began. His ship crashed on this world called Ziost. Once we reached the crash site, we couldn't find anyone. What is interesting is that the ship was fully intact and no bodies were found inside. After a few months, we had to postpone the investigation due to the war."

Tyler raised his brow. "Interesting. Is anyone still looking for him? If not, I will."

Obi Wan's eyes lit up. "Sadly, no one has held out hope any longer. He hasn't contacted us so he is presumed to be dead. However, I wish you luck. Maybe you can find something that we couldn't." He pulled out a small drive from his pocket. "Here, take this. I always keep this on me in case I find a lead by chance. This is all the information we found but it's all a dead end."

*Hidden Main Storyline Quest Triggered: Finding Qui Gon Jinn*

*Rank: Legendary*

*Description: Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn and his team went missing during a mission. Their ship crashed on Ziost and that is their last known position. Investigate who or what is behind this and discover the team's whereabouts. Rewards will vary based on completion rating. Maximum rewards are shown below.*

*Rewards: 20 Legendary Jedi Holocrons, +10000 Jedi Order Reputation, +30000 Qui Gon Jinn Reputation, +24000 Obi Wan Kenobi Reputation*

Tyler raised his brow upon seeing this. He had never seen or heard of a quest like this. Main storyline quests can be hidden? This quest was also a bit interesting. Tyler is the one that made it so Qui Gon didn't die. Apparently the Jedi Master went on a journey to explore the galaxy. He was likely looking for ancient Jedi and Sith artifacts.

Tyler sighed. "Well, I hope I can find him alive." He plugged the data drive into his wrist comm and copied the data into his personal archives. He then handed the drive back to Obi Wan. "I copied the data. I will use all of my resources to look into this."

Obi Wan smiled. "I appreciate it, Draco."

The ship shook as they docked into the airlock. The three Jedi and R2 got up from their seats and entered the airlock. They got onto a lift and R2 activated it.

Obi Wan shook his head. "Anakin, you're crazy. Spinning is not flying."

Anakin smirked. "But it's a good trick."

Obi Wan rolled his eyes. "We do not want to be spotted."

As he said this, the doors slid open. On the other side, two droids were walking over to investigate the noise. Tyler was already on it. He pulled his revolver style blaster out of its holster and spun it as he lifted it to aim. He pulled the trigger twice, slightly adjusting the aim between the two shots. The two blaster bolts struck the two droids in the head and they dropped to the floor.

Obi Wan and Anakin both looked at the droids and then back to Tyler.

Tyler shrugged as he blew the smoke off the tip of the blaster and holstered it with finesse.

Obi Wan just shook his head. "Well so much for stealth."

Anakin laughed. "You stay here R2."

The three Jedi started running through the halls of the Malevolence. It was awfully quiet aside from the small fires and smoke.

Anakin's comm started beeping and a voice came through. "Master, we've found the senator. I'm patching her through."

Anakin got serious. "Padme?"

Padme replied. "Anakin."

Anakin was very worried. "Are you alright? Where are you?"

Padme quickly replied. "On the lower levels. I'm fine but I don't know for how long. Droids are everywhere."

Anakin nodded. "Obi Wan, Draco, and I are on board too."

Padme was livid. "What?! What are you doing here?!"

Anakin scoffed. "We came to get you off this ship. Ahsoka, how can we get to the senator?"

Ahsoka replied. "According to our scans, there seems to be a large open area in the center of the ship. It should be halfway between the two of you."

Anakin nodded. "We're on our way. Did you hear that, Padme?"

Padme replied. "I'll be there."

The three Jedi began running again, full speed towards the central area.

Tyler sighed. "I have a feeling that Grievous is getting help searching for Padme."

Anakin rolled his eyes. "Well of course. Every droid on this ship is probably hunting for her."

I shook my head. "Separatist guilds are probably on this ship. Possibly even some Sith. I can sense living beings among the droids."

Obi Wan sighed. "You are right. This won't be easy."

I nodded. "We should probably try to see if we can take down this ship from the inside."

Anakin smirked. "I like the sound of that. So many methods to choose from. We can rig the power plant, we can detonate the munitions…"

I laughed. "Or we could just crash it into an uninhabited planet. I love me some scrap collecting. That was how I first made money."

Anakin pointed in front of their group. "Look! I think that's it!"

They sped up even more and reached the end of the hall. It opened up into a massive cargo bay. There were countless tracks with maglev trains flying at high speed to ferry supplies across the ship. The Malevolence was massive enough to require something like this.

Obi Wan sighed. "I don't see her Anakin."

Anakin shook his head. "She's here, Master. I sense it."

Suddenly, blasters could be heard firing in the distance. Looking to the source, a woman and a golden droid were retreating from a squad of battle droids.

Tyler sighed. "Let's move. Padme is in one of her usual predicaments."

The three Jedi ignited their four lightsabers and ran off to save Padme.